DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • it's probably this issue,

    is a bug probably the content you hover scrolls the entire content up... it will probably be fixed in the new update of C3 if you submit this as a bug.

    till then try see if this happens if you are using chrome, mozzila or any other prefered browser, outside safari on your macbook.

    P.S i don't have a IOS device so i can't confirm, but is just some hover issue not a big deal, it will be fixed if reported properly.

    If you didn't had this issue before on a older version of C3 you can use // and replace r153 to the version that you didn't had problems with, just pay attention to any changes between older and new version, you might have new features you are using that are probably not available.

    here is the list of the versions

  • you have to rename the file to c3 addon yes, but also the xml files of the plugins they need to change to C3 format or json format. however even if you do that, while the plugins will load in C3 they will only run in C2 runtime meaning most of the C3 features would be unavailable.

    in order to have it fully compatible, you either convert all the plugins to work with c3runtime(basically redoing the plugin from scratch cause the SDK is different), or replace them with C3 alternatives, or events coding.

  • Seller should bundle a license agreement in the package that allows his project to be used in commercial or free non-profit projects.

    Scirra licenses that are issued on the store are covering non-profit learn only usage as a third-party (meaning you can't use it to resell the assets or make money with the game but only learn from the templates there atleast for the construct game+source examples), however that license between buyer and scirra doesn't cover the seller agreement to client who created and put the items in the store.

    All other cases you have to contact the seller personally and ask him what is his stand on the usage of his assets.

    This is a old problem, but is easy to solve, by simply contacting the seller.

    Atleast that was the case for a few years, not sure if the store licensing has changed.

  • looks ok .... stop loop tough stops the loop condition for which the action "stop loop" is set upon.

    else will fire no matter if you have stop loop in that method(because is still a Else valid argument, anything that isn't above being it null, error, NaN, infinity, even halted status of loop, or not the values above etc will fire Else). what you can try is.... add another blank subevent under else ... not as a child of else but like a 3rd condition on spacebar pressed ... then move the stop loop there. see if that works... but then stop loop would not have a loop to work with ... ehm ... maybe Else is not best use here ... you could try pinpoint when exactly you want the error to fire... for example

    if space was pressed

    u got a variable that its value is set to a random between of 5 and 25.

    condition 1 loop is true if matches the variable above... play this audio ... right?

    condition 2 (should replace else ) and pinpoint what would be the desired condition here, like if loopindex("testloop") total loops equal to zero matches to textcheck then trigger error.

    you can do that by saving your loop into an array and record the match, if it matches 2 3 times then you can play the audio based on array entries and if it doesn't matches the array then trigger error. is a bit convoluted for something simple like this. not sure what is the purpose of your test, like what is it meant for .. probably there is a simpler or better way of doing it and avoid the loop/else problem entirely.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • but the above event does trigger, it just gets stopped prematurely with Stop Loop. Yet Else still executes.

    then either stop loop doesn't consider Else or the structure of conditions is wrong made.

    would help having a screenshot of your loop/else stop loop order of events.

    cause order of events top/bottom matters.

  • that because else, triggers if the above condition isn't met, no matter what you put above it, else will always trigger. that's how else works it's a basic js action.

    unless you do else(condition == true/false) {do something}

    or in construct way you have to do

    in same else condition block another condition like





    but then else is redundant at that point.

    to better understand else in any use

    u basically do a 2 condition loop

    one would be that fires the first loop

    and once that fails to meet the condition

    else takes place.

    there is no way to avoid it unless you remove else entirely and replace it with the opposite condition of the above.

  • (done in around 6 hrs learned tons, most of shading/design is done in photoshop minus the robot body and the dice ... had to use some already prebuilt stuff from freepik, to much hustle for 2 perfect items already existing.)

    Learning-new design methods by cloning other apps interface ... i know i shouldn't but is a good practice for graphic design improvement.

    it will probably never see light of publishing cause of design being "inspired to the bone"

    for the curious the original app is ludo Superstar by High Morale Developments limited can be found on instant games.... they did an amazing graphic design job on the app, i can only hope to achieve such amazing design by myself one day without "inspiration".

  • just create another sprite as per desired shadow effect and spawn it behind the object when needed... is a sloppy job, but that's the only quick way of doing it in the canvas element without "technical" difficulties

    i think text objects in C3 support shadow effects ...... bbox codes if im not mistaken .... search the forum for text object bbcode it should take html css styling therefore making it shadow possible.

    only in C3 this might work... C2 doesn't do that... only if you are using a text input and make it look like a text object using CSS.

  • there is a solution for android in here =>

    that post doesn't explain nothing, just that he searched for bottom, and found top... and somehow he managed to make it to top... fill in details for it... or is going to be considered spam dud.

