easyDoesIt's Forum Posts

  • Thankyou , I missed that tor some reason

    Thankyou dop2000, that's a much cleaner solution and good to know about the wait action. Very handy.

  • I have a dictionary that gets saved to local storage every X minutes.

    When the game starts I want it to load the dictionary from local storage if it exists. If it doesn't exist (ie the game has never been started before) I want to load the dictionary from a game file.

    Problem is

    1. There is no event "if doesn't exist" and

    2. It takes time to check exists so I don't want other events to continue until it is checked and loaded.

    Link below is to an example capx of where I have got to but not working 100%. Any help appreciated

  • Thankyou dop2000.

  • I made a .capx.

    Hello, this is a old post but can you please re-upload or put in snapshots. THis will help me alot and think others will also find it useful. Thanks.

  • Yep, but it actually says there are 33 left at bottom of events tab.

    When I try to add another it says none left?

  • So I am testing before I proceed with a membership. However since the last update for some reason I am no longer able to add events. It says I still have 33 events left of 50 but if I try to add a event it says I have reached the maximum for free version. Any ideas?

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  • Thanks dop2000, that got me on the right path for what I need to do.

  • Thanks dop2000,

    The two objects are 2 instances of the same object.

    I need to do this multiple times so assume creating a family each time would be counter productive for this particular case. Any other ideas?

  • Hi,

    Newbie here. Had a search through the forums and trying to find if there is a solution for the below. Thanks for the help

    I am dragndropping one object1 over another stationary object2. When the 2 objects overlap I want to check the instance variable of the object2 and make a change to the instance variable of object1. Is this possible? I can only seem to check instance variable of object1, the one being moved.