Dayvid86's Forum Posts

  • At the beginning of the loading, you put the layer in visible; when your objects are loaded and all of them, you make it disappear, it's just an idea!

  • Yes, do a pre-loading scene, while it loads, you display something, like a loading page.

    You can do it with a layer that you put on top of everything else, when everyone is loaded, you make it disappear.

  • piranha305 Thank you very much for your example !

  • I get my image with a file selector with a URL, it's to make a game or the player create his game, so he has to load images and sounds and other things, he create his game this way....

    Example: He loads an image of his choice, to put it on the stage, with a sprite for this purpose, to create this scene, he creates his scenery with images that he must import, sounds, etc...

    But it has to be persistent, I create a game to create a game ^^

    Try the project, put images on the stage, save the game (Watch at scene 3), change the images of the scenes, reload the game, the images are not loaded.

  • Hello, do you know how to save an image I just loaded, because when I save my game, the loaded images are not saved:(

    In my game, the user can load an image and put it on the scene, but when he saves the game, and reloads, the image is no longer there:(

  • Hi, I'm looking to do it on Windows too!

  • Pour C2, pour C3, je ne sais pas si ça fonctionne:

  • Thanks to Dop2000 for helping me!

    To load an image into your game and display it on the scene, you will simply need a "File Selector" object and a "sprite", then you will need to set as a condition:

    "FileChooser" -> "On changed" ----> "Sprite" -> "Load Image From URL" -> "FileChooser.FileURLAt(0)"


    Merci à Dop2000 de m'avoir aidé !

    Pour charger une image dans votre jeu et l'afficher sur la scène, il vous faudra simplement un objet "Sélecteur De Fichiers" et un "sprite", ensuite il faudra mettre comme condition:

    "SélecteurDeFichiers" -> "L'ors d'un changement" ----> "Sprite" -> "Charger l'image depuis" -> "SélecteurDeFichiers.URLFichierA(0)"

    Voilà !

  • Hi,

    In my game, I would like to give the player the possibility to load an image and put it on the stage, how do I do that?

    The player loads the image from his computer.

    I need the NWJS object, I suppose?

    The player clicks on the "Load image" button and then chooses an image on his computer

    and once validated, the image appears in its game.

    I've been looking, but I haven't figured out how to do it.

  • Hello,

    Thank you, did not work with R138, works with R138.2!

  • Est ce que ce jeu ce lance chez vous ?

    J'obtient ceci dans la console:

    mqdefault_6s.webp:1 GET 404

    Image (async)

    setAttribute @ desktop_polymer.js:88

    serializeValueToAttribute @ desktop_polymer.js:37

    serializeValueToAttribute @ desktop_polymer.js:339

    _applyEffectValue @ desktop_polymer.js:225

    _annotatedComputationEffect @ desktop_polymer.js:213

    _effectEffects @ desktop_polymer.js:204

    _propertySetter @ desktop_polymer.js:203

    setter @ desktop_polymer.js:206

    dataChanged_ @ desktop_polymer.js:11039

    _observerEffect @ desktop_polymer.js:211

    _effectEffects @ desktop_polymer.js:204

    _propertySetter @ desktop_polymer.js:203

    setter @ desktop_polymer.js:206

    flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_ @ desktop_polymer.js:10886

    stampDomArray_ @ desktop_polymer.js:10880

    e @ desktop_polymer.js:1763

    J @ scheduler.js:21

    O @ scheduler.js:26

    F.J @ scheduler.js:24

    (anonymous) @ web-animations-next-lite.min.js:96

    requestAnimationFrame (async)

    window.requestAnimationFrame @ web-animations-next-lite.min.js:96

    F.start @ scheduler.js:27

    K @ scheduler.js:18

    ca @ scheduler.js:32

    d.addJob @ desktop_polymer.js:1631

    d.scheduleJob_ @ desktop_polymer.js:1763

    d.queueJob @ desktop_polymer.js:1756

    rendererStamperApplyChangeRecord_ @ desktop_polymer.js:10874

    rendererStamperObserver_ @ desktop_polymer.js:10871

    _complexObserverEffect @ desktop_polymer.js:212

    _effectEffects @ desktop_polymer.js:204

    _propertySetter @ desktop_polymer.js:203

    __setProperty @ desktop_polymer.js:203

    _computeEffect @ desktop_polymer.js:212

    _effectEffects @ desktop_polymer.js:204

    _propertySetter @ desktop_polymer.js:203

    __setProperty @ desktop_polymer.js:203

    _computeEffect @ desktop_polymer.js:212

    _effectEffects @ desktop_polymer.js:204

    _propertySetter @ desktop_polymer.js:203

    __setProperty @ desktop_polymer.js:203

    _applyEffectValue @ desktop_polymer.js:225

    _annotationEffect @ desktop_polymer.js:210

    _effectEffects @ desktop_polymer.js:204

    _propertySetter @ desktop_polymer.js:203

    setter @ desktop_polymer.js:206

    lockupOnMouseEnter_ @ desktop_polymer.js:10584

    handler @ desktop_polymer.js:166

    e @ desktop_polymer.js:1719


  • Hi dop2000, I sent you an email!

  • Hello

    Thank you for your answer and advice.

    I need people who know a lot about C3 or C2.

    If this is your case, I can send you my project so that you can help me.

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  • Hello,

    I need help with my project, how do I contact a private member of the forum?

    I would like to ask some people for help, I don't want to show my project to anyone, why can't I write to members on the forum?

    My project is destined to be sold!

    I would like to contact:



  • Hi,

    I would like you to put a link to understand what you want to do.

    Because we don't understand anything about what you want to do, so how can we help?

    Don't forget that others might be interested too:)

    It's not so much your game that interests us, but the behavior you want

    to do, others may one day want to do the same thing or be inspired by it!

    Thank you for your understanding:)