CreativeMind's Forum Posts

  • Really great!! Thanks!

  • Maybe el3um4s can have a quick look at this. How would one load MathJax.js into the Inject CSS plugin correctly, so that it works offline? MathJax can be downloaded here:

  • I downloaded MathJax from the official site, unzipped it, opened the folder and loaded 'MathJax.js' into C3. There is a plethora of files in the unzipped folder, I doubt it is correct to include MathJax.js only? Anyway, I installed HTMLElement and InjectCSS, specified the file (not the path, just the filename, like in the plugin demo) in InjectCSS, enabled 'Text like HTML' in HTMLElement and gave it some LaTex - nothing happens, the text is being displayed as normal text.

    This should be trivial, what am I doing wrong here?

    Side note: Strange issue, the LaTex code shown in the sidebar of the HTMLElement is always shown with a double slash, although it is clearly written with one slash only in the editor, see picture.

  • Fengist Played around with your example file, works great! The thing is that I would like to use LaTex in an offline mobile app, so I am not sure how to import the MathJax code properly. Sorry for the confusion.

  • jobel Yes, this is what I am about to do. Multiple cutscenes will follow one after another, while the sound keeps playing. Maybe I can do same magic with the 'Load layout images' action.

  • Thanks for the reply. I doubt it will work that easy, as using in-game cutscenes might be confronted with the problem that sprites must be loaded when the layout changes, which might lead to stuttering during the sequence (while the sound keeps playing, probably).

  • Hi everyone,

    I want to create an intro sequence for my mobile game. Now I wonder how to achieve this most efficiently. The options are as follows:

    - Creating an intro in C3 using layouts and event sheets, then recording it with a screen capturing software, then use the video plugin to show it (Pro: Easy to use as I know C3, Con: Maybe bad resolution?)

    - Using another software to create an intro, then use the video plugin to show it (Pro: More editing features than C3, Con: I'll have to learn how to use it)

    I need the intro in a video format, so that I can use it on YouTube etc. as well. Has someone any experience in creating intro sequences? Any recommendations on which software to use? Are there any caveats when using the C3 video plugin?

  • Can't make it work without major time investment, the plugins are to confusing. Still hoping for a build-in solution or at least a good tutorial. In the latest C3 version, the browser object is now able to load CSS stylesheets. Maybe this helps to make this whole thing easier - somehow.

  • Jeez, I actually thought noone would respond to my post. You did a good job there, I think this is something I can work with! I need some time to dig deeper into this, though. Please keep up your experiments and let us know of any optimizations. Thanks a lot!

    Ok, this is a completely unknown area for me but it struck my curiosity so I did some digging. Take it for what it's worth.

    MathML is a markup language that is supported by which can be added to HTML in order to display complex formulas:

    It appears there are several libraries to convert LaTex to MathML. The problem with MathML is that Chrome doesn't support it.

    However, MathJax appears to be able to convert LaTex into something that displays on all browsers using CSS and webfonts which C3 does handle.

    And, it's JS which you should be able to either link to or include in a C3 project.

    So, now that you have it as HTML, what do do with it?

    I've been using this plugin to do Ajax calls to a server, grab html and display them in a C3 project. While I have found some minor issues with it, it seems to mostly work. Once you learn it, the HTMLElement also has some other interesting features that might work really well with formulas. First of all, since the HTML is loaded into the plugin, you can parse it and edit it and it instantly changes. You could have a text field, paste in your LaTex, let MathJax convert it and then place it in the HTMLElement to display it. That plugin also has the ability to make clickable elements in the HTML that can be used to call a C3 function.

    Because MathJax uses CSS you can use another plugin from the same author to solve that problem:

    I've been using that to successfully load both JS and CSS from a webserver into my C3 project. And the loaded CSS works with the above plugin to display the HTML however you wish.

    With a little creativity, I believe that you could duplicate this website in a C3 project:

    Therefore, including it in C3, IMHO, would cause unneeded bloat and would divert Scirra's limited resources onto a project that only a handful of end users would need. If the ideas I presented above could be made to work, that would be ideal.

  • LaTex (or Tex) is a text editor commonly used for scientific writing. It allows for an easy display of equations, integrals, fractions, derivatives and much more.

    Displaying complex scientific formula is currently not possible with Construct's text or spritefont plugins. This feature would make C3 a lot more attractive for users that want to develop educational apps or use C3 for teaching.

    I know this suggestions is very specific and will probably not obtain many upvotes, but I still invite everyone to vote for it here:

    I think this is an important feature to keep C3 competitive. Unity offers this feature in it's asset store (I hope I am allowed to share this link here):

    If you found any other way to display complex scientific formula in C3, please let me know.


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  • Working fine now, thanks for the quick fix.

  • Same issue here. Tried to build a minute ago, didn't work. Hoping for a quick fix.

  • Same issue here. When I start my app, the Google Play logo pops up, then disappears, and no functionality of the plugin is working any further.

    I think it might have to do with the SHA1 signature. Here's the thing: The SHA1 signature created by the build-in APK signer of C3 is used as an upload key to Google Play, not the actual signing key. The 'real' signing is done by Google itself (unless you deactivate it).

    I'll do some testing, maybe the project in Google Play Game Services must be provided with the C3 upload SHA1 signature, not the signing signature of Google.

    Ashley I would like to reach out to Iain Shorter, but I can't reference him. Could you please forward this post to him? Thanks.

    According to this Github post, I'm on the right track:

    I think we have to replace the Google SHA1 signature with our own upload signature in order to make the Google Play plugin work, is that true?

    Could we do it the other way round, too (downloading the Google certificate, which is of type .der, and use that to sign our apps before uploading)?

    I'm being really careful with this as you need to contact the Google support team for a signature change (no matter if upload key or signature key), and you can only do that ONCE for an app.

  • Thanks for the reply,

    yes, that is what I tried in the first place. Sadly, the documentation states the following:

    On back button

    Triggered when the user presses the device's 'Back' button. Note not all devices have this button (e.g. iOS devices only have a 'Home' button) and not all platforms support this trigger.

    That being sad, the way of triggering 'On back button' is quite unreliable.

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm publishing my C3 games on Android and I need a trigger for the moment in which the user chooses to close the app. In this moment, I want to save the game before closing.

    I'm aware of the Browser plugin's feature 'On back button', but the documentation says it's limited to certain devices, which is to unreliable for me.

    Is there any way to trigger on this condition?