  • Hi

    I know it's been a few years but I'm having a similar problem and I was wondering it those examples could be uploaded again because the links don't work anymore. Especially the one with multiple touch inputs.

    thank you!

    easier would be to just make a new how do i post and explain what you are trying to achieve linking this post in. you might actually want to do something different. but a simple solution would be to use

    X position to someXPosition+cos(angle*speed)*radius

    Y position to someYPosition+sin(angle*speed)*radius

    where angle can be the angle from center of the circle to touch X and Y for sin.

    speed is any number you want like steps to move can be .15 or 10 the higher the number the faster will move.

    radius will be the limit at which the circle area is bound to.

    the old planetary system tutorial i was saying 4 years ago got probably removed but here is a similar update on it

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  • Saying C3 can't handle serious stuff is all based on your definition of 'serious'. A JS/browser based client with thousands of players all at once on the same server? That's not unheard of. To me, that's pretty serious.

    We can agree with that the definition of "serious" varies from user to user. And while true "A JS/browser based client with thousands of players all at once on the same server" is doable... and is somewhat serious... if you define having a Js/Browser game, with thousands of players and compared to a Ecommerce website which can handle thousands of users at the same time as well .... being complicated.

    Again as you said... is more of the definition of "serious" and for a beginner ... C3 will do the job just fine... but for some complex AAA game is not suitable ... which everyone in this forum is trying to make outside a handful of people that are realists.

    See you around!

  • Hi there been a Construct 2 and 3 for a while now... im out of my C3 license, but i will renew probably if im going to start to make games again.

    Here is my input on PROS and CONS posts that you find around this forum.

    Majority of the posts are made by frustrated users that had technical advanced issues on big projects, or projects that were not even supposed to be made using Construct "default" capabilities.

    And when i say technical advanced issues, i mean majority of the problems on CONS are server side stuff... for projects that were not meant to be made in Construct from beginning, but because Constructs interface is so addictive ... people still try to overcomplicate things... even though simpler would be to just pick notepad and use the coding language of choice.

    And i know most of C3 users don't know code... but those CONS and PROS are from people that know how to code... yet they still using Construct cause of its ease of prototyping... don't fall for their issues.

    On the other hand, there are also some of the pros and cons posts made by users that didn't even tried to understand Construct's way of doing things and just dissed it.

    In short you have to buy it and see for yourself, but if you played around with the trial version, then the premium version is like that plus the extra stuff that in trial are locked.

    Now Construct 2 and 3 are different ... C2 is not going to be updated anytime soon as the team is focusing on delivering a better more powerful product C3.

    So ... about the choice... if you don't know how to code... you have zero knowledge in javascript php etc... than Construct 3 should be perfect for you for single/multiplayer player games that require no database. (multiplayer here i mean two people playing on the same screen or over bluetooth, not online multiplayer with 100 people at same time, not that you can't do it... you can... is just a Advanced feature and requires Ajax knowledge and socket server knowledge, if you don't know anything about it, you can learn but is not going to be simple out of the box cause is a Advanced feature and requires prior knowledge of how databases work and servers).

    So any SMALL GAME you want to build with Construct being 2 or 3 that falls in those specifications should be doable, anything more than a simple game, you need to study Construct 3 manual(even learn javascript or Web Assembly where is the case) do/redo tutorials, put in practice and after that you might be able to accomplish a rudimentary "larger" project.

    About exporting... the beauty of Construct 3 is that simplifies exporting to platforms as compared with Construct 2 that requires manual export/compilation through a third party.... to deploy on android or ios.

    Construct 3 is ready to use and deploy MINI GAMES out of the box, on any platform, and with incorporated wrappers for android and ios i think... i don't know for ios ... never done ios games/apps.. but only android.

    Very intuitive and lots of tutorials + manual available.

    Sure there will be some glitches as the engine is in development, but if you aren't an advanced user don't worry about it... it won't interfere with your needs.

    And ... don't fall for the Construct 3 is simple to use and lets you develop games easy i can build the next AAA MMORPG with it, Construct was never meant for AAA Games.

    People need to look at Construct/Stencyl/GameMaker and other similar engines as Wix like platforms for making games.

    They are good to prototype and even deploy on small scale, but when it comes to serious stuff and upscale your project they fall apart.

    Lucky for you... i doubt you will build the next MMORPG or the Next Clash of Clans/Lineage/Fable etc with it... So sure buy it, have fun with it is 11$ a month ... or 120$ a year (i pay more for a landing page hosting server a year) ... if is not what you need find another one and you didn't lose anything precious but your time... and some pocket change .... if is what you need then is a good investment.

    What i like about Construct myself is that promotes programming thinking, the same syntax you do by clicking and the way is designed to show you the line of codes in the event sheet is the same syntax you will use if you'd be coding in XML and Javascript, but without the clicking.

    As for the performance stuff... is more of how you make the game logic ... and for the "if the user "will notice or not" you made the game with Construct" is a nonsense.. if it works nobody cares what you used... they are there to play your game, not check your programming skills.

    Hope my input helps, i would have written more about it, but the post is already long and i don't want to keep you reading something to convince you on anything that really is more of personal usage and choice ... and also this subject was asked and answered since Construct was made, you will probably find the same answer in other posts as well ... Is been 12 years in the making almost... lots and lots of things have changed, and the engine matured in some parts, and in some parts still needs to grow.

    But for a beginner need, it will be doing the job. Have a great day.

  • follow this guidelines and you will be fine metadata policy google play

    keypoints to take from metadata policy

    Big companies like Ketchup - have a license for the game non-exclusive, or agreement with original creators even google himself in some cases.