FacuLNF's Forum Posts

  • in the text plugin you can put an image for example, press ENTER (enter image) to continue?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Como hago un sistema de animaciones 2d con salto movimiento quieto dezlisarse...? intento hacer uno pero se bugea

    mandarme algun capx de ejemplo

  • Font


    Hi, use a font that I downloaded from the internet, I put it in my game and it worked then I published it on a web page and I tried it with another device and the Arial font was visible and I had not put that font.


    Hola use un fuente que me descarge de internet se la puse a mi juego y funcionaba luego lo publique en una pagina web y lo probe con otro dispositivo y se veia la fuente arial y yo no habie puesto esa fuente.

  • How I delete a post

  • Can somebody help me ? , there is a bug in my project and it is not fixed someone helps me (I gave the project to fix it) the bug is that in 3 player mode you can not finish the game. Help

    • Post link icon

    Can somebody help me ? , there is a bug in my project and it is not fixed someone helps me (I gave the project to fix it) the bug is that in 3 player mode you can not finish the game. Help (I am noob programer)

  • I delete the behivor car from a sprit and crash and auto delete the game file

  • How to create max vulue

  • Hi I'm making a game and when I get 30 points of a 1 gold and when I get 30 points I do not stop winning gold I want to when you reach 30 points you get only 1

  • yes thx

  • But as I create a variable for example 1 minimum 100 maximum

  • Hello I'm making a game and you have life and regeracion of life whenever you raise of level I want to raise the maximum life and regeneration as I do

    Hola estoy haciendo un juego y tu tienes vida y regeracion de vida cada vez que subes de nivel quiero que suba la vida maxima y regeneracion como lo hago