dondosh's Forum Posts

  • Thank you!

    I will upload an update soon with some improvement and what you describe was fixed!

    Again thank you for your comment !

  • Hi to all,

    I released a remake of the game Kaboom for Atari 2600. I know it's not original, but I wanted to make this game since my childhood. This is my first "completed" project in Construct 2.

    Please give me feedback if you have some time to kill. Here the link to the arcade:

    Thank you !

  • Thanks it works like a charm !

  • I'm trying to do a 100 balls game like and I struggle with one problem.

    I have an event that is:

    BasketTrigger Is overlapping Ball :

    -> System Add 1 to score

    -> Destroy Ball

    Ball are the blue balls

    BasketTrigger is the grey box

    score is a global variable

    I'm not sure, but I think the problem is that if two Ball hit the BasketTrigger at the same time, they increment the same value.

    What I mean is that imagine score variable is at 10:

    On the same tick, two Ball overlap with BasketTrigger so the system will do 10+1 for the first Ball event and since it happen at the same time the second Ball event doesn't know that score variable is at 11.

    So the score variable will be 11, but it should be 12.

    Can I do something different to make it work ? I use physics too, if it matter.

    Link to my capx file (I don't have enough rep to post link so just copy paste next two line in address bar):


  • Yeah but Sprite2 got his physics enabled when you start dragging.

    So how does the engine separate the two instance of Sprite2?

  • Why does the other green square doesn't get his physics enabled when you drag?

    The drag drop event only affect the "contextual" object the event occurs ?

    You help me understand how physics work in this engine.

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  • You answer my questions, thank a lot, I think I must find another way because like you said, the paddle are making the square goes through the roof if the paddle come back really fast.

    Thanks for taking the time to help me!

  • Ok I understand that, but what about the paddle ?

  • OK thank you for your explanation. Yeah I want to do it with physics. By the way I didn't want to say that you made a mistake. I'm really grateful that you share it. Great work and you say you did it fast !

    But I don't understand how gravity can affect the paddles if the gravity is set to 0.

  • Yeah exactly, can you explain a little why you use value like -33333 for the torque force.

    EDIT: I play a little with your capx file and I think that the Keyboard Space event is down does nothing. Because I removed the event completely and the paddle keep going down while Space was not pressed. It look like it's the gravity that make the paddle drop (when not pressing Space), but you put gravity to zero on paddle On start layout. So I'm a little confuse.

    Man if you could explain it, it would be so nice. I already learn a little with you file.

    Thanks a lot !

  • Hi everyone,

    This is my first post on this forum.

    I need help to rotate a paddle from an image point using physics. I succeed with Set Angle, but it glitch because of the physics behaviour.

    I tried to use a limited revolute joint and apply force to the paddle to another image point , but I cannot make it work. I know I'm not really clear but look at these images.

    When player is not pressing "Spacebar",I want the paddle to stay in this position:

    When player press "Spacebar", I want the paddles to smoothly rotate to this position:

    I'm trying to do a game like 100 balls: ... alls&hl=en

    EDIT: I cannot post a link so i will paste an image of the game here:

    Thanks I hope anyone can help me !