Gigatron's Forum Posts

  • I get about 20 fps on the first one. It'd be better if you had a side by side comparison.

    Just included fps monitor too on the second, and changed star shape + rotating...

    I think i will use phaser framework for doing 3dstarfield with selectable shape...

    .. use Chrome for max speed ..

  • So how much of an improvement are you seeing?

    Mr newt

    I am trying some fast canvas renderers on Webgl..

    Another example is shape 3dstarfield with 10000 stars.. this one is really fast.

    By the way since 3 days minifyer is not working on C2.. i have used Goole closure compiler. This source is now minifyed ...

  • Hi

    Late i asked if it's possible to draw pixijs on C2... after some hours of work yes..

    I will show you a little demo .. Sprite counter set to 5000. All done with WebGL Render.

    So i dont know what i will do with this

    this library.. meditation on the run !!

  • Hi l&g

    It's amazing what you can do with C2...

    Possible with using differents blend FX..


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  • Hi

    Another shader on my HDrive waiting for share .. but need add params;

    Live demo :

    Wait a couple of day i will upload it soon..

    Have Fun ;

  • Hi there

    Quick port of Yuv Rotation from web to Construct2...

    Online demo :

    Parameter : Speed for rotation;

    Have Fun

  • Ok this plugin was updated, download again ; link is the first post.

    Have fun;

  • Um sorry for taking so long to test this, but why does the demo not work when you remove the sin behavior from the text.

    It's the weirdest thing I've seen in a while.

    you are right ; i will fix this asap...

    Thx for this issue

    Edit: Ok it's fixed now , and will uploaded soon ...

  • i dont get it... i see a starfield... random color images and thats it.. is something else about the script?

    don't forget you are on Amiga.... click left mouse button , and wait a bit for trainer screen, after that select start option

    and than you can play gianna sisters...

    Shift is fire, arrows keys for direction control etc...

    Chrome seems faster than others...

  • Sound Enabled to play Some Games (will change); Please use Chrome with Fast Processor desktop at least 4 core.

    Can you imagine ... i have 14.4 Ghz speed and have speed issue to emulate 7.09 MHZ !!!! Amiga.

    if we have 14.4 ghz amiga we can then emulate 100GHZ PC !!!

  • Hells Teeth!

    Gianna Sisters. I remember this game well.

    This could be fun. Playing Leander in a browser - would be sweet

    good idea

    Leander is heavy.. 3 Adf disk but i have triyed hybris and now Amegas running well on Chrome without sound..

  • Hi L&G

    Here is a new dimension of HTML5 Javascript..

    Scripted Amiga Emulator Running at full speed on C2 Project..

    This is a copyrighted script commercial usage is prohibited...

    ----- Go for now the SAE Website and use your own .adf files etc....


  • hii Gigatron , when i am using it with my background image, it works fine for desktop, but on mobile devices its giving 10-30 fps .

    Any solution ?

    The solution is octo core mobile... hide some params . Choose one or two of them;

    clouds_visibility 0.0 Off 1.0 On etc...

    • center_stars_visibility
    • moving_stars_visibility
    • asteroids_visibility
  • Ok you are in the right way ... so i have no time now... but to play with it insert this code

    	function remplie(color)
    		//	var tmp = ctx.fillStyle;
    		//	var tmp2=ctx.globalAlpha;
    		//	ctx.globalAlpha=1.0;
    		//	ctx.fillStyle = color;
    		//	ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w,h);
    		//	ctx.fillStyle = tmp
    		//	ctx.globalAlpha=tmp2;
    			var my_gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, h);
                my_gradient.addColorStop(0, '#000000');
                my_gradient.addColorStop(.5, '#FF0000');
                my_gradient.addColorStop(1., '#000000');
    			ctx.fillStyle = my_gradient;
    			ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
    		}	[/code:1uhrufct]
    And you have a red gradient ;  add colorstop is the start of the top to bottom ... 0 to .5 to .1.0
  • In any case, it's pretty cool. I'm already making a ptotoype using it, but I decided to use a bunch of webgl so it would never probably run properly on android anyway!

    Take a look:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    By the way, would it be possible to add a gradient color option to the background instead of plain black? So it looks like this starfield effect? effect-radial-starfield_t128707?&hilit=starfield

    great !!

    Yes it's possible , but i must rework the code ... understand the base of this plugin...

    update routine ();

    draw stars..

    draw black rect

    draw stars

    draw black rect

    draw stars

    draw black rect .... every thick per seconds ... ect etc ..

    so if i want gradient , question ? What must i do ?

    Answer is :

    we must draw gradient instead of "black rect" .... Right ?

    can i do this ? YES ...

    So tell me what colors you want i can try to do for you ...