dop2000's Forum Posts

  • Set "Default controls=No" in Platform properties.

  • If you are subtracting health on collision event, then it's very unlikely that 50 zombies will collide with the wall all at the same tick (1/60 of second).

    But yes, it is still possible that more than 1 instance will collide, so you need For each loop:

    Zombie On collision with Wall

    System For each Zombie -> Wall subtract 5 from health

    Or use the PickedCount expression:

    Zombie On collision with Wall -> Wall subtract (5*Zombie.PickedCount) from health

  • Add this condition:

  • capx is your Construct 2 project.

    Save your project as a single file. Upload it to some website like, share the link here. See this post on how to post links with low reputation:

  • I don't have other solutions for you. It's not easy to make a universal app for all screen sizes and aspect ratios.

    Scale Outer method allows to make layouts that are "compatible" with different screens, but it's not perfect. You need to deal with the background and off-screen objects etc.

    If you don't like this, you can simply design different copies of the same layout for different aspect ratios (4:3, 16:9, 18:9 etc.), or even build different apps for different screens.

  • If the path is circular, as on your picture, it's easy. You can pin the platform to another sprite (pivot point) and rotate that sprite.

    If needed, change the Platform angle of gravity as well.

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  • I would remove "trigger once" from event 76, otherwise your screenshots look ok to me.

    I suggest debugging. Run the project in Debug Mode (Ctrl-F4), get to the point where your game glitches, pause it and check everything.

    You can also add "Browser Log" actions to your key events to output variable values, animation names and other useful information. This often helps to understand the sequence of events in the project.

  • Wait and Trigger Once are probably the most misused events in Construct.

    Trigger Once is executed once when other conditions in this event are all true. (or, if there are no other conditions, then it will be triggered once on the start of layout).

    If other conditions become false and then true again, then this event will be executed again.

    Many beginners think this event means "trigger only once in the game", which is wrong.

    Wait is a convenient way to add a delay, but I prefer only using it for unimportant stuff and short delays - like Wait 0.5s, spawn Particles. It shouldn't be used in situations where you control game mechanics.

    Imagine you have an event like this:

    On collision with PowerUp sprite -> Player Set speed to 500, Wait 5s, Set speed to 200

    What happens when you pick up one power-up, and then after 4 seconds pick up another one? You expect it to "recharge" your speed for additional 5 seconds, however after 1 second the first "wait" kicks in and resets the speed back to 200.

  • It's hard to understand what's going on by your screenshots, but I believe the reason for your problems is "Wait" action.

    You are creating multiple Wait threads, that can clash and produce unpredictable results. You should never use Wait in events like these.

    I recommend adding Timer behavior to your character. Disable controls, start "Ignore" timer, use "On timer" event to re-enable controls.

    The huge advantage of Timer behavior over Wait is that you can control it - you can restart the timer for a longer time if needed, stop it, pause (by setting object time scale to 0), calculate elapsed and remaining time etc.

  • Hola to you too! This forum is in English.

    Try this:

    Enemy MoveTo is moving
    Enemy compare X >(player.X-50)
    Enemy compare X <(player.X+50)
    Enemy compare Y <player.Y       -> Enemy disable MoveTo
                                       Enemy enable Platform
  • I have used the scale outer but it is going to the side in the output

    You need to allow unbounded scrolling in layout properties.

    Also, don't increase the window size! Increase the size of your background sprite, or tiledbackground objects, or whatever you are using for background. Your background should be bigger than the window size.

  • We are not psychics here, you need to post your capx file.

    Remove "http://" from the link and add a few spaces, e.g.:

    google .com

  • Please post your capx or a screenshot of your event sheet.

  • You can extend your background by about 20% on each side and use Scale Outer, as described in this tutorial: ... reen-sizes

  • I have no idea. You should open a new topic, or post in the comments to Q3D plugin.