dop2000's Forum Posts

  • Ashley Thanks for the detailed answer! We are of course staying on NWjs for now, but it's good to have a backup option.

  • Tell players they'll need to say goodbye to their previous saves. Keep the old version in another branch, so if they want, they can continue their old games.

    I don't think this qualifies as a solution.

  • I wonder if it's possible to switch from NWJS to WebView2 in an already published Steam game?

    I'm guessing the folder and file structure will be different. Will this cause any issues? Will the game be able to access Local Storage data from NWjs version?

  • When several objects are draggable/clickable you can use "Pick top instance".

    There are many way to prevent click-through - one solution is to disable/enable layer interactivity. For example, when menu layer is active, disable interactivity on all game layers. Another option is to organize events in groups and activate/deactivate them. Say, if an object is clicked, deactivate "UI controls" group.

  • I never really knew how to use the LocalStorage feature

    There are plenty of examples and tutorials. All you have to do is save one value in Local Storage - "isBanned"=1

  • Here is the solution to #2

    Like I said, #3 may be difficult. Perhaps you need to use invisible immovable sprites to limit the zone of the box. Or you can allow the object to go through the walls while dragging, but when released snap it to the nearest free shelf.

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  • Is obj_item_potions_inventory a member of Inventory_Item family?

    You parent event (Mouse on clicked Inventory_Item) picks a family instance. But it doesn't pick obj_item_potions_inventory instance! Even if it's the same sprite, Construct treats them as different objects.

    So to fix this you need to pick obj_item_potions_inventory which was clicked. The easiest way to do this is to add this condition to sub-events (before comparing the animation name):

    obj_item_potions_inventory Pick by unique ID = Inventory_Item.UID
  • 1. DragAndDrop behavior ignores Solid. Physics is also not compatible with Solid.

    If you need physics object to collide with other physics objects while dragging, you need to move them with physics actions - apply force, velocity etc.

    Check out these examples:

    2. You can use Touch plugin, it has "On Object Tap" condition - it's a gesture which only triggers if the object is quickly touched/clicked without moving.

    Alternatively you can save the time and position of the click, and when the mouse button is released compare how much time has passed from the start of the click, and how far the object was moved. Say, if the time<0.3s and the distance<5px, then toggle the switch.

    3. This task may be pretty difficult. When the cabinet is closed, you can disable physics for all objects inside of it, and add them as children to the cabinet (using hierarchy). Then they will be moved with the parent.

    To arrange objects on shelves you probably need to define which objects can collide, using "Enable/Disable collisions" action.

  • Hm, I'm fairly sure I tried File Chooser years ago on mobile and it didn't work. Glad it's working now!

  • It's strange that the file dialog for the nw.js plugin doesn't work, right?

    NW.js is for desktop, it doesn't work on mobile.

    With Cordova plugin you have two options:

    1. Find someone who can make it into a C3 addon.

    2. Export your game as Cordova project and manually add the Cordova plugin using Cordova CLI, Android Studio or XCode. You will need to call plugin methods with Javascript, but this isn't very hard. For example, to open the file dialogue:, failureCallback);
  • Please post a screenshot of your code or the project file.

  • I should also specify that the points themselves shouldn't be in any specific order, just whichever is closest to Sprite 2 instance.

    You should've mentioned this from the beginning.

    The easiest solution would probably be attaching 4 invisible "Anchor" sprites to these image points - you can do this manually in layout editor, add them as children to the hierarchy.

    Then you can pick the nearest Anchor sprite and replace it with Sprite2:

    Sprite1 On collision with Sprite2
    Sprite1 Pick all children Anchor
    Anchor pick nearest to (Sprite2.x, Sprite2.y)
    ... Sprite2 set position to Anchor
    ... Sprite1 add child Sprite2
    ... Anchor destroy

    Alternatively, if you want to do this with image points, you will have to loop through all image points, check which ones are unoccupied, and which one is the nearest to Sprite1 - the code for this will be pretty complicated.

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  • FileChooser doesn't work on mobile. You will probably need to install a third-party Cordova plugin, like this one. And the app will require permissions to access files and folders.