GamerAddi8t's Forum Posts

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  • This is really cool, good job

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  • Thanks so much

    Ok Kid !!!! whatever !!!! like if I care !!!! None of you are helping me on my Projects so why should I regreit kid !!!

    God bless you kids !!! and remember work hard with your hand and brains and don't use your mouth or the internet to Spread hate and Evil >>> bye bye ,,,, Here's my game on the Nintendo eShop >>>

    Grow up !!!!!

    Damn it shows how mature you are, maybe you're the one that should grow up.. your game is a yikes for me LUL. Not gonna argue with someone acting like a 12 year old, bye !!!

  • Hi, I wanted to know how to stop the camera lerp, using this post


    X: lerp(Self.X, Player.X, 0.03)

    Y: lerp(Self.Y, Player.Y-150, 0.03)


    X: lerp(Self.X, Player.X, 0.00)

    Y: lerp(Self.Y, Player.Y-150, 0.00) when the player is greater than x position. With no hope, any help on how to stop the camera's movement when the players x is greater than x position.

    Nintendo of Japan are the responsible for my game to be on a Nintendo Console so that means they played my Video Game before they let it to be on sale in the Nintendo eShop>>> My game went International and my Video Game it is on the List of all of Nintendo Game and that's what it matters to me

    I got a question for you kid >>> What do you know about Developing a Video Game for a Nintendo Console or any other Triple AAA Console >> Please don't try to be a clown with me cause halloween its over !!! If you haven't created a video game please don't talk kid... I just make a Dream Come True by Developing a Video Game for a Triple AAA Company !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haters are Losers !!!! Work Hard my friend so you can get away from those hating Traumas .

    You're going to revert to saying "kid" now? Just stop you're making yourself look bad, We weren't hating, we were questioning your trailer and the reasoning about the claims that you stole the "low budget trailer" Calm down and simply ignore the post you're getting and move on in life. Acting this way won't look good in the future for you.

  • Thanks for the response, fantasy sounds interesting.

    Also, your game looks really bad. If I spent 4 years on that, I'd be ashamed. Simply my opinion.

    I agree with everything you said except the wording on this part...

    Hi Ashley and Tom! Just wanted to ask what got you into making a game engine and did you do anything before work wise?

  • Construct 2 being retired in the future :( Ashley so what happens when the engine becomes retired?

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    This looks really cool, good job on making this hope to see more :) also twitter link is broken :(

  • Isn't this supposed to be in c2 creations? I see "Construct 2" when the game is loading

  • I've been planning to make a pixel art pack and publish it to, Right now I wanted to get some ideas from others and not just myself. Here's a good one, let's say you have a 2D (or top down) pixel art game you're working on right now if you had to choose a art pack to help you out with the art (with a Creative Commons license) what type of art pack theme would you pick?

    "liar scumbag rgt85Thief" Keep it civil buddy.

    Damn what a shame.