[quote:1rvfypui]remember these waves die out quick so make sure you get a quality one done before then
I think it'll be around for awhile, but the 'big new thing' interest will trough at some point, definitely.
[quote:1rvfypui]1) Maybe a quick skip button for the intro for impatient ADHD people like myself
Like clicking or pressing space would make the next page button come up early so you can move on quickly? I'm kind of on a new project now but I'll prioritise assigning time to go back and make an adjustment like that and upload.
[quote:1rvfypui]2) I never really liked any of the idle games that had numbers with decimals, I always was like..just round! So maybe consider rebalancing the numbers a bit and make them whole?
I get the aesthetic issue with that. I'm not sure about revisting Lizard Isle due to extensive recoding needed (as I estimate it), but in my new project I'm currenly using fractions. I was going to split it into two currencies to make it nice and round, but then went with fractions to use use one variable. But maybe I should have two - kind of like how D&D has silver and gold as two separate currencies, when silver is really just a fraction of gold. So I get your point, was going to do that in my new project, passed on it but now on reflection I'll have to include that!
[quote:1rvfypui]3) How are you saving the game right now, is it just Localstorage or savegame state? One thing you might want to look into is saving it into a database. The easiest one right now is Firebase which
rexrainbow made a wonderful plugin for. So then you can package up all the stats into some json and send it to firebase and then pull the data when needed, etc. Just a further down the road suggestion, but definitely think about it as you develop because it is a pain to switch how you save data after the fact..I have made that mistake a lot lol.
It's in local storage. I'm not sure what advantage firebase would have? Apart from the user being able to go from one machine to another and still use the same info?
[quote:1rvfypui] (especially that one you linked on Kongregate, how the hell did it get so many plays??)
Well, I'm not going to lay into his/her effort - it has its audience and even if it didn't, they made something and that's to be respected. But it's still a surprising level of interest given it involves zero interaction - 10k of plays a month is not to be sneezed at!
Thanks for your reply, Djfuzion!