farflamex's Forum Posts

  • Looks very nice and professional. A demo would be nice so we can see if we can help you iron out any bugs or problems (it's easy when you're playing your own game over and over to just think some stuff is obvious, when it isn't to the player).

  • Thanks, glad you liked it. I'm really pleased with the way some of the effects worked out, such as the smoke and the shields. Something I doubt I could have done without C2.

    Thanks for the advice. I was thinking of perhaps a demo with a full version for 99 cents or something.

    As you say, there is a market for complex games and I'd prefer to write such games as they're the kind of games I prefer to play. I'll read through the articles, thanks :)

  • My new game 'Korelos' is close to completion. It's an 'Elite' style space game of trading, asteroid mining and combat with a timed-goal of defeating the opposing faction.


    (Now renamed and link to the Clay.io version).

    I'm pleased with some of the effects in this game, but overall I fear it's too complex and difficult to get into (there's a tutorial on the right, the book icon). Is there a market out there for complex HTML5 games such as strategy games?

    I should point out this is the full-screen version which may run badly on slower PC's. The screen is too cluttered at 800x600 for the arcade (can't stick it on the arcade anyway as the ship movement uses a plugin, otherwise it's all built-in C2 stuff).

  • Are there any pre-game ad api's yet for C2 games? Similar to Mochiads?

  • I had a similar issue with my game since I allow it to scale to any size but obviously that can get silly with huge or tiny sprites, so I just use something like Scale Min(0.5,WindowWidth/Something) etc to limit it to whatever looks right.

  • Cheers.

  • Yeah that's what I've done for now but I feel it's a temporary measure as a lot of people prefer to use keys. I should probably work out why the screen is scrolling around in the browser in the first place.

  • Isn't there some way to stop the arrow keys/space bar from responding to the browser? What I mean is, sometimes the arrow keys scroll the edges of the screen around but I'm also using those keys for my game, so not only do those keys control my player but they also cause the browser to scroll around.

  • MarketJS looks like a good start, but I still have quite a few questions. And there seem to be lots of people asking these questions, so it would be good if we could get some clearer answers. I'm going to see if I can contact someone at MarketJS to clear a few things up.

    End of the day, I'm a developer, not a marketer. I have neither the skills nor the confidence to market my game and it would be good if a publisher took care of most of it. Having said that, I'd like in-game ads too and I don't know where to start with those.

  • I know these questions are asked a lot, and I've read through various posts on the subject, but I'm still unclear on certain issues. My game is close to complete so I'm wondering what's the best way forward.

    I'm pleased with the way the game has turned out but I need some opinions and testers to polish it off. It plays very badly on weaker PC's, but I'm not sure if that's a major issue and if I need to spend time optimising (I've done plenty anyway).

    It's designed to play in full-screen and isn't very playable on smaller screens. I'm not sure if this is a major problem that I should fix. It's fine on anything about 1200 resolution or so.

    Is it 'safe' to put a game up on Scirra and Kongregate for people to take a look at? Is there any danger of the code being stolen and just re-released by somebody else, or is it safe in that regard?

    What's the simplest way to add in-game advertising? I haven't yet seen any simple sites which add in-game ads to HTML5 games.

    I think perhaps the best bet might be to put it up on Scirra (if it's safe there) and maybe Kongregate and see what people think, then maybe go from there?

    Sorry, lots of questions for one post.

  • Does the setcolor effect work on your sprite? If it does, that'll solve the changing colour part. Not quite sure how you'd pick the colour from the colour-sprite though.

  • The first two conditions aren't set as seperate events are they? If they are, it'll reset the pick after the first one. The 2nd pick either needs to be indented or part of the same event as the first.

    Sorry if that's not the issue but I tend to make really basic errors like this all the time in C2 and get held up for hours trying to work out what's going on <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • I'm having this problem (yet again) of creating objects which are then ignoring future commands until I start up a new top level event. Do functions count as top level events? Say I do something like....

    Indent : Create object

            Function Manipulate object.

    Function Manipulate Object

            Set object variables.

    Since the call to the function isn't a top-level event but the function itself is not indented, will it respond to the new object?

  • Is there any way I can access my webstorage data, perhaps in Notepad+ ? Can I retrieve it from somewhere in Chrome? It would help with debugging if I could see my strings as they're saved.

  • Ah of course, good idea. I was thinking of webstorage but was thinking it would be bad to store something so temporary, but since it's only session storage, that's 'throw-away' storage anyway. Thanks.