Blinky_RSA's Forum Posts

  • Now I am totally lost!!

    I don't understand what are you trying to do?

  • First of all I am currently bored.

    Pro Paint


    The porgram exist out of 3 windows. and interact with each other via INI and .txt files.



    Basic Paint Application

    Brush Selector (seprate application)

    Color Selector (seprate application)

    Try it, <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Download link, WITH .CAP FILES!

    Me Me, Click Me <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Remember this is really basic... and fast done, there may be some bugs

  • May I have the .cap to help you out, bec it's bit hard to explane?

  • Agree to 7soul.

    you sould add some images of your game, and some info about your creation.

  • As far as I know use can't use ".dat" files in construct classic, I thinks the only real option for you is Zip plugin...

    Please correct me If I am rong!

  • Thanks for help

  • Hey Guys,

    I have finelly learned something about Visal, But does not exist anymore, so can someone pls help me out here, were to get the SDK R1.2 that support Visual Studio 2010 Epress.

    and were can I also find the simple Grass plugin Tutorial?

    Thanks guys!

  • Well, Did it worked on your PC?

  • lol, thanks for feedback

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thanks guys!

  • Hey guys as you have mybie seen from from my last post I am still noob,

    But I am getting the hang of it a bit.

    I am busy crateing an new download manager, so far so good.

    but there is one problem, everyting works, but why does

    If(downloadlistgo = 1) Then


    Downloadlisttext = Network.GetWebPageContents("")

    downloadlistgo = downloadlistgo -1


    Not working correctly!

    here is the full code, pls help!


    'Start of layout

    newsx =-0

    newsy =-0

    downloadlistgo = 0

    News = Network.GetWebPageContents("")

    GraphicsWindow.Drawtext(newsx, newsy, News)

    'Download List setup

    DownloadlistW = 110

    DowbloadlistH = 30

    DownloadlistX = GraphicsWindow.Width - 110

    DownloadlistY = GraphicsWindow.Height - 30

    GraphicsWindow.MouseDown = handleClick

    GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Gray"

    GraphicsWindow.FillRectangle(DownloadlistX, DownloadlistY,DownloadlistW, DowbloadlistH)

    GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(DownloadlistX, DownloadlistY,DownloadlistW, DowbloadlistH)

    GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Black"

    GraphicsWindow.DrawText(DownloadlistX + 10, Downloadlisty + 7, "Download list")

    'Download list in action

    Sub handleClick

    xpos = GraphicsWindow.MouseX

    ypos = GraphicsWindow.MouseY

    If(xpos > Downloadlistx And xpos < (DownloadlistX + DownloadlistW)) Then

        If(ypos > Downloadlisty And ypos < (DownloadlistY + DowbloadlistH)) Then

          downloadlistgo = downloadlistgo + 1




    If(downloadlistgo = 1) Then


    Downloadlisttext = Network.GetWebPageContents("")

    downloadlistgo = downloadlistgo -1


  • thanks alot guys

  • I Have found it!

    Hey guys, if you are also strugling to learn C++, then you can download Small Basic, And I think you will need C++10 for it to work, well That application helps you alot, it teach you about all the basic, with downloadalbe guides, Its realy easy to understand, Try it!

    It realy gives you that warm feal and not I am Going to Smash this F**** PC

  • Indead this is my first one I am trying to learn

  • Hello,

    once again I am trying to learn C++, but its a bit hard.

    I would like to know were can I start (Best place) learning this Lang. from Begin Begin - To everything I would need to know.

    For your C++ Dev. out there.

    Were, did you learn this amazing lang?

    How long did it took you to finely understand it?

    Do you still Struggle, Even if you know everything?

    How old were you when you started learing it?

    Did you thought at first, I am never going to understand this "Crap"?

    I would REALY appreciate, if you dev. out there can anser this questions!