GeometriX's Forum Posts

  • Not sure what you you mean. The loader layout is just something to show the player while all the game files are downloaded. That only happens once upon first load, so you'd only ever need one loader layout.

  • Posting an image would definitely help - use image tags ([.img] and [./img] tags (without the .))

    Generally for platformers I've found that it's best to use a separate invisible sprite as the camera scroll-to object anyway. Otherwise you have that nasty thing of a camera following the character when they jump - an almost universally undesirable effect.

    Set the object to follow the character's X but not Y (maybe with some lerp to smooth out its movements, too), and only update its Y when necessary (like when moving to a new vertical screen or jumping onto a major platform) with markers around the level.

  • I'm a bit late to the party but I'll add in my 2c anyway:

    SVN terrifies me, it seems clunky and awkward. If it's the industry standard then that's fine, but C2 (and its users) is hardly reflective of the industry as a whole. We're a different sort and we use this software because of that. Something like SVN is way out of the league of most C2 users (myself for sure, and a few others I've spoken to on the topic, at least).

    Construct has a reputation for rapid updates, which is great, but by that reputation those updates focus on "cool new stuff" instead of improving the core of the software. I love getting new toys to play with almost every beta update, but I'd much rather go for months if I knew that something as substantially important as modularity would be on the other side of that wait - or longer, whatever.

    The voting for new features is always going to be skewed because new users want **** new features and veterans want improvements to the core application, solid exporters and general stability.

    It cannot be stated enough how important modularity (and an asset store) is to the future of Construct.

  • Awesome idea, I plan on adding in all my polished examples soon, and probably polishing up some of the more simple ones and sharing them, too.

    A question/suggestion: is there any way to group together similar examples? For example, there are many ways to do an on-screen keyboard, some more suitable than others depending on what people want out of them. I foresee a lot of duplicates or similar examples being posted, but if we could have a way of adding additional examples (with their own author and description) to an existing one, that would help to keep things clean.

  • Oh, very derp of me. Thanks, that makes far more sense! :D

  • This is a great looking plugin, but I can't figure out how to exactly replicate your demo. Did you apply the effect to a layer, or an overlaid sprite? It doesn't seem to like being applied to multiple layers.

  • I would love every feature you mentioned. The bezier tool most of all, but I think that's a lot more complicated.

  • Global variables aren't reset between layouts. That's entirely the point of them.

    flemmig, I can only think that you're either deliberately resetting them with an event, or you're accidentally using local variables.

    EDIT: Just saw your reply now. I'd suggest that, if you need to reset global variables often, you use WebStorage or Dictionary to store your score.

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  • Here's a pretty simple twin stick example that uses the 8-direction behaviour. I think you'd be better off ultimately using the custom movement behaviour, as the player movement in 8-direction is a bit too stilted for this sort of game, but you should get the general idea from this.

  • Like pretty much all 2D games, point-and-click adventure games are definitely doable in C2. Getting the basics right - user interface, character animation and movement, camera and screen control - won't be too difficult, but the more advanced stuff like dialogue trees, quests and inventory management will require a pretty high level of knowledge of C2.

    To be completely honest, there are tools out there dedicated to this genre, and I do think you'd be better off using them in the long run. This doesn't mean "C2 can't do it", just that, in my opinion, you'll get better and quicker results from using software dedicated to the creation of point-and-click adventure games.

  • I think you should still be aware of memory limitations, and try to target the lowest common denominator in terms of system specs. Obviously if a game runs badly on a medium-spec PC, you're forced to target a smaller audience.

    So, I'd say that you can definitely be more free on desktop than on mobile/tab, but don't completely ignore optimisation, and always test as you go on a range of devices.

  • Until there's a reliable way to use the system keyboard across all platforms, I'd recommend building your own.

    Here's an on-screen keyboard I made a while ago. It's hooked up to a simple word guess game, but that's just for illustration.

    If you really wanted to go with the oldschool highscore name entry thing (which I don't recommend - what a pain for the player!) then I'm sure you could do that by simply cycling through a one-dimensional array that's been preloaded with the alphabet via JSON, and adding to a text object with each current position's value.

  • Which controller is it exactly? From my experience, controllers have to support XInput to work with C2 at all.

  • It definitely prevents climbing. Getting stuck under overhanging ledges would just require a bit more fiddling of that same concept, I'd think (checking on which side of the player the wall is, then check that wall's angle, and check if the player is jumping or attempting to).

    Here's a capx for a more refined version of what I suggested before. The only thing that doesn't look great is if the player stands inside an overhang and mashes jump while holding in the direction key against the wall, which is pretty atypical player behaviour anyway. You can always extend the push by a few more pixels to alleviate this, but it depends on the animations you've got and how twitchy that'll look. If the player lets go of the direction key while pressing jump, it'll look great, though.

  • For a very rough solution (there's definitely some room for refinement), I'd suggest using two events to push the player away slightly:

    Is Player overlapping Wall at offset (-1,0) -> Player Set x to self.x+1

    Is Player overlapping Wall at offset (1,0) -> Player Set x to self.x-1

    I'd also suggest adding in a condition to check the wall's angle, otherwise the player vibrates while pushing against flat walls.