EpicRaid's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    Well I'm trying to make the car move to the lane, rather than just teleport to it. Preferably in 5 px 'steps' as described in my original post.


  • Hiya,

    So I'm trying to make a car move between 3 lanes. One of the things I don't understand is why there is no 'move object to position' command, or is there?

    See, I want the car to maintain its angle (say 0 degrees). Then when pressed up, move to the lane 1. Move down, move to lane 2. If in lane 3, the player can go up or hit the dirt and crashes (movement stops when hitting a barrier, set frame to 1). When in lane 1, go up and crash or move down to lane 2.

    Now initially I wanted some retro effect that moves the object in 5 pixels steps, 90 pixels distance between each lane. So if you press up, the car would could go up in steps of 5 pixels, travelling 90 pixels to the top lane.

    Now I came across a bunch of things while doing this myself. I'm still a bit of a n00b. I searched the forums but couldn't find any answers.

    I fiddled with it myself but I guess I still need to learn a lot I guess as I got a lot of unexpected results. For example, with this code (which is probbaly crappy and improvised) if I pressed up or down it would always move down.

    Thanks for any replies.

    • R
  • Thanks 99Instances2Go.

    I was wondering though, why that change was needed. I mean like the difference between what I initially had and you implemented?

    One can always learn more. Thanks!

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  • Hello,

    I'm working on a game where I need pedestrians to move around each block. So basically make them move in a square.

    What I have is displayed in this sample:


    I tried searching the forums but I only saw complicated samples that are way above my head. I just need the pedestrians to move and face in the direction they're walking, infinitely.

    Now what happens in the .capx I posted is that when two or more pedestrians hit the block on the corner at the same time, weird things happen and one or more of them ignore their path.

    Since I intend to have around 12 housing blocks on my map, I thought the easiest way was to copy-paste the blocks on the corners (that make the pedestrians rotate 90 degrees direction) but that causes problems when pedestrians are simultaneously hitting he corner blocks.

    Any way to fix this? See capx, thanks!

    I'm sure there should be a simple solution I'm just missing it I guess.

    • R
  • Hello!

    I was wondering if it's possible to make some simple car traffic.

    Now I *think* I grasp the basics of it, but I strongly feel like it can be done in a much better and less time consuming way.

    So basically, I have 18 different cars (most same models but different color) and I want them to stop and give way when a car is coming from the right.

    What I have now is like this:

    As you can see that can be much more efficient, I would have to copy that group and change it 17 times for each car group.

    I was also wondering how to handle things when four cars are arriving at the crossing around the same time, with LOS they might just end up giving way forever to the one on the right. Now I did have some stop lines added all over the map, basically the horizontal lanes are supposed to be given way. Green and grey car are supposed to give way as you can see so that might solve the problem a bit, but I don't understand yet how to efficiently code that?

    Also I notice that with LOS the cars only stop when they are (almost) hitting the other car, regardless of how much LOS sight I give them. This happens when the car from the bottom has to give way to a car from the left for example.

    So I thought about using families. But I couldn't figure out how to get the one that has line of sight with a car, to get that specific car to stop instead of the whole family. If any could shed any light on this traffic issue.. I'd be really grateful.

    P.S. Here's a .capx sample of the situation: http://mediaconceptfactory.com/images/Traffic.capx

    • R
  • Your game doesn't work and uses only 1/2 of the screen. I click on any menu button but nothing happens.

  • Hello,

    thanks for your reply.

    The level doesn't need to scroll, I was looking for an efficient way to make a long level, as in width. I can't change the layout width since it only extend to the right. I want the buildings to come in from the left. I was thinking later on to simply temporarily extend the margins in the editor to as far as possible. So I can put all the buildings in the editor and give them a bullet behavior. This will make it look like you fly over the buildings.

    Here's what I mean;

    Imagine the black squares are the buildings, the red square is the player, the blue line is the layout border.

