fisholith's Forum Posts

  • Hey andreyin.

    If I'm not mistaken, dt is the amount of time (in seconds) that has passed since the last tick. So, if your game runs at 60 frames (ticks) per second, then dt will always be a value around 0.0166 (i.e. 1/60). It may fluctuate a little, if you get some lag between frames.

    So every tick, lerp( 0 , 30 , 3 * dt ) evaluates to approximately ...

    = lerp( 0 , 30 , 3 * 0.0166 )

    = lerp( 0 , 30 , 0.0498 )

    = 1.494

    So if 1.494 looks like it could be the value you were getting, then that may be the issue.

    To get gradual changes in a value, you can use two variables, a Target variable that stores the desired target value, and a Follower variable that continually computes a time-smoothed version of the Target's value. The Follower variable essentially just gradually approaches the value stored in the Target variable.

    I actually just posted an explanation of this Target/Follower setup with a list of events in another topic.

    The example I give there shows a linear follower setup, but I generally use multiplicative follower setups in my projects, since the follower can be set every tick with only one event.

    (Some day ... some day I will get that 4th egg.)

  • Hey Leaufai,

    The following might do what you're looking for.

    In your layout, place a layer above all your other layers.

    Add the "Adjust HSL Mask" effect to this layer. (You can click the layer in the layer panel and edit it's properties in the properties panel.)

    Set the layer's "Transparent" property to "No".

    You should now be able to post-process the entire game with the "Adjust HSL Mask" effect.

    To smoothly fade in an fade out the effect, create two number variables.



    We'll use these to control the effect's saturation parameter.

    In this example, I'll use functions as the triggers for starting and stopping the desaturation effect, but you could use anything you want.

    * On function "desatOn": Set "targetSatValue" to 100.

    * On function "desatOff": Set "targetSatValue" to 0.

    * Every tick, if followSatValue < targetSatValue: Add 1 to "followSatValue".

    * Every tick, if followSatValue > targetSatValue: Subtract 1 from "followSatValue".

    * Every tick: Set "Adjust HSL Mask" param 1 (the saturation) to "followSatValue".

    (Actions in italics.)

    When the function "desatOn" is called, the targetSatValue is set to 100, and the followSatValue will begin gradually counting up to the target. When the targetSatValue is set to 0, then followSatValue will count back down to the new target value.

    Hope that helps.

  • No problem. Glad it worked out.

  • Hey Sir LoLz,

    Would something like this do what you're looking for?

    flagSlotsRemaining = maxcarry - currentcarry


    * Pick selected units.

    * Loop - For each unit.

    * flagSlotsRemaining >= 1. // If one or more slots are remaining.


    * Call function "assignUnitTNextAvailableFlagSlot", Param 0 = unit.uid. //Or however you assign them.

    * Deselect unit.

    * recompute flagSlotsRemaining.

    To make the above a little cleaner, you could break the "flagSlotsRemaining >= 1" condition into a sub-event, and place all the actions on that sub-event. And for a further, though likely negligible, optimization the sub-event could have a companion ELSE sub-event that breaks out of the loop if there are no more slots. That way, if there is only one slot left, and you select 100 units, you only run 1 loop iteration instead of 100 iterations.

    You could also replace the "For each unit" loop with a "For each unit (ordered)" loop, and use the distance from the unit to the flag as the ordering formula. This would assign units to the flag, with priority going to the closest units first. (Closest may not always = shortest travel path in an RTS, but you might not want to compute a path length for all selected units just to start the loop.)

  • No problem,

    Sorry I was a bit vague there. So, when I wrote out the "[ p1 , p2 , p3]" looking depictions of the array, I was just using this as a shorthand for showing what was in the array, so it's not a formal way of representing data in Construct 2.

    To add each item into the array we push them in one at a time. That may sound tedious, because it is almost the same action 12 times in a row, push "p1", push "p2", push "p3", etc, but fortunately we can use a loop to do that tedious part for us.

    To push all the values "p1", "p2", "p3", etc into the array we can do the following.


