D_O_I_G_'s Forum Posts

  • Hello I just gonna ask for pure optimization questions.Is it possible to render not in 640x360 resolution but something smaller like 1/4 of that because I need really long rays for some places due the fact its kinda open world kind project. I saw in your teasers that you have textures on floor and ceiling so if its plugin or something else? Will this engine transparency? Because if will then I could use just walls for roads in my project.


  • I solved this apieriantly I set iamge points wrong and thats made it render wrong now it works

    No need to worry.

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  • Hello again I fixed problem with walls they now render but wonky.

    and in middle they look like one side is further than other.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hello I'am in huge need of help. I have problem with wall rendering and I can't figure why.T_T I adding link to 7zip file with example of your engine ( events non disable are the ones I need) and mine which is kinda messy but I hope you sir will find out why.

    Thanks in advance.



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  • I would think you would need to edit the nwjs template found under:

    Construct 2\exporters\html5\templates

    So this will customize background if scaled on any aspect ratio because game render in 1:1 aspect.

  • Is is possible to make it in engine so when I export in nwjs it will work in exe file?

  • Hi I have simple question how make black background of game use some kind of picture if it's possible.

    left is what it looks, right is what I want.

  • Hello first time Iam using forums for help. So I didn't find anything remotly similar to make ai use ladders. So here how game works: AI has states, state 0 when it just roams thats where ladders should be used for AI to access other flors like climbing up or down. State 1 is where it chases player this will be writen using what is written in state 0, State 2 is when it tries run away will be writen based on state 0. So Thanks in advance. CAPX file for checking maybe you'll find more bugs

    P.S. already tried custom movement and 8 direction movement.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UdusdAIxQkS_sBMU3JkFS9o2aWWzL98F/view?usp=sharing