Doc Unco's Forum Posts

  • IndieKiwi : Thank you.

    Valerien : Thanks for the feedback. I'm agree with you, it's a bit slow and i will try to add text to show which enemy you're going to attack. ; )

  • Hi everyone !

    My goal is to made a turn-based dungeon-crawler. I want to mix a lot of ideas from many games :

    - A 100 floors dungeon,

    • No exploration,
    • Turn based batlle system,
    • Characters builds with other characters leftovers,
    • Collection aspect,
    • Many other ideas…

    Every weeks I will try to upload a new prototype and i will consider it as a new game : new title, new story and new features.

    Current version : HEROES LEFTOVERS : Road to RPG #5 - The King's Hunters 2

    New features :

    - Visual Effects : Each attack now has a visual effect.

    • Artificial Inteligence : Ennemies will now not only attack PInguin 1.
    • Move : a small bug has been fixed.

    Feel free to comment & welcome to "Road to RPG" !

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  • Thank you so much for the help and the explanation guys !

  • Hi,

    I've started to work on a turned-based combat game and I have my first problem. I want to create an Array for the initiative order of the fight.

    I want to store 2 informations : Name of the current character and his initiative value. Something like :

    [quote:3clwv9ch]12 Warrior

    11 Mage

    16 Ogre

    9 Goblin

    And i want to sort this array to have something like :

    [quote:3clwv9ch]16 Ogre

    12 Warrior

    11 Mage

    9 Goblin

    I found this tutorial : but i'm not able to reproduce it. He didn't sort the array but the player can sort it with a visual interface.

    I found this topic but the capx delivered by R0J0hound or Yann doesn't answered the initial question.

    There is my actual .capx :

    Thanks for the help and sorry for the bad english.

    Edit : I edit my capx with my start about my initiative problem and what i've tried to do based on this algo :

  • OK i finally found how to do it. I change this :

    ->Set MouseX to mouse.X-sprite.X

    ->Set MouseY to mouse.Y-sprite.Y

    Into this :

    ->Set MouseX to sprite.X-mouse.X

    ->Set MouseY to sprite.Y-mouse.Y

    Thanks a lot !

  • Part12Studios : Thanks. The movement works but i don't understand how to not move the sprite when you click on the left button. It's come from this part but i don't find a way to skip that part.

    "MouseDown = 1

    Trigger once

    ->Set MouseX to mouse.X-sprite.X

    ->Set MouseY to mouse.Y-sprite.Y"

    I want that the sprite keep it's initial position when I left clicked.

    Vtrix : I don't want the sprite to follow the mouse, I want it to reproduce the mouse movement. I want that when i clicked on the left mouse button and, for example, i go to the left with my mouse the sprite go to the left to. But i don't want the sprite to teleport to the mouse position. I want it to keep it's initial position and reproduce the movement of the mouse. Like you said, i know how to make a sprite follow the mouse but i don't know how to make a sprite reproduce the mouse movement.

  • HI,

    I am trying to make a sprite reproduce the movement of my mouse when i have my left mouse button down. It "works" but, i don't understand why, the sprite move faster than the mouse. So this is my capx :

    I'm think it's a problem with the math but i don't know where... :s

    Help ?

  • Hey,

    I'm making a game who take place in a supermarket, and i create sprite for twenty shelves for bread, milk, vegetables... I place on my layout spot for those shelves (spot are simple empty sprite object) and I want, on start of my layout, to create each of those shelves only once time at one of this spot.

    I can create random shelves at those spots but and don't know how to create every shelves only once time.

    Can sombody help me ?

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm proud to show my game B For Badass :

    It's still a pre-alpha build with many buggs but the game is totally playable !

    We start an IndieGogo campaign too :

    B For Badass is a new school Run�n�Gun game about a badass metalhead called Garrett B. Hustain. And you know what they did? Well, they took his hard earned beer, and everybody knows, you dont take a metalheads beer. Actually, taking a metalheads beer often has some pretty dire consequences like some smashed skulls and broken ribs. And thats exactly whats going to happen. But before he starts his murderous rampage he has to know, why would they take away his beer? What did he ever do to them? As it turns out a new mayor was elected, Garret doesnt really keep up with that politics crap because hes too busy rocking out on his guitar but this new mayor guy seems to be working real hard to get his attention. It looks like this new donkey actually hates metalheads, and is willing to do anything and everything to keep them out of the city.

    So this is a New School Run�n�Gun game. Whats new school? Well, New school is a term we�re using where we�re keeping a lot of classic old-school elements of Run and Gun games but adding modern game design into the equation to deliver an old-school but very polished and smooth experience. The player will have 4 ways of dealing hurt on his enemies; a shotgun, throwing axes, a charge attack and using the power of metal through his guitar. The game will include a scoring system and this is a key feature of the game. Things like number of ennemy killed and finish time will be included but we have also included a combo gauge that will fill by hitting enemies in rapid sequence and keeping this gauge full for as long as possible will be primordial to getting high-scores.

    It will be a pleasure for me to answer your question !

  • Nope sorry.

  • Finally found how to do :

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hi,

    I currently try to add gamepad control to my game. I already have the keyboard control and i have a lot of event like :

    Keyboard > On key code CONTROLDDOWN released

    I don't know how to create event like this one for the joystick with the axis.

    Somebody know how to do it ?

  • It works. Thanks a lot.

    I knew the "For each" condition but not the Timer Behavior.


  • Thanks for your answer.

    But I know how to generate a random value -_-"

    I don't know how to generate it for each instance of the same object.

    I have an enemy with many instance of him and i want that each of them have a different fire rate.

    I can do something like :

    Every random(1,4) seconde -> Create Object Bullet.

    But this will choose a fire rate for ALL of the instance of my enemy and i don't want that. I want to generate one different for each of them.