    * On start of layout.


    * [Array] Set size to (0,1,1).


    * On start of layout.

    * Loop from 1 to 12.


    * [Array] Push: Where <back>. Value <"p" & loopindex>. Axis <X>

    (without the < > angle brackets)

    Image version:


    A few notes on what's going on:

    The loop event runs from 1 to 12, meaning it will run its actions 12 times. Construct gives us a variable named "loopindex" that we can use in expressions, to get the number of the current loop step. On the first of our 12 loop steps, loopindex = 1, and on the last step loopindex = 12.

    So, that loop will run the action multiple times, creating the following effect:

    * [Array] Push: Where <back>. Value <"p" & 1>. Axis <X>

    * [Array] Push: Where <back>. Value <"p" & 2>. Axis <X>

    * [Array] Push: Where <back>. Value <"p" & 3>. Axis <X>


    * [Array] Push: Where <back>. Value <"p" & 12>. Axis <X>

    What is this <"p" & loopindex> thing?:

    "p" & 1 creates "p1"

    "p" & 2 creates "p2"

    "p" & 3 creates "p3"

    etc ...

    Push Back vs Front?:

    It actually doesn't matter if we push from the back or the front when adding the values into the array, since they will be pulled back out randomly. However, if we push from the back, we'll get all the items in order, in case that becomes important later.


    Remember, you can run the game in debug mode if you want an easy way to look inside the array, to verify that it got set up correctly. You could also use another loop to read the values back out into a text object.

    Anyway, I hope that clarifies things.

  • Spacedoubt has a good suggestion here, (and a cool name).

    There is a tradeoff with this solution. Creating a built in blur in Photoshop will give you a colored halo, but not a glow, as a colored halo will be alpha blended into the backdrop rather than additively blended or screen blended into the backdrop. Alpha blending *can* look like an okay approximation of a glow in some cases, particularly when the background is quite dark and unsaturated (more grey than colored), or when the halo is pure white, or very close to pure white. Both of these special cases produce a result that is mathematically and visually close to screen blending.

    As a benefit of the Photoshop method, you will not need to use a WebGL effect, and this could improve performance depending on the platform.

    As a drawback, an alpha blended halo will actually darken the backdrop when the backdrop is brighter than the halo color. This darkening occurs on a per RGB channel basis, so a blue alpha blended halo will darken green and red values in any backdrop the halo overlaps, and this can look like an anti-glow. Another consideration is that since the glow is precomputed for a single image, it won't work for tile-based objects or objects that will be dramatically stretched or resized, as the glow would also be proportionally stretched.

    One possibility to cut out the semi-intensive blur WebGl effect and still get a true additively blended glow, is to use a hybrid approach.

    For each (source) object you want to glow, create a new object and make its image a Photoshop blur of the source object's image. Place this blurry object under the source, and match the source's position, angle, etc. Finally set the blurry object to use the additive blend mode, or give it a single dodge or screen effect.

  • Hey wossi,

    I think what you're looking for is doable. I'll go over the problem and then two possible solutions.

    The glow effect is based on a Gaussian blur, and this is where the problem arises.

    Normally using two Gaussian blurs at right angles will produce a radially uniform (smooth corners) Gaussian blur, (a very cool and special mathematical property of Gaussians). Unfortunately this special property of perpendicular Gaussian blurs only works when they're combined multiplicatively. (Using a horizontal blur to blur the result of a vertical blur is effectively multiplicative.) Unfortunately, adding or "screening" them together, which is what Construct 2's "Glow" effects do when stacked in series, does not preserve this special Gaussian behavior. So the result of perpendicular "Glows" is not radially uniform.

    So, stacking a regular H-blur and V-blur will give you the smooth corners you want, but it won't glow.

    Stacking H-glow and V-glow will glow, but it will give you sharp corners.

    What you need to do is create a blur-glow system within Construct2.

    With a canvas object (maybe):

    Disclaimer: I've never used the canvas plugin (3rd party I think), but if you can paste objects or layers into it then it might make a glow effect semi-simple.

