Danwood's Forum Posts

    Aurel as far as you know, are there also other advantages in using NW 10.5 instead of 12? Also, how can i add the -in process gpu- chrome arg?

    PS: i'm a huge fan of your work and i'm developing a large project as well

    Also, does 0.4 work also for NW 10.5, or just 11?

    do you recommend NW 10.5 for archivements, or for additional reasons? I'm using NW 12.2 and looks like its working fine.

  • All hail Construct 2 and its prophet Ashley

  • Oh, okay ;(

  • Buy C2

    Make a 7200 events game (our current project)

  • I wonder if it is possible to add/remove an object in/from a familty with an event, instead of having the family fixed, and if yes, how to. Thanks!

  • Dinosaurs and the survival concept may lead to compare it to ARK, but it is quite different. Other that the overal (huge) difference in graphics and world map, DS is a real ecosystem simulation, with real emergent biology, for both plants and animals, and even lakes, terrain and weather (seasons, day length etc) chance according to the environment. ARK is set on an island used to save different species from different ages, while DS is set at the end of the cretaceous era (and the mai ncharacter went there with a time machine or something, still up to decide). Also, ARK is focused on multiplayer coop survival, DS, when playing survival mode, is only single player with no NPC,

  • If some good-hearted figures out how to fix the problem i GIVE HIM WINE!

  • https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js

    I got an error when i launch the game in both preview and exported, saying it doesn't recognize a file

  • Quick update:

    *The project reached 7150 events (with abundant use of functions and families).

    *We're now greenlit and going to start early access in july!

    *KS failed and we'll start early access probably without relaunching the campaign before (will confirm soon though).

    *Graphics got improved since the trailer/screenshots, and i need to remake those.

    *Character creation editor is in place and will be expanded, but there are already a fairly large amount of options to customize the (initial) stats.

    *New map generation is in place, creating a new different island at new game (from tiny like in the screenshot, to huge).

    Some new screenshots:

  • Actually, it doesnt, i have 2 object: leaf and stone. I want leaf to do not move if stone is, within the same layer, higher than leaf, so i need a way to compare that.

  • So Pick top/bottom also cpmpares between 2 objects position on the same layer, doesn't it only pick the top/bottom object of a layer? In that case, it solves the problem for me!

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  • I want to compare 2 object position on layer (higher/lower) both for the same layer or different ones. Is there a way? Thanks!

  • I used to just create a fading sprite and set every tick the sound volume to the sprite opacity * -0.60. This plugin is very welcome.