    As you can imagine, I would need a lot of space on the left in the margin area. I have not tested yet, but I read that the max margin size is 10000. But anyway, I was just wondering if there are more efficient ways of have objects come in the screen, while still retaining the ease of being able to place objects (buildings) at will, so I can design the level in the editor.

    If I were to spawn them by seconds for example, I'd have to place them, test, modify, etc. that wouldn't work for designing.

    So my question also is, how do other people do this? And why can't I extend the layout to the left (irrelevant perhaps but still a valid question).

    Thanks. - R

  • lol, I also saw your Fight Masters video, you make weird games!

    I don't find it appealing, but I'm pretty sure you can gather a following in Japan.

    One question though, the graphics, do you make them yourself?

  • Hey,

    ah yes I totally understand that. I'm not saying you should change the game, but rather the name as it's got to do with people's expectations, a game name should 'tell' what the game is about. If you get my point. I'm not trying to boss you around of course, this is just what I was thinking.

  • At first I didn't understand the game. I can't remember if there were any instructions.

    I felt like, why can't I move all the way to left and right, but once you play, you'll understand that it aligns perfectly with the landing position of the bubbles. I thought that was nicely done.

    Simple game I guess, but kinda like that you have to think and calculate which bubbles hit the ground before the other.

    I'm not fond of the graphics to be honest. I assume it's catered to kids?

  • lol, this game is harder than Flappy Bird! Who knows, that might get you some serious attention. But seriously, for now, I'd make the game easier to start with and gradually harder. What's your own max score ? Mine is 2.

    P.S. Like your logo 'Studio989'.

    • R
  • lol, fall in love. Lovin' that imagination of yours though. Keep it up, but of course in-line with your game.

    I was just saying, due to the immens popularity of GTA people will immediately think your is about something similar, while it's actually the opposite. It does attract attention to your game by the name alone though. But I don't know, this is just my opinion.

    I'm also working on games for fun, although my current project has gotten out of hand a bit. But we'll see, I'm busy assuring quality so perhaps there are some monetisation opions in the future.

    • R
  • Hey,

    Some things;

    • My initial thought; the name might be misguiding as the game doesn't involve any car jacking
    • When I start driving from the side onto the highway, you'll quickly get hit by a truck or other vehicles. I know you're supposed to gain speed first, but you know how gamers are, they jump right into it without thinking
    • When I do get hit from the rear, my car and the other vehicle keep sliding/their speed and other cars pass right through it.
    • Also, definitely work on the quality of the intro screen, the small font, Times New Roman font, etc. all needs some work
    • Perhaps add difficulty levels. I was kinda disappointed that I had to pay a fee in the garage right at the start, make it easier in the beginning to learn the ropes instead of learning the 'hard way' and more or less punishing them for their bad skills. I had little incentive to keep playing, it's too hard
    • Like that you added a story to it, gives it more depth, but should should also explain it more - or like I said reference it to uber taxi drivers instead of GTA. Perhaps call it 'Uber thumb driver' you get my point

    What are your intentions with the game, sell it as an app or just for fun/testing or..? Just curious.

    • R
  • Hi there,

    I'm making different levels, normally I have enemy units spawn from the left of the screen which travel to the right.

    Now I'm making a level with buildings and props. I could use the same method for units, that is, spawning them ordered around x seconds at random positions.

    However, this is highly convenient, for this new static level, as I intend to make a wide level and set the building objects and props in a planned manner on fixed locations.

    I was wondering, how do I make a 'wide level' that has object coming from the left? For all other levels I'm using the same layout width for all previous levels, and I'm not sure I should mess with that?

    I'm thinking I need to expand the layout, however, the layout only expands to the right. I need space on the left, not right. I *could* mess around with the margins I guess, but that's global as well.

    Any solutions?

    • R
  • Hmm, so many options! So there's;

    • sell (exclusive) license
    • in-game ads
    • pre-roll ads
    • sell game on platforms
    • more..?

    Did any of you guys make a browser game for pc/laptop? If so, what got you good profits?

    • R