danuyos's Forum Posts

  • probably computers fault. instead of opening your project, open any of teh examples that comes with the installation. If they work, it's your fault. If they don't, it's your computer's fault

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  • you can OPEN projects with more than 100 just to take a look, but it won't even preview.

    You mean timer the behavior, or timer as any counter?

  • if fading with a variable doesn't convince you, try using lerp or qlerp or the other similar. I don't think you can "escape" the fps thing since all the code is executed on ticks...even if you use the gametime expression (or something like that) and put it into a variable, the volume fade is executed on ticks.

  • path movement is not something you can do our of the box.. I think there is a template on the store (just seach path)..

    the drawing thing, there is a third party plugin called canvas (or something like that) and you can draw vectors with that

  • use an invisible object to trigger the movement, use a 8 direction or bullet behavior, use timers to spawn and/or move in/out the wall

  • Hi, I just got approval for my new items on the store. 6 AI packs in style of a well known blue robot guy. If you are developing a 2d sidescrolling shooter/platformer or just curious about basic enemy's AI chek it here https://www.scirra.com/store/bundles/blue-robot-guy-ai-bundle-3580 or test the live demo here https://db.tt/IH8lUPnP

  • Platformer AI Pack#06 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Need some quick AI for your platformer game? Get a pack of AI's in style of a well known and famous 8-bit blue-robot-guy.</p><h3>AI PACK-06 - THE FLASHY GUY</h3><div class="deshr"></div> <p><p>english/spanish versions.</p><p>CREATED WITH C2 VERSION 195</p><h3>Requirements</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p><p>Needs a personal license for editing and using all of the AI's included (+100 events), or just open it and copy the code you want and use it with the free version.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 5 AI's included in this pack*
    • Most of the AI was done in a way that allows each instance to act individually just by changing some variables. (no more enemies attacking at the same time)
    • Comments and PDF explaining the AI's

    <h3>*Important</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Some of the AI are repeated among the other AI packs (6 packs in total) as they are based on the enemies that appear on the levels of the first game of the blue robot guy. The demo link shows all the 6 packs so you can compare which one fits your needs. If you want to get all the AI's (26 in total) wait for the bundle (available as soon as the 6 packs receive approval)</p><p>SPANISH---</p><p>Necesitas AI para tu juego de plataformas? Compra un pack de AI al estilo de un conocido robot azul de 8 bits.</p><h3>Requisitos</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Licencia personal para usar todas las AI (+100 eventos) o puedes abrir el archivo y copiar solo lo que necesites a la versi�n gratuita.</p><h3>caracter�sticas</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 5 AI's incluidas en este pack*
    • casi todas las AI est�n creadas de modo que cada instancia act�e individualmente con solo modificar variables. (no m�s enemigos atacando al mismo tiempo)
    • Comentarios y archivo PDF explicando las AI.

    <h3>*Importante</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Algunas de las AI se repiten entre los packs(6 packs en total) ya que se basan en los enemigos de los niveles del primer juego del robot azul. El enlace del demo muestra los 6 packs de modo que puedas comparar y escoger el pack que m�s necesites. Si deseas tener todas las AI's (26 en total) espera por el bundle (accesible en cuanto los 6 packs reciban aprobaci�n)</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Platformer AI Pack#06

  • Platformer AI Pack#02 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <h3>AI PACK-02 - THE ICECREAM GUY</h3><div class="deshr"></div> <p><p>english/spanish versions.</p><p>CREATED WITH C2 VERSION 195</p><h3>Requirements</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p><p>Needs a personal license for editing and using all of the AI's included (+100 events), or just open it and copy the code you want and use it with the free version.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 6 AI's included in this pack*
    • Most of the AI was done in a way that allows each instance to act individually just by changing some variables. (no more enemies attacking at the same time)
    • Comments and PDF explaining the AI's

    <h3>*Important</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Some of the AI are repeated among the other AI packs (6 packs in total) as they are based on the enemies that appear on the levels of the first game of the blue robot guy. The demo link shows all the 6 packs so you can compare which one fits your needs. If you want to get all the AI's (26 in total) wait for the bundle (this will be available as soon as the 6 packs receive approval on the store)</p><p>SPANISH---</p><p>Necesitas AI para tu juego de plataformas? Compra un pack de AI al estilo de un conocido robot azul de 8 bits.</p><h3>Requisitos</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Licencia personal para usar todas las AI (+100 eventos) o puedes abrir el archivo y copiar solo lo que necesites a la versi�n gratuita.</p><h3>caracter�sticas</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 6 AI's incluidas en este pack*
    • casi todas las AI est�n creadas de modo que cada instancia act�e individualmente con solo modificar variables. (no m�s enemigos atacando al mismo tiempo)
    • Comentarios y archivo PDF explicando las AI.

