dop2000's Forum Posts

  • This code should work if ANY instance has boolean set:

    |Sprite -> Is boolean b set        |  do something
    |System- > Trigger once while true |
    And it will only be triggered once. If after that you set boolean to other instances, it will not be triggered again.
    If you reset b to false for all instances, and then set one to true, it will be triggered again.
  • No worries!

    I just realized that the blue CarCollision sprite is not necessary in the last example. You can replace it with Car in all events, then delete.

  • Christmas

    Ok, an improved version, should work as you described: ... .capx?dl=0

  • Glad it helped!

  • I fixed it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> ... .capx?dl=0

  • I haven't used them myself, but I believe you can draw your colored dots on a Canvas or Paster object. This way you'll have only one object, not hundreds.

  • Something like this maybe?

    System->Compare two values-> abs(angleDiff(player.angle, enemy.angle))>90

  • Make an invisible sprite the size of the car (or a bit bigger for better touch control).

    Add Drag & drop behavior to this sprite. When the sprite Is Dragging, set the car to sprite position, but only if the sprite is not overlapping walls.

    You can pin two invisible sprites together - a bigger one for dragging and a smaller for overlapping checks.

    Also I think you should disable Physics on the car while it's being pulled. Re-enable it when it's released.

  • Try Canvas or Paster plugins:

  • There are a couple of plugins you can try:

    Canvas has an expression rgbaAt, which, I'm guessing is what you need.

    As for changing sprite color, maybe you can use "Set color" effect?

  • worm1

    Is this what's happening?

    You can check if Vector.pickedCount=2 and simply reverse the angle of movement (add 180 degrees).

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  • I think it means that you don't have ownership of the template - you can't re-sell under a different name and stuff like that.

    But once you create a game using this template, this game will be yours and you could do whatever you want with it.

    Of course I may be wrong.

  • Don't use particles, do this with sprites.

  • Yeah, there are plenty of ways to control the flow of events - using triggered events, Wait, Wait for signal, Every x second, Timer, Trigger Once, event groups.

    What I love (and sometimes hate) the most about C2 is its picking system. It takes time to fully understand how it works, but it's a really powerful stuff.

  • newt I believe if ball collides with two vectors at the same moment, both vector instances will be picked in one collision event.


    Here are a few examples:

    // If you need to process all vector instances which are currently in collision with the ball 
    Ball on Collision with Vector
        For each Vector  ......................
    // If you need to process only one vector instance, no matter if the ball has hit 1 or 2 vectors
    Ball on Collision with Vector
        System -> Pick 0-th instance of Vector  ......................
    // If you need to know if more than 1 vector is in collision with the ball 
    Ball on Collision with Vector
         System -> Compare two values -> Vector.pickedCount>1
    // If you need to pick only one of two vectors using some condition 
    Ball on Collision with Vector
         System -> Compare two values -> Vector.pickedCount>1
               System -> Pick Vector by evaluate <your condition here>[/code:3j641p9u]