Bleenx's Forum Posts

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    > > Are you any good?

    > >


    > I'm not half bad honestly. Thanks for asking! But you got me...I use c2 to prototype and Unity for the actual 3d game. But the only reason I really do that is I can't use C2 for developing for the PS, Xbox and soon-to-be Switch shops in 3d. Construct is more than capable, but it takes capable devs who commit to it and then understand they're limiting themselves only to desktop and maybe mobile. Like I said, take up the challenge to show people what it can do. You are the one, after all, asking the questions. You don't plan to be a hobbyist forever, do you? If so, then it doesn't matter since it's perfectly capable of handling hobbyist needs.


    Asking a question doesn't mean I think I can do it better than anyone else here. If I thought I could do it, I wouldn't post a comment here. I'd contact them directly. But If you think you can do it, you should. You seem confident enough.

    I do plan to remain a hobbyist forever. I work in advertising and most of what I do with C2 wouldn't really be considered "games." It's more like interactive media. And I don't really use C2 for a lot of it. I use Hype 3. So again, I'm not the best person for the job.

    Well that's a fair enough point. I can't say I'm not up to creating a full 2d game in Construct but it has to wait until I get out this 2d/3d game in Unity. I may have the confidence, but I lack the time... for now But we'll see. I'll throw an idea around with my team and see if anyone bites.

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    Are you any good?

    I'm not half bad honestly. Thanks for asking! But you got me...I use c2 to prototype and Unity for the actual 3d game. But the only reason I really do that is I can't use C2 for developing for the PS, Xbox and soon-to-be Switch shops in 3d. Construct is more than capable, but it takes capable devs who commit to it and then understand they're limiting themselves only to desktop and maybe mobile. Like I said, take up the challenge to show people what it can do. You are the one, after all, asking the questions. You don't plan to be a hobbyist forever, do you? If so, then it doesn't matter since it's perfectly capable of handling hobbyist needs.

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    > Moot I understand that you are sceptical. Here in Sweden html5 is widely used by almost every major company and therefore we have tons of companies that produce and sell html5 products. I won't make a list but it should be a no brainer to understand that this market is pretty big. And Sweden is far from the only country.


    > I have my own studio here in Sweden and I can make a good living out of my html5 products.


    > So yes, html5 has its drawbacks with compability issues on consoles and 3rd party wrappers but that doesn't stop you from making a lot of money with it.


    I'll take you at your word, but you are not really offering any proof.

    Back to an earlier point that there are few hit games made with C2, why doesn't Scirra make their own games, or commission some talent to do it? That's really what is going to sell this engine. A promise you can make great games and possibly earn a living isn't enough. People need to see examples. Until then, Construct will always be seen as hobby software.

    I vote for you to do it. Let Moot be the one to make a great game so we can all see his example and C2/C3's capabilities to be seen as anything other than hobbyist software! Hear, hear!

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    A passive-aggressive way since he said his previous posts (I did not read them all) were "pessimistic" and "rebellious." meaning he already tried the aggressive way and that did not work.

    Something like that. Truth is no one will miss him. I won't. You won't. None of ya'll would miss me. Who knows who here? Scirra won't miss him. Is it $99 lost? Eh, no. He wasn't gonna pay it anyway. No one cares if he's gone, and the fact that he had to post it in a thread, some long...dramatic...farewell, was silly. A simple PM to Tom and Ashley would have yielded fine results. He could have said thank you to them in private and been done. But it's a show to do it on a public forum. It's one of those facepalm moments, but I'm not gonna meme this thread.

  • >


    > I won't even pretend to know you or your intentions. You said "show us" some vids, which means you really want to see more, even though you clearly state you're not into the sub, and have said everything from Scirra being cynical to lambasting the blogs by throwing up "meh" images, to referring people to competitors, to even more stuff that I don't care to go back and quote you on. Sure, the sub isn't for me either, and Unity is a great option for those who have more experience, but dang give it a rest already. Everyone on this forum knows your discontent with C3. How many more times must your repeat yourself in every thread?


    > Now you go and make a thread asking to see vids, not for yourself you see, but "for others..." So what do I think you're doing it for? Ammunition to use for more criticism. Maybe I'm wrong. Sure looks like it.


    Nope, just a thought. I haven't actually knocked them for good ideas, and I've frequently been optimistic the web-browser tech will be stable and reliable when others have doubted it (even though I would never need or use it). I'm just looking for a good feature or marketing tactic, and I've yet to see one I've been satisfied with, and I mean to voice my discontent as a ways to (hopefully) add to the dissonance that might eventually lead to some idea of reform on their strategies.

    I'm also keen to suggest ideas that might improve their marketing and/or the product.