    <h3>*Importante</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Algunas de las AI se repiten entre los packs(6 packs en total) ya que se basan en los enemigos de los niveles del primer juego del robot azul. El enlace del demo muestra los 6 packs de modo que puedas comparar y escoger el pack que m�s necesites. Si deseas tener todas las AI's (26 en total) espera por el bundle (este ser� accesible en cuanto los 6 packs reciban aprobaci�n en el store)</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Platformer AI Pack#02

  • Platformer AI Pack#01 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    https://www.scirra.com/store/royalty-fr ... pack01-763

    Need some quick AI for your platformer game? Get a pack of AI's in style of a well known and famous 8-bit blue-robot-guy.AI PACK01-THE FIRECRACKER GUY CREATED WITH C2 r.195RequirementsNeeds a personal license for editing and using all of the AI's included (+100 events), or just open it and copy the code you want and use it with the free version.Features9 AI's included in this pack*Most of the AI was done in a way that allows each instance to act individually just by changing some variables. (no more enemies attacking at the same time)Comments and PDF explaining the AI's*ImportantSome of the AI are repeated among the other AI packs (6 packs in total) as they are based on the enemies that appear on the levels of the first game of the blue robot guy. The demo link shows all the 6 packs so you can compare which one fits your needs. If you want to get all the AI's (26 in total) get the BLUE ROBOT GUY AI BUNDLE SPANISH--Necesitas AI para tu juego de plataformas? Compra un pack de AI al estilo de un conocido robot azul de 8 bits.RequisitosLicencia personal para usar todas las AI (+100 eventos) o puedes abrir el archivo y copiar solo lo que necesites a la versión gratuita.características9 AI's incluidas en este pack*casi todas las AI están creadas de modo que cada instancia actúe individualmente con solo modificar variables. (no más enemigosatacando al mismo tiempo)Comentarios y archivo PDF explicando las AI.*ImportanteAlgunas de las AI se repiten entre los packs(6 packs en total) ya que se basan en los enemigos de los niveles del primer juego del robot azul.El enlace del demo muestra los 6 packs de modo que puedas comparar y escoger el pack que más necesites. Si deseas tener todas las AI's (26 en total) consigue el BLUE ROBOT GUY AI BUNDLE

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Platformer AI Pack#01

  • Platformer AI Pack#05 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Need some quick AI for your platformer game? Get a pack of AI's in style of a well known and famous 8-bit blue-robot-guy.</p><h3>AI PACK-05 - THE hard GUY</h3><div class="deshr"></div> <p><p>english/spanish versions.</p><p>CREATED WITH C2 VERSION 195</p><h3>Requirements</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p><p>Needs a personal license for editing and using all of the AI's included (+100 events), or just open it and copy the code you want and use it with the free version.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 5 AI's included in this pack*
    • Most of the AI was done in a way that allows each instance to act individually just by changing some variables. (no more enemies attacking at the same time)
    • Comments and PDF explaining the AI's

    <h3>*Important</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Some of the AI are repeated among the other AI packs (6 packs in total) as they are based on the enemies that appear on the levels of the first game of the blue robot guy. The demo link shows all the 6 packs so you can compare which one fits your needs. If you want to get all the AI's (26 in total) wait for the bundle (available as soon as the 6 packs receive approval)</p><p>SPANISH---</p><p>Necesitas AI para tu juego de plataformas? Compra un pack de AI al estilo de un conocido robot azul de 8 bits.</p><h3>Requisitos</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Licencia personal para usar todas las AI (+100 eventos) o puedes abrir el archivo y copiar solo lo que necesites a la versi�n gratuita.</p><h3>caracter�sticas</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 5 AI's incluidas en este pack*
    • casi todas las AI est�n creadas de modo que cada instancia act�e individualmente con solo modificar variables. (no m�s enemigos atacando al mismo tiempo)
    • Comentarios y archivo PDF explicando las AI.

