Your game looks great!
However, it seems like it's going to be a big project and it's already quite messy. You need to get a few things right ASAP!
1. First, start using families. I imagine wolf will not be the only enemy in your game. You don't want to duplicate hundreds of lines of your code when you add a new enemy type!
Create families for all objects that can be logically combined - Enemies (include wolf, bear, zombie etc.), Friendlies (Player, NPC), SceneryObjects etc.
Every time you add new events and feel like you may need to re-use them for a different object, consider creating a family.
Note, that you can have the same object in several families.
Say, wolves can be in Enemies family for all enemy-related things (attacking, pathfinding etc.) and in AliveObjects family (vulnerable to cold, leave blood splatter when killed etc.).
You will need to move all instance variables and behaviors to family level. It's a time consuming task, but you need to do it now, otherwise it will take 10x more time later when your project grows bigger.
Follow this tutorial: ... o-a-family
Also, if two objects are very similar (for example different types of trees), it's better to use one sprite with different animations.
2. Use containers.
If you add Enemy, EnemyRange, EnemyHealth to the same container, you'll only need to create an Enemy and pin EnemyRange and EnemyHealth.
You don't need to worry about creating or destroying EnemyRange and EnemyHealth, it will be done automatically.
You don't need to link them together using EnemyID variable. Every time you pick one object from the container, others will be picked automatically.
For example:
Bullet on collision with Enemy
-> Subtract 1 from
-> EnemyHealthBar set width to (you don't need to pick EnemyHealthBar by EnemyID)
With families and containers you should be able to significantly optimize and de-clutter your code.
3. Use different event sheets. 260 events in one sheet is a bit too much.
I would definitely move all enemy AI stuff to a separate sheet.
4. Create a new layout, name it Assets and dump all your objects to that layout. I'm talking about shadows, corpses, steps, range circles, text captions etc.
C2 requires one instance of each object to be added to a layout, but it shouldn't necessarily be your main Game layout.
Sorry, I didn't get to the AI part, I think you need to fix all these issues with your project first...