Colludium's Forum Posts

  • All sorted - I must have been working too late on those conditions LOL.... Ladder behavior is now as intended. I'll edit the animation later tonight.

  • MadSpy,

    1 That's great to hear.

    2. Mmmm - I can't duplicate that at all. Does it happen consistently or was it just the once? Either way, that should not be possible.... which is not good.

    3. That's an interesting climb ability she has - and not as intended. I'm not sure what's going on there, but I suspect that my object picking algorithm is poorly set up. I should be able to fix this tonight.

    4. Yes - I am going to edit the animation so she can push or pull small objects low down without this appearing to happen (it's because she stays vertical even when on a slope, and I don't think there's yet a way using Spriter to control animation elements that way).

    These are all great finds - thank you!!

  • If your player is moving right when it collides then perhaps you need a negative vector x value? Failing that, my technique would be to give it LiteTween behavior and just temporarily disable platform behavior while he moves backwards using a tween effect. When the tween finishes, then enable platform behavior again...

  • Some minor tweaks added to the alpha demo: shift and space for "control" and better response on the xbox controller (I hope - very subjective). Rope climbing is fixed now as well...

    Things I'm thinking about, apart from planning the puzzles for level 2 I mean, revolve around balancing visual effects with GPU performance. I've probably done as much as I think it's reasonably safe to demand out of an average GPU. It's less than I expected, but as C2 uses a bottom to top rendering routine, I don't think I can get away with much more without risking framerate and stability. I have a crappy old laptop that was worth 2k GBP 7 years ago and that's my benchmark testing device; if it doesn't work on that then I need to fix something...

    Thanks again to everyone who's posted their thoughts and advice so far - I really appreciate the time you've all taken.

  • zatyka, that theme tune's hilarious and excellent!

    Excal, I'd be interested in learning about your Unity transition experiences. I don't mean to invite a thread highjack, but if you could PM me with any pointers / good places to start for a C# newbie then I would appreciate it very much - cheers.

    I think c2 is almost perfect for things like LD...

  • Thanks spongehammer - I'll have a go at tweaking the rope jump mechanics today. From what I remember about rope climbing, it's actually quite easy to let go of one....!

    Still thinking keyboard and controls. I've added D Pad options and I'm going to change the sensitivity on the left stick so it's easier to use. I'm also thinking of adding use of the shift key for the control action, in case some don't like the space bar or it interferes with touch pad etc.

  • OK, after some judicious event tweaking I've got the jump / land animation to work as I always intended. Why has it taken so long for me to see how to do this?????

  • MadSpy, exactly right. The way I've implemented a player FSM - the events in each player "mode" check for control booleans - and all control input triggers are handled by changes of other variables or changes of player FMS mode, as well as good use of trigger-once. There's already a trigger once for the on the ground whilst the Up Control Boolean is true, so the player is now forced to press Up again because of the time delay. If any of that makes sense...

  • MadSpy - thank you for this; I can duplicate it on my machine as well (I never really tried just jumping on the spot). I think a check of having landed for 0.2 sec or similar needs to be added to prevent this from happening. Just for interest, the player FSM checks for overlap-at-offset depending on the player's y velocity (because it uses the physics behavior, there's no way to interrogate box2d to consistently check for colliding bodies). Give me a few minutes and I think I'll have a better version uploaded....

    Your machines sound like they are quite the beasts, by the way....

    Edit - updated. Works a treat and now the land animation works consistently correctly as well....

  • Your english is certainly better than my non-existent second language MadSpy . Are you using chrome 41 and could you tell my your system specs? Also, if you re-size the browser window to small (approx 1000x600) does it still happen? That's a weird one that might be down to reduced framerate causing weird collision checking.... Thanks!

  • Thank you MadSpy - all good points noted. With regard to the up arrow down, do you mean the player jumped like a double-jump, or something else? Cheers.

  • All good observations, thanks = keep 'em coming!

  • PhoenixNightly - thanks for the vid: too quick for the piranhas?!? I'll have to fix that...

    Very very good point about the space bar (I have nothing against using it...!). The land animation is a good one. There actually is one already, but it only plays after falling above a certain speed (it looked odd after small down-steps) and it doesn't happen when you are moving in the x direction because that also seemed false as the animation didn't blend well. I'm not giving up yet because the point is still valid.


  • PhoenixNightly - thanks and yes, I'm also tempted to use the shift key. The only problem is that Microsoft in their wisdom use long presses (> 8 sec) of holding the shift key down to bring up the Filter Keys menu.... Most gamers probably have that turned off, so I'll keep it in mind .

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  • I guess it's not universal then - I'm running android 5.1 and the text box brings up the system keyboard when I tap it (running the layout in chrome for android).