GenkiGenga's Forum Posts


    Here is "A" solution, (probably not the best!).

    I cant really explain it - But i have a feeling that the other particle stops because there is an uneven amount of particles on the screen. And you only have 1 event binding the particles to the missle.

    To fix it i simply put the particles to a holder object instead of destroying it. I added fade to the particles so they should be destroyed in their own time.

  • Looks promising - I havent seen many games utilise the car behaviour. Its very fun :)

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  • I really like how you used the graphics. Well done.

    Is Erik supposed to run like a maniac though? (super-speed animation)

    Ill give a future build with more content a better review :)

  • Good music. Nice graphics. For what it is I think you have done a good job. :)

    The only thing i can really criticise is the instructions. (At the risk of sounding like a broken record) People dont want to read them - to get around this you can easily incorporate instructions into the gameplay itself.

    Good luck in the comp Valkyrie.

  • Hey Kevie,

    This looks promising. With some nice graphics I can imagine it playing pretty nice.

    Ive said this to other people, but im not a fan of the instructions in general. It is smart in a way what you have done not to be able to skip it - but also a little annoying, if your game was not in this forum i wouldnt have played past the title screen (That kind of makes me sound like an ******* but im just being honest - constructively honest).

    As for the instructions themselves it was an information overload. I had read them all but when it came to play time i just found myself running around, letting the ball kite my enemies (it wasnt neccesary to use any skill because i was faster than the enemy).

    My suggestion is to lose the instructions completely and spread out your information to where it is relevant in the game. For example, how about starting off with just 1 skill. PPO heal - explain how to use the heal at the beginning of level 1. At the end of level 1 introduce the player to the store (because by that time they will have enough money to buy things so it becomes relevant).

    I do look forward to progress on this. Congrats on the progress you have made thus far.

  • Sure thing, ive updated my cap just download it again from last post.

  • Stayed at 60 in chrome.

    Lowest it went in Ie9 was 57.

    (I have a pretty decent system)

    Looks great!

  • Haha, no worries. I learnt something as well :)

    I love C2 for the fact that it rewards experimentation - you learn so much by doing things wrong. Happy creating!

  • Here you go, Im sorry my original suggestion didnt work - it seems you have to add it into the condition instead of adding it as an action.

  • It should be taking 100 seconds to fire again if your holding the button down.

    Get yourself a dropbox account, its free - and then you can post your cap.x (game project file) and we can take a look at it directly. Its the best way to get help.

  • And yes, the license version does remove that link.

  • Hey Wicked,

    Yeah the "button down" will continuously fire. What you want to do is add a system command --> Wait X seconds after firing bullet.

    So it looks like :

    On mouse down ->Fire bullet

                  ->Wait 1 second

    That way you will have a 1 second gap in between bullets. Speed of bullets is changed in the properties panel on the left when the bullet is selected.

    (Damn ninja'd!) :)

  • Thats awesome it must have been a very satisfying feeling :)

    good luck in the comp.

  • Ah i see now,

    Your very clear that the left and right arrow move the player left and right but until you told me to read closely again I assumed I had to move the ball by clicking to either side of it, not using the left mouse button to tilt left and right mouse button to tilt right.

    With your tests with children did you just sit them down in front of it or did you verbally give them instructions first? (Personally i would have gone for a picture tutorial as opposed to wording).

    I only asked about the browsers because i thought something wasnt right :) after playing properly i like it. Always a fan of learning through playing games. Perhaps this taught me how to read better, lol :)

  • Lol Mastasurf,

    There is a lot to like about this. The fact that you have the website is funny enough as it is - but the game is actually pretty good as well!

    Im not a big fan of mustard either... :)

    EDIT: imothep85 WTF!! LOL That video was possibly the most random thing i have ever seen!