if you dont know what to do, think about use variables
hmmm... If we have a sheet of paper and this sheet is behind picture we can only find it by clicking on the outlier part.
sqiddster if i have one object behind and one object on top. When i click on object on top, object hidden behind dissappear, so should not have dissappear right?
yes yes i know how great art should be in this game :)
i want t-shirt with PIG :)
Hello friends im looking for tips or examples of that kind of game.
Joannesalfa yes android 4
i add to my game one physics object and frame rate is 5-15. anyone know how to boost game performance ?
keepee Thanks i use your "object.physics.VelocityY" but last two of your option i dont know how use
How do i check volecity of falling down a physics object?
i want create some event.
when falling speed is high and ball colides with wood > break wood
but when volecity is low dont do anything, just hit/bounce
oh sorry i dont read this part with the problem in the capx, for me game is very nice and fun
nice game
first install dropbox here dropbox.com/referrals/NTQ0NzEwMzU4OQ
EncryptedCow wow i change angle of BoxB and boxA didnt want snap :)
i will test this few times and tell u hows going:)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
EncryptedCow thanks for your time but its not all, i show you what i think