GideonG's Forum Posts

  • I THINK (emphasis on think) that you may need to make a workaround using the "move towards" function instead of the drag and drop behaviour. What I mean is, rather than the drag and drop behaviour, implement events that essentially execute logic similar to this:

    While mouse is down

    move object towards mouse.x,mouse.y,

    That way clicking (and holding) can simulate drag and drop capabilities (especially if you adjust speed and such so that it does so quickly), but it still should interact with solid objects.

    I hope this helps some. Good luck with your project!



  • When you say, do you mean the type of game where orbs chase other orbs around and (basically) try and eat each other?

    I can't see any reason why something like that wouldn't be possible personally. Try looking some of the example projects on real time multiplayer, then look at the file browser object for your photo functions.

    Hope this can help with a place to start, good luck!



  • If your project isn't going to be hugely CPU intensive from other aspects of the game, or isn't looking for release on mobile devices, you could replace the particle object with a 'sprite' object which would allow you to enact both situation a) and b) above. I'm not sure how much more CPU intensive using individual instances of a sprite rather than a single particle sprite would be, however it may be a necessary / valuable consideration because you'll be able to do a whole lot more with the objects than particles.

    I hope this helps a little.



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  • Another way would be designating each instance of the text object with an instance variable set as a string, with it's value containing the text to be spoken, then you can have a blanket event essentially saying "let all 'text.objects' text = instance variable:'text'".

    Then you can use the "pick nth instance" (I think that's what's used) and change the variables themselves to change each individual instance's text.

    Hopefully that helps some, good luck SwatHound.



    Also, can I just say RayKi , massive respect for the Scott Pilgrim avatar man, thumbs up for awesome taste.

  • I've been hanging around the forums for a while now, and only just realised I haven't introduced myself.

    I'm Gideon,

    I'm a fairly amateur game developer, who's experience is mostly invested in Construct 2 and RPG Maker. My main area of 'expertise' (hours and hours of practice, but no formal training of yet) design side is in graphic design, with everything from titles to typography and HUD design.

    In terms of actual qualification, I'm doing a joint degree in Media/Literature/Commerce, with media production being my passion.

    My game genre of choice is RPGs, with JRPGs like Final Fantasy, Mugen Souls/NIS games and 'Tales of' being staples of my game playing.

    I'm looking forward to continuing my involvement in the C2 community, it's a fantastic environment!



  • Would the waves need to interact with objects, or is it purely a visual effect? And when you say movement, do you mean spawn point, the direction they move, or both?



  • Hey all,

    I'm a freelance graphic designer / logo designer / typography nut looking for some experience and projects to expand my portfolio. As I'm fairly new, I'm more inclined to aim for smaller projects and payment isn't a must, I'm happy with the experience and some credit for some games around the indie scene.

    [Edit:] I am packing the rep to post URLs as yet, so message if you are interested or would like to see an example of some titles I have done.



  • Do you want the highscore to be online, or locally stored (so that it's unique to the player/device)?

    And regarding the elevation of the pipe, I'd have to see your script/events to be of any help. That being said, feel free to shoot me a private message or a reply, I can try and help you (no payment needed).

  • I'm curious about this one as well. Emoji are a great feature for a game with chat, and I'd love to implement them but have no clue how.

  • Thanks! Believe it or not, I've read through those a couple of time, as well as numerous others, it's just been so long since I've used C2, I had a mental blank. Thanks again!

  • AH THAT'S IT! Thank you so much! You're a livesaver!

  • Sorry guys,

    I have had a TOTAL mental block about this. I want to make a GUI show up in my view and stay in that position relative to the view. I'm assuming it's fairly simple, and I know I've done it before, but It seems It has totally slipped my mind how to do it!

    Sorry to be a bother!

  • Hi everyone,

    Sorry to be a bother again, but I was wondering if there is a way to scale the sprite is loaded from a URL.

    In my project, I have a file selection dialogue, which upon a file being selected, a sprite loads the chosen image from the URL. Is there a way I can set the sprite so that the width of the image is set to the width of the layout, then the sprite/layout automatically change sizes according to the height of the image.

    Thanks in advance for any help that can be given!

  • broomop and I mean a program that is able of holding basic conversations with the user, and doing so in a way that feels fairly decent. Like Cleverbot before it was corrupted and turned mean. XD

    sadsack I know what you mean, and that's why I asked. I was working on one in for a couple of weeks but given I'm not that great at coding in general, I didn't get far at all.

  • This is more out of curiosity than anything, but has anyone had any luck in regards to creating a chatbot in Construct 2? I've seen a few programs in that do it, and I just wondered if anyone has had luck with C2's style of making apps?