    1. Place a layer below the foreground objects and above the background.

    (May need to set the scale and scroll rate for this new layer to "0".)

    2. Stretch a canvas object across that layer to fill the window.

    3. Every tick, clear the canvas to transparent, and then paste into it all the objects you want to glow.

    4. To the canvas, add the effects "horizontal blur" and "vertical blur", then add the "Screen" OR "Dodge" effect.


    Using only native C2 stuff - (no canvas):

    Without the canvas it is still doable, but it takes a little more work and clutter.

    For a given (source) object that you want to glow, you create a sprite with an identical image, and set it to match the position, angle, and animation frame (if animated) of the source object. This copy object must have a Z-index below the source, which you can set with events. To this copy object, add the effects "horizontal blur" and "vertical blur", then add the "Screen" OR "Dodge" effect.

    "Dodge" vs "Screen":

    Dodge and Screen are both glow-ish style blend modes, in that they will make an object transparent, such that it brightens the backdrop.

    "Dodge" (sometimes "linear dodge") is literally just "Addition". It's that simple.

    Blend result = BG + FG.

    "Screen" is exactly the same as "multiply", but upside-down. Where "multiply" pushes all brightness values towards black, but never past black; "screen" pushes all brightness values towards white, but never past white;

    Blend result = invert ( invert BG * invert FG )


    Blend result = 1 - (1 - BG * 1 - FG ), where black is 0 and white is 1.

    Practically speaking why use one vs the other?

    "Dodge"/"Addition" is good when you want a vibrant intense look, with the potential for blown-out overexposed areas. The results for additive blending can be brighter than white, so they will be clipped to white. This is good for fire, electricity, and other intense eye-burningly bright effects.

    "Screen" is good when you want soft glow, or bright-but-smooth looking glow effects. Screen can produce pure white in cases where the FG or BG is pure white, but it will never blow-out or overexpose areas, because the mathematical result of "screen" blending is always between 0 and 1, so no clipping can occur.

    Hope that helps.

  • Hey ai4ns,

    It sounds like you want to show a random layout as if drawing it from a deck of shuffled cards, and allowing the deck to run out over successive draws.

    We can use the Array object to get this effect. At the start of the game, we can fill it with layout names (making our deck), and then pull the layout names (cards) out of it at random, and discard them as we jump to that layout.

    We want a simple 1-dimensional array. The Array object in Construct 2 will work just fine, but be aware that it's a 3-dimensional array, a cuboid with X-width, Y-height, and Z-depth. So we'll just need to be careful.

    To get a 1-dimensional array, we will only be dealing with the X-width axis, so we will set the Y-height and Z-depth both to "1" and forget about them.

    Add an array object to the layout.

    On start of layout, set its (x,y,z) size to (0,1,1).

    (Just as a brief example, at this point if we were to add 5 cells into the X axis, the array size would then be (5,1,1), a 1 by 1 snake that is 5 cells long. Written out, [ cell-0 , cell-1 , cell-2 , cell-3 , cell-4 ].)

    Okay, so we have a (0,1,1) array.

    Still on start of layout, we run a loop to create 1 array entry for each layout you want to go to (3 to 14), and add (push) them into the array. Rather than filling the array with layout numbers (since I'm not sure you can jump to a layout by number), lets use the layout names. For this example I'll assume that layouts 3 to 14 are named "p1" to "p12". ("p" for page).

    We get:

    [ p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , p5 , p6 , p7 , p8 , p9 , p10 , p11 , p12 ]

    Now when you want to choose a new layout, we pick one of those cells at random and save the cell number we picked in a custom local variable "cellIndex", then store the number we find in that cell in another local variable "cellValue". Finally, we remove the cell at "cellIndex" from the array. We can then jump to the layout "cellValue".

