GeometriX's Forum Posts

  • Wow, Lordshiva1948, overreaction of the century. Please don't think that you speak for anyone but yourself.

    Lilvee was simply asking "hey, isn't it true that people could steal my game if I post the capx?" It's a totally valid question, and this is not the first time this issue has come up. Nor will it be the last time the issue comes up. There was no accusation, just a perfectly acceptable newbie question met with a harsh and overblown reaction.

    Lilvee, when people ask for a capx, it means that they cannot guess your problem, so they need to see it for themselves. If you're worried about someone stealing your game or assets, create a duplicate capx that has all of the other content stripped out, and only has the issue that you're asking about. Actually this is a far better practice anyway: doing so makes it easier for other people to work through your code, and it often has the side-effect of forcing you to take apart your code and sometimes fix it in the act of doing so.

  • This is definitely possible in Construct. I actually just posted a thread about this, along with an example of some crazy indoor parallax scrolling usage:

    For your purpose (creating a vast outdoor scene), you just need to create a number of layers with gradually decreasing parallax. Then play and tweak constantly. This sort of "technical art" requires a lot of practice.

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  • If you export to Node-Webkit with Kiosk mode enabled (available in one of the recent releases), it'll disable the maximise/minimise controls for the window. Then, use the NW object's maximise action.

    Oddly, though, Kiosk mode is meant to force fullscreen on its own, but for some reason the C2 implementation doesn't seem to do so without that event.

  • Release r180 added the platformer changes. It's a beta release.

  • Here's a total rework of the events. Using UIDs to keep track of everything is key when you're dealing with multiple instances like this.

  • You're using a pretty old version of Construct. Download the latest version; recently double-jump and jump sustain were added to the native platformer behaviour.

    PS: Your project is a mess! Get some folders in your object list, change your sprite names and set up event groups before you lose your mind trying to fix organisational issues later down the line

  • 1 is definitely particle effects. 2 looks like a mix of very subtle manual animation (Spriter would handle this nicely) of the tree trunks, and either manually animated leaves or just creating a separate object that's given the sine->rotation behaviour. You could also do the tree entirely in Construct with a mix of the sine and pin behaviours with separate trunk and branch objects. Judging by the random angle of the leaves, 3 is either a few different particle effects or a jury-rigged particle emitter that uses sprites with some sort of movement behaviour (probably bullet).

    Getting the particles to behave in the exact way that you want will take some practice, but here's an example to get you started.


  • There's a plugin for that:

  • If you can reliably recreate the issue with step-by-step instructions, I'd suggest that you post a bug report. I haven't tested enough to find any consistency.

  • Does the NW window stay open in the background after the first time you test, or do you close it? I've found that Construct often gets confused if the preview window in Chrome stays open, either not running the preview at all, or just not switching to it.

  • Enigma Virtual Box handles this quite nicely, and is free. It can bundle the entire exported folder into a single, protected executable. Of course, nothing is hack-proof, but if you're worried about this sort of thing, then it's better than nothing.

  • Today I decided to experiment with the idea of pushing parallax layers to their limits, with the goal of creating a real sense of depth and engagement with the player while retaining the feel of a 2D game (so no technical trickery, just optical trickery).

    My idea started as this: I want a side-scrolling beat-'em-up presentation in which the player can see inside buildings that they walk by. Easy enough. But then I thought about putting in a reflection map of sorts to connect the player with what might be behind the camera. Then I got silly, and added in a few more layers. Eventually I ended up with this:


    You can grab the file here [r182, 2.5MB]. 90% of the interesting stuff happens in the layer properties panel, between parallax settings, effects, z-order and blend modes. You can see it in action here.

    I'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts on the subject. How to improve that illusion of depth or tweak it, or some other snazzy ideas or implementations you've thought of. I've specifically chosen an indoor scene because I think it's the most challenging (and rewarding), but I'd love to see any interesting outdoor scenes as well.

  • Some of the issues with seams have already been solved. If you turn off pixel rounding, set sampling to point, and fullscreen to letterbox integer scale, you can play with the fullscreen options at runtime (browser: request fullscreen, for example) to get good results.

  • You will need to update the version code to increment based on the previous version code, but that only comes into effect with Application Loader; it should at least build in Intel XDK regardless of what you put in (and long as something is there).

    Hmm, so everything else should be fine. It's worth asking: are you running the absolute latest version of Intel XDK?

    I'd also suggest that you create a new project file, just for the sake of testing and ruling out possibilities. Maybe something became corrupt along the way.

    Also, just to be clear: you've actually selected the icons, splash screens and provisioning files in the project config, instead of just placing them in the www folder?

  • iOS export works for me on Intel XDK, using the exact same files as the "Android" export from C2, so you're probably just missing something.

    Does building for Android Crosswalk work? Does the emulator work? Have you configured your project settings (version code, App ID, etc.)? Have you imported all the necessary icons? Have you imported your ad hoc and/or production provisioning files?