    <h3>*Importante</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Algunas de las AI se repiten entre los packs(6 packs en total) ya que se basan en los enemigos de los niveles del primer juego del robot azul. El enlace del demo muestra los 6 packs de modo que puedas comparar y escoger el pack que m�s necesites. Si deseas tener todas las AI's (26 en total) espera por el bundle (accesible en cuanto los 6 packs reciban aprobaci�n)</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Platformer AI Pack#05

  • Platformer AI Pack#04 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Need some quick AI for your platformer game? Get a pack of AI's in style of a well known and famous 8-bit blue-robot-guy.</p><h3>AI PACK-04 - THE SCISSORS GUY</h3><div class="deshr"></div> <p><p>english/spanish versions.</p><p>CREATED WITH C2 VERSION 195</p><h3>Requirements</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p><p>Needs a personal license for editing and using all of the AI's included (+100 events), or just open it and copy the code you want and use it with the free version.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 10 AI's included in this pack*
    • Most of the AI was done in a way that allows each instance to act individually just by changing some variables. (no more enemies attacking at the same time)
    • Comments and PDF explaining the AI's

    <h3>*Important</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Some of the AI are repeated among the other AI packs (6 packs in total) as they are based on the enemies that appear on the levels of the first game of the blue robot guy. The demo link shows all the 6 packs so you can compare which one fits your needs. If you want to get all the AI's (26 in total) wait for the bundle (available as soon as the 6 packs receive approval)</p><p>SPANISH---</p><p>Necesitas AI para tu juego de plataformas? Compra un pack de AI al estilo de un conocido robot azul de 8 bits.</p><h3>Requisitos</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Licencia personal para usar todas las AI (+100 eventos) o puedes abrir el archivo y copiar solo lo que necesites a la versi�n gratuita.</p><h3>caracter�sticas</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 10 AI's incluidas en este pack*
    • casi todas las AI est�n creadas de modo que cada instancia act�e individualmente con solo modificar variables. (no m�s enemigos atacando al mismo tiempo)
    • Comentarios y archivo PDF explicando las AI.

    <h3>*Importante</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Algunas de las AI se repiten entre los packs(6 packs en total) ya que se basan en los enemigos de los niveles del primer juego del robot azul. El enlace del demo muestra los 6 packs de modo que puedas comparar y escoger el pack que m�s necesites. Si deseas tener todas las AI's (26 en total) espera por el bundle (accesible en cuanto los 6 packs reciban aprobaci�n)</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Platformer AI Pack#04

  • Platformer AI Pack#03 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Need some quick AI for your platformer game? Get a pack of AI's in style of a well known and famous 8-bit blue-robot-guy.</p><h3>AI PACK-03 - THE HOT GUY</h3><div class="deshr"></div> <p><p>english/spanish versions.</p><p>CREATED WITH C2 VERSION 195</p><h3>Requirements</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p><p>Needs a personal license for editing and using all of the AI's included (+100 events), or just open it and copy the code you want and use it with the free version.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 8 AI's included in this pack*
    • Most of the AI was done in a way that allows each instance to act individually just by changing some variables. (no more enemies attacking at the same time)
    • Comments and PDF explaining the AI's

    <h3>*Important</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Some of the AI are repeated among the other AI packs (6 packs in total) as they are based on the enemies that appear on the levels of the first game of the blue robot guy. The demo link shows all the 6 packs so you can compare which one fits your needs. If you want to get all the AI's (26 in total) wait for the bundle (this will be available as soon as the 6 packs receive approval on the store)</p><p>SPANISH---</p><p>Necesitas AI para tu juego de plataformas? Compra un pack de AI al estilo de un conocido robot azul de 8 bits.</p><h3>Requisitos</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Licencia personal para usar todas las AI (+100 eventos) o puedes abrir el archivo y copiar solo lo que necesites a la versi�n gratuita.</p><h3>caracter�sticas</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 8 AI's incluidas en este pack*
    • casi todas las AI est�n creadas de modo que cada instancia act�e individualmente con solo modificar variables. (no m�s enemigos atacando al mismo tiempo)
    • Comentarios y archivo PDF explicando las AI.

    <h3>*Importante</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Algunas de las AI se repiten entre los packs(6 packs en total) ya que se basan en los enemigos de los niveles del primer juego del robot azul. El enlace del demo muestra los 6 packs de modo que puedas comparar y escoger el pack que m�s necesites. Si deseas tener todas las AI's (26 en total) espera por el bundle (accesible en cuanto los 6 packs reciban aprobaci�n)</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Platformer AI Pack#03

  • margins are just space left for you to design comfortably. game should be set to full screen so layout size doesn't matter either except for performance

  • first, as you are a beginner, must know that angle in construct 2 is counter clockwise, so 45-135 actually means down, you are aiming to -45, -135 .

    mouse solution:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    min 8:35 to limit the aiming.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    min 4:55 for the actual aiming

  • have one layer as your main scenario, another one behind (showing the halls) put the doors behind the front layer so they can't be seen when open (up position) , move the doors with 8 direction or bullet behavior, and put a solid object to limit the movement. create variables to check is the door is open or closed when the button is pressed and move accordingly... that's all, you survived, go for your paycheck