    So the whole event will look like this:

    Event: <We need to jump to a new layout>

    Action: [System]: Set local variable "cellIndex" to: floor( random( Array.Width ) )

    Action: [System]: Set local variable "cellValue" to: Array.At( cellIndex )

    Action: [Array]: Delete index cellIndex from X axis.

    Action: [System]: Go to layout (by name) cellValue.

    So as an example of how this would work:

    Starting with

    [ p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , p5 , p6 , p7 , p8 , p9 , p10 , p11 , p12 ]

    We pull out a random cell "p3" and go to that layout. And the array is now missing that cell.

    [ p1 , p2 , p4 , p5 , p6 , p7 , p8 , p9 , p10 , p11 , p12 ]

    Now if we pull out another random cell "p11", we get

    [ p1 , p2 , p4 , p5 , p6 , p7 , p8 , p9 , p10 , p12 ]

    etc... Eventually we have used up all the cells.


    Sorry the explanation is verbal rather than a capx.

    Anyway, I hope that helps.

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  • Hey, emoaeden.

    I have to start by seconding chrisinfinger's sentiment. Very cool looking game.

    I can't be sure, but the problem you're running into might have two parts.

    Firstly, while you are checking each power line segment, you may not be checking them in an order that propagates power the way you want.

    Secondly, determining connectivity, or a lack of connectivity, may not be possible by making a single top-to-bottom left-to-right pass over all the tiles.

    Tile checking order:

    To illustrate what I mean through the power of ASCII art,

    Suppose we have a power plant (represented by "#"), and a chain of power line segments (represented by 0 or 1 depending on powered state.)

    From here on, I'll call the power plant a "plant" and each power line segment a "seg".

    Plant on left, with five powered segs.


    Now I may be interpreting the capx events wrong, but it looks like there's a nested XY loop that checks every cell, starting from the top-left, moving top to bottom in columns, and moving left to right from column to column. As the loop runs, for each cell, if that cell is powered, then power is propagated to the cardinally adjacent cells.

    I think this may mean that power will propagate asymmetrically, moving much faster from top to bottom than from bottom to top.

    Consider the following 1-dimentional example in which we loop through segs from left to right. The act of running a loop, until all loop iterations are complete, I will refer to as a single "pass".

    Start: #00000 (6 tiles so we will do 6 steps inside each pass.)

    ---- Pass 1:

    index 0: #10000

    index 1: #11000

    index 2: #11100

    index 3: #11110

    index 4: #11111

    index 5: #11111

    ---- Done in 1 pass.

    Now, consider a case where the plant is on the right instead of the left. Note that the loop still steps from left to right:

    Start: 00000# (6 tiles so we will do 6 steps inside each pass.)

    ---- Pass 1:

    index 0: 00000#

    index 1: 00000#

    index 2: 00000#

    index 3: 00000#

    index 4: 00000#

    index 5: 00001#

    ---- Pass 2:

    index 0: 00001#

    index 1: 00001#

    index 2: 00001#

    index 3: 00001#

    index 4: 00011#

    index 5: 00011#

    ---- Pass 3:

    index 0: 00011#

    index 1: 00011#

    index 2: 00011#

    index 3: 00111#

    index 4: 00111#

    index 5: 00111#


    ---- Pass 4:


    ---- Pass 5:


    index 5: 11111#

    Done in 5 passes.

    So it takes much longer to propagate power against the direction the loop is stepping. In the above cases, if you do a pass every 5 seconds, then it will take 5 seconds to propagate power from left-to-right, and it will take 25 seconds to propagate power right-to-left, over the same distance. If the power line was 20 segments long then it would still take 5 seconds to propagate moving right, and 100 seconds to propagate moving left.

    This might be part of the strange behavior you're seeing.

    Connectivity checking issue:

    So the other issue is determining connectivity.

    The problem here is that I don't think you can determine connectivity in a single top-to-bottom left-to-right pass. In the example above, when the power is advancing against the loop stepping direction, a single pass only advances powered status by a single tile, and it takes multiple subsequent passes to complete the propagation. (Again, a pass is not a single loop step, it's the processing of all tiles once.)

