GameHouse's Forum Posts

  • Ohhhhhh duuuuuuude, ur a freakin genious, duuude u figured it out :0

    So the loop index code is actually calculating the tilemap object itself not the tilemap on the scene/layout of the game?

    If you want , can you add me on discord , i want to give you this game im working on for free, for helping me, when im done with it ofcourse , Discord ZtarDuzt#8322

    And maybe we can also work on some projects together idk, but add me

  • Yeah but N is only one unit, only the x or y , i need for both x & y

  • Thank you , Do you mind showing me how you do it on construct , because im using ur code and its only spawning the object on some of the tiles, for some reason its skipping some tiles 🤷‍♂️

  • Im trying to spawn an object on all edges of each tile of a tilemap , basicaly i only want to spawn an object in the tiles that arnt empty

    I want to spawn an edge for the player to climb on , on all edges of tiles

    Is there a way to only spawn objects on the tiles that have the same tiles , like spawn object on only tiles that have tile image 0 or tile image 3 and so on

    How do i do this?


  • For some reason an object that is sync position is showing different postions for host and peer? How is that possible

  • Can you sync global variables because i had my timer and turn to globals do i have to put them in an object to sync multiplayer

  • Or can i use on start of layout

  • Do i need to spawn the chess grid thru the host?

  • Im making a platformer and idk how to make slopes, slanted ground that the player wont get stuck on edge when moving or dashing

  • This is known as key jamming its a normal thing that happens on standard keyboards basicaly some 3button combinations just dont work and thats the way its always been. The solution is to change the space button to something else , for me the solution was changing my space for jump to ctrl for jump and it works perfectly, the keyboard can read that combination. Or your other option is to buy another keyboard and hope its programmed to not jamm on space+left combination


  • Wow thankyou, ur a lifesaver , i changed my jump button to ctrl and it works like a charm, now to return the favor, is there anything you need help with? Maybe something ur stuck on or cant figure it out, im also looking for teamates to collab with on projects

  • So im makin a platformer game , and i have the code setup to when i press space the character dashes , but for some reason when in air and i press space the character cant dash to the left, but if i press space for right he dashes perfectly fine, i noticed it doesnt work if i had left and up arrow down at same time but if i dont have the keys down it does it fine

  • I just ended up using sync multiplayer on the sprites , sync with position and angle and it shows the locations for all of them which was actually easier ,now my problem is syncing the global time variable each player has 30Seconds to make their move and it switches to the next players turn, idk how to sync the time variable because its showing different for each player.

    Add me on discord ZtarDuzt#8322

  • I actually got it to work, the snake is lookin pretty **** right now ;) you wanna team up on a project? Im lookin for teammates

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  • I actualy figured it out, thank God , but thanks. Do you want to work on a game together? Or need help with anything instead?