GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • I think there might be a couple of lists going around but they aren't official. The best thing you can do is to search the forum and either bump an old thread with the same idea or start a new post and have links to the older posts. Power in numbers!

    As far as changes to the editor goes I think we will be waiting for c3 because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to implement things twice.

    Out of curiosity though, what are your ideas?

  • Hey Unconnected,

    Its called the 'fog of war' and im sure there would be a lot of resources out there to help you come up with the most efficient version if you are worried about performance.

    Remember in the old warcraft games when you selected a unit you didn't have the same controls as the current RTS's . For example if you have a unit selected in starcraft 2 you can make him walk in a circle with enough clicks - try that in the old games and you would end up with a hexagon shape instead.

    You have the right idea using arrays. See this 4 by 4 array below.





    This array represents the overall map and the 0's are the spaces that are currently free to be moved onto. If your character is the number 1 then you can move any direction (this is how we determine collisions when they are made but the same thing can apply to what has been explored and what hasn't).

    For the fog itself you have the option of using tilemaps or simply tiled background objects - depends on how your maps are set up really.

  • I think it will be good for you to get out there and try some of the alternatives. That way when you come back you will have more appreciation for C2. Not trying to be offensive (and not claiming that c2 is perfect either) but in my opinion this is hands down the best software for ambitious beginners.

    Maybe the problem for you was that there wasn't 1 clear cut way of doing everything. It is a shame you didn't ask for help earlier because you would have got it.

    As for networking though, designing a network game is hard and you need to plan in advance so it is not the best thing to start with as newt said. When you do return be prepared to put in a reasonable amount of time to learn the fundamentals.

    winkr7 off topic but regarding the wait 0 thing - basically if you ever find the event sheet skips something (like you create a bullet and assign it a variable and then pick that bullet by its variable and it doesn't work) then a wait 0 or wait 0.1 can allow it to catch up and pick properly. Its rare that you ever have to do it and is kind of hacky really.

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    Hey Pixel,

    I have worked on a lot of large projects and haven't run into this before. I am inclined to think that it is a problem with your code but you might be right. If you are sure you should definitely lodge a bug report.

    What I normally do when I run into something that 'should' be working but isn't is to place stops in your connecting events so you can inspect what all the variables are at each point. So if you have an event that handles saving or loading, disable your function call or whatever style you use to link events and see if it is consistent.

  • Sorry for the late reply Raster. It is working for me now, loaded up quick no issues.

    Had a quick play, there was a tiny pause when I first picked up a blue orb (likely because I was loading the sound for the first time) but after that everything was smooth.

    What you can do is play the sound ahead of time so that it doesn't freeze when you first load it during gameplay.

    Looking great mate keep up the good work.

  • Hey Raster, how big is your game? I think I got stuck on the loading screen.

    If you don't want to share your project to be debugged (which I understand completely) then what you can do is try to replicate the problem in a new project. If it still doesn't work then you can share that instead. If it does you can go back over your code to see where the difference is.

  • Hey Jonny,

    Your file says it needs to have a key to be decrypted.

  • I like your colour scheme. I don't think that works how you're imagining it. It would be the same as it is currently (pressing both directions will cause a standstill).

    Kind of agree with you though, especially for controller its pretty hard to press left and right at the same time. Keyboards though are another story.

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  • Hey armour, are you familiar with functions?

    If not then the simplest event you could use would be getting the enemy sprite to create a bullet then use the wait action, fire, wait, fire, wait for reload and then repeat.

  • It likely wont matter for you but it is good practice to have what assets you need loaded onto the layout ahead of time. This is so there is no jank when c2 goes to create the objects you need.

    Can you use debug in the free version? If so test both ways and see if you can spot any difference.

  • The only problem with that andreyin is that if the player is pressing both directions then it will always go right instead of the way he was running first.

  • Hey Edison, your screenshot isn't enough to help out unfortunately. Upload an example cap.x and it will be an easy correction.

    From your screen shot every time you press G you will spawn the weapon because their is no other check in place (like checking if you even have a gun to drop).

  • Ok, so you know how you want to handle the conflicting situation of when both directions are pressed. Now to code it up with events.

    Start with setting the platformer object's 'Default controls' to no (when clicking the player object the properties will appear on the left hand side of the screen).

    Now we just need to set up a instanced variable for our player that will store the current direction so we can use that to test when pressing a new direction.

    Example here :

  • Hey Mp.

    The short answer is no. Create a function called "Reset" that when called switches the global variables you need to the default setting (you could use another global variable instead of a function to trigger this but you should do yourself a favour and get used to using functions instead imo).

  • Hey Robert.

    Every layout has an event sheet attached to it. You can find it on the left hand side properties when you are looking at the active layout.

    Set the linked event sheet to match your initial one and you are good to go.