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  • that is not a bug.

    when you use touch, all objects touched will get triggered. Your event sheet checks the pink one first, then the blue one second. Since it is the last one checked, it is the last one to get moved to the top, even through the pink one is getting dragged. Drag and drop will pick the top instance, but any other objects will know that they were touched as well. Even if they are not visible, or on a layer that is not visible.

    what I normally do is put objects that respond to touch commands in a family, and then check for "on touched object" for the family, then have a sub event pick the top instance.

    Thanks, that makes sense. However, putting them into the family had the same result. I got around it by moving the objects to the top on DragDrop start, and then it worked.

    Thanks :)

  • When the sprite is touched it should go to the top and you can drag it.

    When I place the blue box on the pink box, let go, then select it again, it works fine.

    But, when I select the pink box, it goes to top like it should, I drag it on top of the blue box and let go. Good. Then when I touch the pink box, the blue box gets brought to the top (why?). When I drag, it's the pink box that gets dragged (which is correct, but the blue box should not have been brought to the top, over the pink).

    cp3 file:!AobC4q3rBlr6x_MUEJM-QxF3I1uZGg

  • each time you click the save button, the state now includes the contents of the dictionary, so the size of the new state is much larger then the previous click.

    where you show the dictionary.AsJSON, I changed to len(Dictionary.AsJSON) & ": " & Dictionary.AsJSON

    it goes from about 1k on the first click, to about 7k on the second click, to 30K, 151K, 800k...

    I tried adding a Clear Dictionary action before you do the Save, and still grew in size very quickly. Not sure if that is a bug in C3 or not...

    I initially thought that too (since it made sense), but I tried clearing the dictionary and it didn't change, so I figured that wasn't it.

    Thanks so much!

  • I want to save the state into an array, so when you press the save button it will save the state, upon save complete I save it to a dictionary.

    The problem is that every time the "save button" is pressed, it pauses, and the pause length increases with each press (you can see this by the spinning fan - it keeps pausing). Eventually, with enough presses, it crashes.

    Any idea why?

    The cp3 file:!AobC4q3rBlr6x_MRlQAFzz925Mj-zA

  • Every time I upload a new version I delete all files and then upload new ones.

    Because newer version may have differently organized sprite sheets, I guess, while naming remains the same, you may get cached files shown instead of new ones and they don't fit the newly exported version.

    Basically you have something like shared sheet 0 in your export, but now it contains different images, so it looks like nonsense.

    This happens even when not dealing with cached files. I guess game code may point to images on that sprite sheet and if you only upload new script files ( after a minor change ), or try to rewrite files, they still may come out wrong.

    Therefore nuke everything, then upload a new version.

    Not much you can do for people who already have the game and get served rong cached files ( other than tell them to empty their cache )

    Interesting. I had no idea.

  • I did an update on my HTML5 app and in Safari (on an iPad and a Mac) the app has messed up sprites, and layouts that are jumbled. I did see this myself on my own iPad.

    I had the customers clear their browser and go back in and all is well, but they lost all their data stored in local storage.

    Anyone know why this is happening?


  • I was able to export via Cordova-xcode and create the apps for iPhones/iPads but when, in Xcode, I selected to build for Mac (which is supposed to be doable now) I get 2 fail messages when building.

    'AssetsLibrary/ALAssets.h'file not found.

    AssetsLibrary is deprecated and is not available when building for Mac Catalyst. Consider migrating to Photos instead, or use `#if !TARGET_OS_MACCATALYST` to conditionally import this framework, first importing TargetConditionals.h if necessary.

  • The way I used to do this with phone gap (in the config file) no longer works, and I see that the image that I imported into C3>icons>loading-logo.png is being used as the CVDLauchscreen.storyboard file in the XCODE project, which is being used as the launchscreen. In XCODE I did load my splash screen images (all the required sizes) in images.xcassets, but they're not used for some reason (?).

    The problem with using the loading-logo.png is that it is tiny and looks really unprofessional on an iPad.

  • Ashley closed it, thinking the new release would fix it, but it didn't.

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  • Before I report this as a bug, I would really appreciate it if someone can tell me if I have a setting wrong. The problem does not happen in Construct 2.

    Problem: on iPad or iPhone when game is saved from safari to the homescreen, when device is changed (tilted) from portrait to landscape or landscape to portrait, the viewport shrinks and full screen view is lost and there's large black margins.

    Link to cp3 file:!AobC4q3rBlr6wrVB2dVq8Zr6pTm6Jw

    This is a simple file with the background changed to a color so you can see the viewport.


    Viewport Fit: Cover

    Orientations: Any

    Fullscreen Mode: Scale outer

  • I have my games made so you can resize them any size and it works - if I run them and stretch the browser window all different ratios, it's fine. The problem is on the iPad when the game is saved to the homescreen from a website. It starts up fine if in portrait or landscape. But when I flip it (going from one to the other) I get a large black band and the view is smaller. When I flip it back, it doesn't go back to a full screen (still a black band). So you have to close it and reopen it. This doesn't happen on Chrome or Edge when the size is changed. Also, these games are ported from Construct 2, where this didn't happen. I'm thinking there's some setting?

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