Colludium's Forum Posts

  • On the start of the layout, you need to pick the various fire sprites and the bg1 object they are to be pinned to by using pick by UID. The way you have it, all fire sprites are pinned to the first instance of bg1, even the ones that appear over bg2 (because no bg1 is selected, I think c2 has chosen the one with the lowest IID for you).

    Just for reference, you're better off posting questions like this in the How Do I forum in future. By the way - welcome to the forum!

  • If you change line 4 in Event Sheet 1 to Every 3 seconds then the crash happens within 1 minute (r206). I received the following in the JS console:

    Uncaught abort() at Error
        at Error (native)
        at fb (http://localhost:50001/Physics_behavior.js:31:26)
        at ua (http://localhost:50001/Physics_behavior.js:417:61)
        at Function.h.o [as W] (http://localhost:50001/Physics_behavior.js:17:91)
        at nc (http://localhost:50001/Physics_behavior.js:167:483)
        at NB (http://localhost:50001/Physics_behavior.js:196:40914)
        at _f (http://localhost:50001/Physics_behavior.js:184:24253)
        at j.Fx [as g] (http://localhost:50001/Physics_behavior.js:654:22)
        at behinstProto.createBody (http://localhost:50001/Physics_behavior.js:1551:16)
        at behinstProto.tick (http://localhost:50001/Physics_behavior.js:1883:9)
    If this abort() is unexpected, build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 which can give more information.c @ Physics_behavior.js:7ua @ Physics_behavior.js:417h.o @ Physics_behavior.js:17nc @ Physics_behavior.js:167NB @ Physics_behavior.js:196_f @ Physics_behavior.js:184Fx @ Physics_behavior.js:654behinstProto.createBody @ Physics_behavior.js:1551behinstProto.tick @ Physics_behavior.js:1883Runtime.logic @ preview.js:2315Runtime.tick @ preview.js:2064tickFunc @ preview.js:629
    Physics_behavior.js:10 Cannot enlarge memory arrays. Either (1) compile with -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X with X higher than the current value 16777216, (2) compile with ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH which adjusts the size at runtime but prevents some optimizations, or (3) set Module.TOTAL_MEMORY before the program runs.[/code:2xa6i20m]
    I suspect it could be caused by the impulse given by the On Created in line 36, but the message above sort of implies a memory leak /  problem.
  • Just been playing around in Win10 10130.


    C2 projects fail to load - blank screen.

    Also Spartan will not go full screen -at least I cant find anywhere to tell it to.

    Thanks for this info!

    To MS and Spartan/Edge devs: Boooo!

    I have not been brave enough to try out W10 because the upgrade will delete my C drive when the real version is released. Good info you have there - I wonder if this is a Spartan/Edge bug or a C2 export setting that's at fault. I have confidence that if it's C2 then Ashley will fix it asap; however, my confidence is somewhat less if the problem lies at MS' door. I'm almost tempted to load a version of W10 just to try it and get on with submitting bug reports.

    Edit to add: with a release date of 29 July I am not so sure this will be fixed in time...

  • Alrighty.... Some progress has been made over the last few days, although I'm still not 100% happy with the swimming mech. Still more tweaking is required, I think.

    Tweaking can be rather dull, so I've been doing some construction as a distraction...

    The previous demo level has now been replaced by a taste of level 1 and part of level 2. The game's not ready for full public scrutiny yet, and I don't want all of its secrets open to general release either. A couple of kind individuals have already offered their help with testing the other levels / beta versions, and I am very much in their debt. I am not sure of the etiquette so won't mention names here - but you know who you are - thank you!! If you would like to join me in this journey of alpha/beta testing the embryonic levels as I finish them then please drop me a pm.

  • Same problem observed in r206.

    Here's the link for you: ... .capx?dl=0

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  • Remember - it didn't happen without a capx link to demonstrate the bug....

  • Problem Description

    This is a problem with the front to back renderer set off, with a physics object and a sprite spawning a "shade" sprite in a layer with XOR blend (and the "shade" sprite has Destination Out blend). Delete any of these objects and the problem is not evident (even the physics object). When the layout is run normally, with front to back renderer off, the blend for sprite "shade" is incorrect. However, if you run the layout in debug mode then "shade" is rendered correctly. If you turn front to back renderer on then "shade" is also rendered correctly.

    Additional problem: I noticed that, when reducing my project to demonstrate this problem, the "shade" and "sprite" objects are each in a container of just themselves....

    Additional problem 2: the position of the physics sprite appears to be eccentric / different relative to the viewport, depending on whether or not normal or debug is selected.

    Attach a Capx

    capx link

    Description of Capx

    2 layouts - ignore "dump" layout. Layout L_01 contains 3 layers, layer "shader" is blend XOR, layer "FG" and "BG" have normal blends. Layer FG has 2 sprites, one named "sprite" and the second object is in a family with physics behavior. On creation of "sprite" a "shade" sprite (Destination Out) is created on the "shade" layer.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Preview L_01 normally, observe the blend become extreme until it appears like a disk;
    • Preview L_02 in debug, observe that the object "shade" is rendered correctly;
    • Turn Front-To-Back-Renderer On - preview normally/debug and the "shade" object is rendered correctly

    Observed Result

    See above.

    Expected Result

    All rendering should be consistent and correct in preview / normal / front to back renderer on/off.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    W8.1 x64

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r207 64 bit

  • spongehammer, I am inclined to agree. Although I want the player to suffer sometimes, that's not what I had in mind!

  • You do know Microsoft got rid of Internet Explorer with the upcoming release of Windows 10 right?

    Yes.... I think you missed my point - which Ashley answered - which was concern whether Microsoft will fully support web audio features for W10. My response was a cynical snipe at how MS almost did a really good job with IE11, apart from this one huge oversight. You do know that web audio features aren't supported in IE11?

  • MadSpy,

    I had a flash of inspiration and used R0J0hound 's rather awesome Canvas plugin. You can draw circles, arcs, and lines of any geometry - it's simply excellent!

  • MadSpy

    I've uploaded a new version that now shows a countdown timer (of sorts). Let me know what you think (style / position etc). Thanks!!

    Edit to add an image:

  • 2/ Your fish move strangely but are still dangerous

    LOL - yeah, I think I need to arrange for them to hang around / return more slowly once you're dead.

  • Death by piranha mk 2 (in level 1). No more crazy instant skeleton...

  • MadSpy, yeah, I was thinking about something like that. Maybe an o2 remaining line would work, although I want to keep the display as clean and uncluttered as possible. What would you say about changing the color of the display / shrink the player's viewing window as the o2 is depleted?

  • procrastinator

    spongehammer - lol, this is quite a short demo, so you should be limited on the number of types of death you encounter...

    Swim animations updated, and the blends should be smoother now as well. I hope... Now to add some factory based stages x10.