    In theory, every time a seg was destroyed, you could set every tile to un-powered, and then immediately run a number of full passes equal to the number of power line segs in the game, and while that would mark all power lines correctly when it finally completed, it would be prohibitively time consuming.

    Assuming I'm thinking about this right, (and I may not be) below is an example of why we can't solve connectivity in a single pass.

    Suppose you destroy a seg in the middle of a chain of powered segs,

    going from this


    to this

    #_1111 (with the underscore "_" representing the bulldozed seg.)

    You now have 4 isolated segs in a chain, all marked as being powered.

    The problem is, when making a pass over all the tiles, how do you know if a seg should be un-powered?

    That is, suppose you're in the loop, stepping through tiles,

    index 0: #_1111

    index 1: #_1111

    index 2: #_1111 (we arrive at the left end of the isolated chain)

    and you come to the left end seg of that chain of 4 segs. It's marked as powered. How would you be able to tell if it shouldn't be? Well, it's not connected to a plant, but it *is* connected to another powered seg. Inside the loop, you can't tell whether the chain is powered from the other end, so you can't tell whether it should be powered or un-powered.

    That is, you could be dealing with this case,

    index 2: #_1111#

    With a plant on the right-hand end that seg could have a legitimate reason for being powered. There's no way to know inside the loop, because we can only check the neighboring segs.

    As an interesting aside, Minecraft has a very similar problem. Leaf blocks are "powered" by log blocks. A leaf block is only immune to decay if it was connected to a log block, or if it is connected through a chain of leaf blocks to a log block. In this sense it is exactly what you're trying to solve, but in a 3D grid instead of a 2D grid. Verifying that a leaf block is connected to a log block through a chain of leaf blocks involves path finding through neighboring leaf blocks to see if a path exists. Minecraft also has a max radius from log blocks (4), beyond which it doesn't bother doing any path finding, and instead a too-distant leaf block is simply doomed to decay.

    Connectivity checking - possible solution:

    In order to quickly determine connectivity, you might be able to use a "backtracking" algorithm.

    It would work kind of like this:

    Set all segs to un-powered.

    For each power plant:

    Start walking along a chain of segs coming out of it, marking each segment "powered" as you go.

    Every time you come to a branch (e.g. T-intersection) you put the "hub" tile's coords on a stack. Now you pick one of its un-powered branching tiles and start walking along that chain.

    If you reach a dead end, then pop the last "hub" tile off the stack (if one exists) and jump ("backtrack") directly back to that tile, and continue walking along the next un-powered branch. (Note: If it doesn't have an un-powered branch then treat it just like a dead end.)

    Eventually you'll have hit every dead end, and followed every branch, and there will be nothing left to pop off the stack.

    If you check every power plant, this way, when you're done, the only power line segs that will be un-powered will be those with no connectivity to a plant.

    If two power plants are connected to each other by a chain of segs, then the first power plant check will leave all those segs marked "powered" so the second power plant check will end instantly in a dead end, which is good, because you don't have to re-check any segs.

    Okay, sorry for the lengthy post. The more I started thinking about it the more I realized it's a pretty interesting problem.

    Hope that helps at all.

  • Hey bscarl88,

    I have a thought on how you might be able to get this effect.

    It sounds like what you want is to have a solid shape trail behind the blade, kind of the way a silk flag would follow a flagpole, if you were to sweep the pole from side to side. Though, with one difference, the "flag" shape should only stretch from "where the blade is now" to "where the blade was last frame". Such that when the blade is not moving you won't see the flag shape.

    We will need the following objects:

    • An extra blade object, to keep track of "where the real blade was last frame". I'll call this extra blade the "lag blade". The lag blade is just a helper object and will be invisible during play. -
    • A sprite object that is just a 2x2 or 4x4 white square, with its hotspot on the center left edge. We can stretch this object horizontally to draw lines from point to point, which we'll need to do later. I'll call this stretchable line object a "Strip" object.

