Danwood's Forum Posts

  • As ever the answer depends on measurements. If you can measure an improvement, then yes!

    Ideally you would move any moving objects to their own layer, so the one using render cells is truly static.

    Thanks, i made some mesurements and it doesn't seem to differ much (it is hard to measure though, since it fluctuates a lot).

    So sine opacity and angle will also make the object update render cell? In that case, i will move the "sine-ing" objects in another layer as you suggested.

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  • Hey Ashley, thanks for the new update, you always deliver awesome improvements!

    I have a huge layer with hundred (and sometimes thousands) objects.

    Those objects are static, they only update variables once every 48 sec, but they have Sine (angle and opacity) happening from time to time for long periods of time.

    Is it convenient to enable the new Render cell option from r191? I'm testing CPU usage with the debugger, but still can't find any difference. I just need to be sue i'm using the right criteria to enable the new feature after reading yur article on cell rendering.

  • Thanks, it was not necessary since behaviours already use it

  • I guess this has been asked before, but i didn't find anything confirmating it as i need to sleep tonight, so i'll ask here, hope it won't make you crazy

    Do i need to add *dt to the Bullet Speed calculation (which changes during the game via events) to make it framerate independent? In that case, how? just adding *dt, or something like (number*60)*dt?

  • Is this problem the same that forced me to do this: (?)

    There ar enaimals on the layout, one of them spawn "dung" using "spawn another object", and then dung sets it's "dry" variable to 100

    In order to avoid the game picking ALL the dung on the layout and set the variable to 100 for all, instead of only the one which is just created, i need to add another event "pick dung nearest to animal".

    When using the "create object" action, i dont need the other event, and it just picks the dung just created.

  • I've noticed this as well

  • Thanks folks, TiAm you're not a n00b anymore

  • I'll try to explain the question the best i can (sorry for the english!)

    I have Wolves and Sheeps

    Wolf LoS considers Sheep as obstacle, so he won't see behind her.


    Wolf also attacks sheep if she is in LoS, and since she's an obstacle herself, she will never be in LoS.

    Is there a way to allow LoS obstacle to be seen by the very same LoS behaviour they're an obstacle to?

  • All those steps to get the 0.10.5 version?

    just download it from here: https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webki ... d-versions


  • Totally agree with ASHLEY. Oh and thanks for solving the Sine bug i reported for the next Beta, you are a boss

  • I have try the new node-webkit v0.11.1 , still not fix the problem

    Apparently it's a Chrome issue, not directly caused by node-webkit

  • but hopefully it means a fix is on the way.


  • I've experienced this as well, just as you described!

  • Thanks all your answers were very explicative!

  • Can someone give me an example of a practical use for an array in a game?