dop2000's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound

    Squares of different color mean different height above the sea level, right?

    I don't understand, why is water flooding light red and dark red squares at the same time?

    Shouldn't it fill the lower level squares first?

  • You can try this:

    Turret NOT has target
         Enemy instVariable="specific value"   -> Turret acquire target Enemy
    If you have "Add turret target Enemy" event, you need to remove or disable it.
  • wizdigitech

    Read about how instances are picked in events:

    "On tap" event picks one instance. If you need to refer to another instance in the same event, use "System Pick all" and then "Sprite compare variable"

  • Try System->Set Canvas Size

  • Check this plugin:

  • Try Construct 3

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  • [quote:2oqceny8]Turn off collisions for objects that don't need it e.g. background and GUI objects

    This is not really necessary. Construct only performs collisions checks for an object if there are relevant events or behaviors.

    If your background sprite has no behaviors like Solid or Physics, and is not part of "on collision"/"is overlapping" events, it will not generate any collision checks.

  • Check array dimensions, height should be 1

    If this doesn't help, could you share your capx? It's hard to guess by screenshots.

  • Use Touch.xAt(1), Touch.yAt(1) for the second touch.

    Unfortunately, you'll need to duplicate the event:

    On 0 touch start -> create particles at Touch.xAt(0), Touch.yAt(0) 
    On 1 touch start -> create particles at Touch.xAt(1), Touch.yAt(1) 
  • Look at the picture in my comment - event 3 is a sub-event, it should be nested under event 2.

  • You mean in editor?

    You can set size to negative values. For example sprite size is (100,200). To flip horizontally, set it to (-100,200)

  • Could you give more details?

    Those sprites - are they instances of one sprite, or different sprites?

    Do you want something like a deck of cards, which you shuffle and then deal cards one by one?

  • Isn't garbage collection done automatically? Can you force it in Construct project and does it make any difference?

    I learned that effects are slow. (at least on a mid-range Android phone). If I add any effect to even a small sprite in my mobile game, I'm immediately getting a drop in performance. With 10 sprites the fps can drop to under 30 and the game becomes unplayable.

    Same with "Force own textures" settings on layers. Each layer like this subtracts 5-10 fps.

  • With tutorial buttons what happens is two events are triggered.

    Change events 11-12 to this:

    On touched NextButton
       TutorialNo=1 -> Set TutorialNo to 2
                       Go to Tutorial2
       TutorialNo=2 -> Set TutorialNo to 3
                       Go to Tutorial3
    "Else" is important!
    Do the same with BackButton.
    Also, there is no point in changing button's animation speed, because the layout will be changed immediately.
    If you want to highlight the button when it's touched, do something like this:
    On touched NextButton -> NextButton set animation frame to 1
    On any touch end  -> NextButton set animation frame to 0
    On NextButton tap -> .... (those sub-events from the code above)
    As for the Reset buttons, there could be a similar problem with the sequence of events. It's impossible to tell by just the screenshot.
    Also (I've seen this mistake in another project), when you reset data in Local Storage, you need to wait for "LocalStorage On All Set Complete" event. If you don't wait and immediately try to read data from Local Storage, you'll get previous (unchanged) values.
  • Pretty poor code you bought... The store should have some kind of quality control.

    This is not how pathfinder works. In C2 start a new project and select "Pathfinder demo" template to see how events should be organized.

    Also, events 14-16 in your screenshot are executed on every tick, which is not good.

  • Not sure I understand. What's the problem with checking the collision polygons of mask sprite?

    Here, I made a demo: ... .capx?dl=0

    Circles are a bit rough, you can add more points to their collision polygon to make them smoother.