    Setting up the lag blade:

    Starting simple, we need to make the lag blade follow the movement of the real blade, but the lag blade has to lag one frame behind the real blade. So where ever you created the events that move the real blade, pick a spot right before those events, and add an event to set the lag blade to the real blades position and angle. This way the lag blade is positioned, and THEN the real blade is moved to its new location, at which point the lag blade is doing its job of being one frame behind the real blade.

    Drawing the "flag" shape - overview:

    Now that we have a real blade and a lag blade, we can stretch a "flag" between them. The flag will be made of several of our strip objects.

    Starting simple, lets imagine that we place one strip object at the tip of the real blade. Then we angle the strip object to look at the tip of the lag blade. Then we stretch the strip object out until it touches the tip of the lag blade. Now the strip has one end (the hotspot end) on the real blade's tip, and the other end on the lag blade's tip. This creates the top edge of the flag shape. (In practice, this positioning will be done through events, not by hand.)

    Now let's add in another strip object. This new strip will do exactly the same thing we just did, but instead of connecting the real tip to the lag tip, we connect the real hilt to the lag hilt. and that creates the bottom of the flag shape.

    We can add another strip and connect the middle of the real blade to the middle of the lag blade in the same way.

    Using this process we can create several more strips to "fill" in the rest of the flag.

    Drawing the "flag" shape - example:

    A practical way to set this up with events would be to, create 20 or 30 strips, and then use a loop to position them correctly. You'll want enough strips so that they overlap, and there are no gaps left between them, otherwise you'll get a Venetian blinds look. (Then again that could be kind of cool, but I'll assume we want a solid shape.)

    To position the strips you'll need the coordinates along a line from the tip to the hilt of the real blade, and you'll also need the coordinates along a line from the tip to the hilt of the lag blade.

    To simplify getting these coords, you can create an image point at the tip of the real blade, and an identical image point at the tip of the lag blade. Inside the loop that positions each strip, you can use the "lerp()" function to interpolate from the tip coord to the hilt coord of the real and lag blades respectively. That is, on the first loop step, you'll start at the tip of both blades. As you go through successive loop steps, you'll step from the tip towards the hilt on both blades. On the last loop step you'll reach the hilt coord on both blades.

    This will give you the flag shape, dynamically drawn every frame based on the movement of the blade. This essentially simulates the rotoscoping process that was actually done for the light saber trail effect in the Star Wars films.

    This brings up an interesting point though. A theatrically shot film is 24 frames per second, and you're game will likely run at 60 fps. So a single frame in Star Wars is 2.5 times longer than a single frame of your game. This in turn means that the 24-fps "flag" effect will be 2.5 times physically longer than a 60-fps "flag" effect for an object moving at the same speed. So to really get the light saber effect, you may need to make the flag longer than a single frame, and I'll explain how to do this later.

    Polishing the effect:

    So we have the flag effect, and it's the correct shape, but it's also solid white, which may not be what you're looking for. (Or maybe it is, but I'll assume it's not, just in case.)

    • Semi-transparency: It might be nice to make it semi-transparent, like 50% opacity or something. But we can't just set the strip objects to be transparent because they may overlap each other a little bit and so you could end up with a pinstripe look along the flag shape. What you can do instead is create a layer for the flag shape, place all the strip objects on that layer, and turn the layer's opacity down to 50%. -
    • Longer trail: Making the flag trail for more than a single frame can also be done. The simple, albeit un-optimized way, would be to *create* strips inside the loop, instead of just positioning existing strips. This means you can fade out and destroy strips at whatever speed you want. But the overhead of creating a bunch of objects every frame could get ugly on slower devices. A cleaner way to get longer trails would be to pick, in advance, the number of frames you want the trail to last, say 3, and then create 3 groups of strips, one for each frame. Give the strip object type an instance variable "frameGroup", and use it to give each group of strip objects a number, 0, 1, 2. Inside the loop that positions the strip objects, first pick only the strips that belong to group 0, then on the next frame pick only group 1, etc. When you get to the last group, you just wrap back to group 0. Each frame, only the most outdated strips will get updated.

