GamerAddi8t's Forum Posts

  • It does not work still here is a video of me showing you I must be doing something wrong.

  • I wanted to know how I could make it so when the player is under water his breath starts going down, then 0 he dies. when he comes up I don't want the water to kill him because he is still overlapping the water.

  • Thank you so much I spent so long trying to figure this out

  • Dm on twitter if you hv one

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  • Ok thanks for letting me know but that didnt fix it

  • So I have a level for when the player spawns in water will fill up slowly but not to slow and I'm trying to get it to freeze from moving once overlapping my sprite I have setup. I have a recording of what happens. Where I have my mouse pointing over a lot when starting the game is where the water should stop and the highlighted code, is the code I have for the water.

  • One more thing Joel Purgatory looks cool. Are you making it with c3, c2 or some other engine?

  • Your topic was closed because this question has been discussed already for a couple of years now.

    And it often ends up in topic devolving in some way or another.

    If you want to see people's opinions on the subject, please do search the forums.

    The topics are closed but not deleted and you can read the many already existing pages.

    You can also take a look at the AMA that Scirra had in the beginning of the year :

    Ok thanks for responding

  • I think a customer-faith issue for Scirra is how the threads are locked if people criticize the subscription based model. That's not good; let the thread lose interest naturally. When you silence people's opinion it looks suspicious to the paying customer. Alternatively, to be fair, lock any thread that sings the praises of C3 - as all that has been said before too.

    I think the original thread mentioned here had good feedback on both sides and there was no reason to lock it.

    Also, Scirra supporters keep harping back to the subscription model allowing for faster updates and implementation of new features. If so, could you please explain why we have been waiting MONTHS for implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) functionality so that we can list our apps on the Apple market? Our subscription is ticking away as we wait, yet threads on the issue remain with no comment from Scirra for months, even when specifically asked in the thread.

    It seems the mods/owners are soon to lock/comment on threads that are deemed "anti-Scirra", but less enthusiastic when paying customers ask for status on features that are show-stoppers for many.

    Just my 2c.

    Mod locking thread in 3...2...1.... :)

    I agree with u. (Just maybe you should have left out the last part so the Mod doesn't have a hissy fit LOL Sorry)

  • Joel thanks for sharing what u think on the subscription model.

  • I wasn't talking about other subscriptions for other softwares if I may point out. And not everyone would like to do a subscription not everyone has the money to and or would like to do a subscription. I wanted everyone to tell me also what they thought on it after some time later when the topic was created. One more thing the topic wasn't made to get rid of the subscription plan I have no clue where you got that idea from, everyone decided to give their opinion so I was interested. And I'm sure everyone knows that the company(Scriaa)won't get rid of the plan for construct 3

  • My topic: Why is construct 3 subscription based. Question: Do u lock post that question your software and or want to know every ones opinion about it?

    Response: I didn't see the post devolving fast everyone was sharing what they thought about the subscription and or answering my question. Also if you saw it devolving fast you could simply ignore it or delete the bad language what steam has is hearts to replace the bad language or roblox they have hashtags you could do the same. One more thing please when you respond don't take it the wrong way that I'm being rude I just wanted to ask and respond to my post closing. Tom

    (And if your one of the people that answered my question and or shared your opinion on my post thank you for doing so)

    In my opinion I don't like the subscription model I would just like to pay 100 or 200 (What I paid for construct 2 was 200) only once.


    I only paid 130$ I mean't to say

    IMHO - the subscription model has issues. One of the main "over the barrel" issues is that if you publish an app that was created in C3, you MUST keep the subscription to C3 in order to maintain the app - no matter how little revenue it generates - forever. Google Play changes its polices multiple times per year, many times requiring an app update. If you don't have a C3 subscription, you can't update the app - and GP boots it.

    Another issue for a dev is that if Scirra goes out of business, so does the dev. C2 could run independently from Scirra, with no subscription, C3 cannot.

    All in all, the subscription model makes Construct a less than desirable option for a serious business or independent dev. Scirra is a small company and the tech industry is brutal with no guarantees.

    I enjoy using C3 for "goofing around" but I would be hesitant in basing my day job on the product or any kind of income, other than "fun money" that is not desperately needed.

    Just my 2c.

    I agree

    Ya once I saw c3 subscription based that was a huge turn off