CGamez's Forum Posts

  • Yes I guess everyone who has "live games" doesn't use any beta versions, so the real problem appears now in the stable version and everyone with live games now has to switch to another build service...

    I mean if the key-password doesn't work for new keys, maybe just add a description what to do then. But now all users who already had working keys now need new ones if that's even possible.

  • I guess you need to use always the same keystore for google play since it's a live game (already published with the key)...

  • Ashley:

    But how should we build now? It doesn't work for me without the key password...

    Edit: Posted a bug request on Github with the error-log from the build:

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  • Got the same problem, I've already tried with keystore password only, but it fails.

    Edit: R199: "Android export: removed 'Key password' field since it was ignored by the Java keytool "

    But without it it doesn't work for me...

  • So you say their time is worth much more (USD 10,000), then you say their time is worth nothing (everything for free)...

    More money means better services for all, that's just a fact. Also most of the addons are for the whole community and not only for one person. So if someone requests a "premium whitelisting" then many others also profit from that.

    In the end it's their decission if they can afford time for such a service. It's just a suggestion from my side.

  • Hey newt,

    I think an average hourly wage is around USD 100 and I don't think it needs 100 hours to whitelist a single addon :) So my USD 100 is based on the fact, that it needs 1 hours in average. And like I said, if it needs more time, it could be also more... But really nobody gets USD 10,000 per hour... Also you wouldn't pay that much for a single addon to whitelist, even if you get million dollar with your app / game.

    Btw. USD 10,000 is much more than a single addon costs to develop, so that makes totally no sense ;)

  • Hey Ashley,

    you already mentioned that you are a small team with limited resources which can cause a long approval time for Build Service Requests.

    There I have a suggestion you maybe can add to your services: Something like a premium request service. Therefor you charge a special amount per whitelist request but then it's definitely done in X days. I think a good number would be around 5 days.

    I suggest this since if you have a big live game and need fast / important updates to a huge community, you also have enough money to pay for a "premium request service". I don't really know how much time (work hours) it needs to whitelist a single addon, but maybe 100 USD per request would be a fair amount. Even if it would be more I would have used this service several times in the past, but also interested for feature requests.

    For example I saw a Build Service Request opened 21 days ago. For "real" publishers this could be very huge problem if you need to react fast (maybe important update or whatever).

    I don't know if something like this is even possible, but if yes, it would be a very great improvement!

    Thanks for your time!

    Best regards.

  • Hey,

    it shouldn't take 3/4 minutes to load a few vars from local storage.

    Maybe post your code, there should be something wrong.

    I also wouldn't recommend to store 30 vars in the storage.

    Use a "Dictionary" and store your vars there. Then save the dictionary in the local storage. Now you only have 1 item to save / load.

    Best regards!

    Edit: You can check out how the local storage works in the C3 manual:

  • Taximan:

    Maybe you have the same error I had a few weeks ago (also like 5-10% crashes)...

    To make sure it's not this error, can you please make a screenshot of your tilebackgrounds / sprites you used in your project?

    Then I can maybe help you.


    Or just check your project if you use any tiled-backgrounds (image-size = 1x1 pixel or very small) but size in usage is like 100x100 pixel.

    This will make a lot of phones crash when loading the layout with those tiles included.

  • Thanks!

    Anyone an idea why it didn't work with a second keystore? Or can you only create 1?

  • Just another information:

    I now used the keystore from my first app (which is already published) and now it works...

    Just the question:

    Can I use the same keystore for 2 apps?


  • Hello,

    I'm trying to export my new game as a signed release apk with the C3 build service. (exporting as a debug apk works fine)

    I've created a keystore using C3.

    But if I use the keystore now (alias = key name, passwords also correct, checked it 3 times...) the buildservice crashes and says something like incorrect keystore...

    I already have a published app and there everything went fine with the C3 keystore generation and C3 signed apk build.

    Here is the full error-log:

    Error: Failed to load signer "signer #1" Failed to obtain key with alias "production" from tmp/bb2baa0a-350a-4e32-9edd-ef3e9ce28258. Wrong password? at$SignerParams.loadPrivateKeyAndCertsFromKeyStore( at$SignerParams.loadPrivateKeyAndCerts( at$SignerParams.access$200( at at Caused by: Get Key failed: Given final block not properly padded. Such issues can arise if a bad key is used during decryption. at at at$DualFormatJKS.engineGetKey( at at$SignerParams.loadPrivateKeyAndCertsFromKeyStore( ... 4 more Caused by: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded. Such issues can arise if a bad key is used during decryption. at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.unpad( at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.fillOutputBuffer( at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.doFinal( at com.sun.crypto.provider.PKCS12PBECipherCore.implDoFinal( at com.sun.crypto.provider.PKCS12PBECipherCore$PBEWithSHA1AndDESede.engineDoFinal( at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal( at ... 8 more


  • Hello,

    I have a question to the Mobile Master Ads addon:

    I've added the addon like in the tutorial, trying to use Google-Admob's ad-mediation. I've tried it in my project and also with the sample project you provided but it didn't work for me...

    What I'm using:

    Construct 3 with C3-runtime.

    For my project I used the C3-Build-System for signed-release-apk (Android 5+).

    What I've done:

    I added the MobileMasterAds Addon and provided the following information / settings:

    Debug Mode: Enabled

    Sandbox Mode: Enabled

    (Tried both enabled and both disabled, nothing worked)

    Personalized Ads: Enabled

    Auto Show: Disabled

    Children: Default

    Families: Default

    I changed nothing at "Banner Settings" (I only want to use rewarded Video).


    There I put the Reward Video ID from my Admob-Console.

    I left the "banner ID" and "Interstitial ID" empty, since I don't want to use them. I also left the "IOS"-Settings empty.

    Credentials: Here I added my Admob App ID.

    I also didn't do anything in the "Admob SDK" section.

    That's all the settings.

    I've tested them in my project and also in your sample file.

    In your sample file I only changed these settings and nothing more, then exported with C3 to debug-APK. I've opened the app and clicking the prepare / show reward video button did nothing. No text-outputs on the right side, just nothing happened.

    In my project I've added a simple button to "prepare reward video". Then I made an Event "On reward video load" with the action "show reward video". I also added an Event "On reward video load failed" with an action to show me a text-message, but there also nothing happened.

    What do I have to do to only get your sample project working?

    I've read the full documentation but didn't find anything I did wrong...

    Before I've added your Master Ads Addon, I used the default Admob Plugin of Construct 3 and there everything worked fine with the same Credentials.

    Any help would be great. Thank you!

    Edit (some more questions):

    To integrate Facebook-Ads to the mediation you need to integrate Facebook's SDK. Is that done by just adding the Mobile-Master-Ads + Mobile Ads - Facebook Addon? Also for Applovin: To add an App to Applovin you need to integrate their SDK.

  • Hi,

    you can controll them for example with instance-variables. For example if you need to destroy every enemy with "Health == 0" you just make an event where you compare the instance-variable health == 0 and then do an action destroy, which will destroy only the enmies with 0 HP.

    Also you can give your sprite another ID like "enemyID" and then you have access to a special enemy with the "enemyID".

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