    As a side note, Construct Classic provided a way to lattice deform sprites, which would solve your problem far more simply, but it is not a feature that has been added into C2 yet, at least not to my knowledge. In C2 it might be possible to simulate lattice deformation via shader effects, though getting the deformed result to line up with specific coords could be tricky.

    Sorry for rambling a bit.

    Hope that helps.

  • I had a thought for a possible feature.

    In the "Edit" dialog for event group settings, there could be an "Allow deactivation" checkbox.

    This might eliminate the need for every event group to have a unique name.

    What it might solve:

    Currently, any group can be disabled with the System > "Set Group Active" action.

    The "Set Group Active" action takes a group's name as a parameter.

    This means that every group in the entire project must have a unique name. (even across separate event sheets)

    Group deactivation is a cool feature, but when I create a group, 99% of the time it's just for organization purposes, and will never be deactivated. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell C2 that I will never want to disable the vast majority of groups, and so C2 still requires me to give every one of them a unique name.

    Now that I'm working on larger projects, I'm starting to append a namespace prefix (based on the event sheet name) to the groups I create to prevent group name collisions between event sheets. As a side effect, group names are getting longer and more visually cluttered.

    How it could work:

    If we add an "Allow deactivation" checkbox into the group settings, then individual groups can opt out of needing a unique name. Or since the majority of groups will never need to be deactivated, the default could be that groups must opt *in* to needing a unique name.

    Again, I like the group deactivation feature, but I usually only use groups for organization. Even according to the Scirra manual, "Groups of events are mainly for organizing events."

    Anyway, just a thought.

  • Problem Description

    For the Dictionary object, there's a possible typo in its event-block condition text.

    When the Dictionary object's, condition "Compare current value" is added to an event, the resulting condition in the event block reads "Current key = " instead of "Current value = "

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    This capx shows two examples of the Dictionary condition text typo.

    (See the event sheet. It includes comments.)

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • 1. Open a new project.
    • 2. Add a Dictionary object.
    • 3. In the event editor, create a new event, and as the condition, choose the Dictionary's "Compare current value" condition.
    • 4. In the condition parameters dialog, leave the settings as they are ("equal to" and "0") and click the "Done" button.
    • 5. In the newly created event block, notice the wording of the text in the compare current value condition. It says s "Current key = 0" instead of "Current value = 0"

    Visual Walk-through:

    Another example where the confusing nature of the typo might be a little clearer.

    Observed Result

    When the Dictionary object's, condition "Compare current value" is added to an event, the resulting condition in the event block reads "Current key = "

    Expected Result

    Perhaps it should instead read "Current value = "

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: n/a (the bug is only visible at edit time, within the C2 application.)
    • FireFox: n/a
    • Internet Explorer: n/a

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 Pro - SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 178 (64-bit)

    Built at 19:13:26 on Aug 19 2014

    Identified as "Stable update r178" in release notes.

  • Thanks jayderyu,

    I'm actually familiar with the built-in iterator for the Dictionary. I'm not having a problem with the functionality. I just think I might have spotted a typo in the text describing the functionality.

    I've included some images below.

    You can also check for yourself by opening a new project, adding a Dictionary, and then adding the Dictionary's "Compare current value" condition to any event. The typo seems to be in the event block text for that condition.


    Another example where the confusing nature of the typo might be a little clearer.

  • Hi all,

    Is there a simple way to copy a family from one project to another?

    In the Project panel it doesn't look like you can drag families between projects, and since families don't have a physical presence on the layout there's nothing physical to copy.

    If I save the source and destination projects as project folders (instead of single files), would it be possible to move some kind of family file between projects without causing corruption?

  • I just noticed a possible problem with the Dictionary object's block text.

    When I add the condition "Compare current value", the resulting condition in the event block reads "Current key = ..." instead of "Current value = ..."

    That is, it says it's comparing a key, when it's really comparing a value.

    Does this happen for anyone else?