    Well that's all fine and good. I'm not here to attack you. I'm only saying what I see. I'm with you about certain things though. I'd really like to see more performance-based blogs and more in-depth stuff about exporting and the overall optimizations that have been made to make it run well in the browser. Creating a prototype on my mobile when I'm chilling at the park or something sounds fun to me. Not practical mind you, but the idea of making a game on the go rather than playing a game on the go seems more productive. I want to know more stuff about that, how the performance will be overall, how smoothly the apk generation will be, yada yada.

  • >

    > > C'mon Ash and Tom, put yer makeup on and make us some vids! Seriously, dev vlogs could be a good marketing strategy (not that I'd go for subscription myself, but for others...)

    > >


    > If you're not going for a C3 sub, like you've said countless times already, why even start a thread again? For the benefit of others? Give me a break.


    Well then, what am I doing it for? You tell me.

    I won't even pretend to know you or your intentions. You said "show us" some vids, which means you really want to see more, even though you clearly state you're not into the sub, and have said everything from Scirra being cynical to lambasting the blogs by throwing up "meh" images, to referring people to competitors, to even more stuff that I don't care to go back and quote you on. Sure, the sub isn't for me either, and Unity is a great option for those who have more experience, but dang give it a rest already. Everyone on this forum knows your discontent with C3. How many more times must your repeat yourself in every thread?

    Now you go and make a thread asking to see vids, not for yourself you see, but "for others..." So what do I think you're doing it for? Ammunition to use for more criticism. Maybe I'm wrong. Sure looks like it.

  • C'mon Ash and Tom, put yer makeup on and make us some vids! Seriously, dev vlogs could be a good marketing strategy (not that I'd go for subscription myself, but for others...)

    If you're not going for a C3 sub, like you've said countless times already, why even start a thread again? For the benefit of others? Give me a break.

  • When they want to export they have to pay.

    That's similar to the music-production software I use. You can open it up, create a song, play it back and everything, but if you close the program, you can't reopen your song. So if you want to save it to mp3 or edit it later, you're gonna have to buy the software. I did.

  • >

    > > Random idea ( U know what would be awesome ?, Scirra to make a unity plugin with their visual approach charging 150 per year. No problem there. I would happily depend on unity's devs faults rather than ludei, intel etc..)[/size]

    > >


    > Random idea, my **** I already stated this idea in another C3 thread.


    lol Maybe I saw it there I'm not sure, either way it's not going to happen, lets hope C3 or GameFlow unity's plugin gets even better

    Haha no worries. I was only messing with you. And yeah, I agree.

  • Random idea ( U know what would be awesome ?, Scirra to make a unity plugin with their visual approach charging 150 per year. No problem there. I would happily depend on unity's devs faults rather than ludei, intel etc..)[/size]

    Random idea, my **** I already stated this idea in another C3 thread.

  • The C3 editor and behaviors should be a plugin for Unity. Imagine the power of Unity with the ease and quickness of Construct's editor and such. The editor improvements are great. Devs who want to make kickass browser games are set for life with this engine. If they want to make games for other platforms, expand the mind a little and learn something like Unity or another engine that offers coding, even GMS:2 or whatever. I'm gonna play with the C3 beta. But I won't purchase it after beta is over, not unless all of a sudden I can make indie games for the Switch and PS4 with it too. But for browser games to put on Newgrounds and the Scirra arcade and the countless browser game websites, yeah C3 is fantastic.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Bleenx Well they still do, but it's a matter of keeping it to a minimum. Notice how the foreground particles are spread from each other to cover as much space as possible with as little overlap as possible. The small dust like particles are accomplished with setting large X and Y randomiser values.

    I see what you mean now. I was thinking "how in the world did he keep particles from overlapping??" Well, good to know. You said you kept things mostly to behaviors also. So I'm sure you relied on the sine behavior a lot for moving things rather than creating events? Also, you said "no sprites changing frames." What exactly do you mean by that? Sorry for the all the questions. You've just piqued my interest in trying another 2d game again in Construct after finishing this project I have in Unity.

    Also, when you do plan the mobile launch?

  • >

    > > Cutscene test for KlangM(obile). Runs at 60 FPS on my Galaxy s2.

    > >

    > >


    > Looks real good. You'll have to tell how you got the optimization well enough to produce that kind of fps on an older device like that.


    Heavy reliance on behaviors, few events, tiles for everything, no webgl effects, and no sprites changing frames. Also make sure to optimize particles to not kill too much of the fillrate by drawing over the same area twice. 1000 particles that covers 8 pixels each with no overlap are surprisingly fast. The smoke were very few particles with a bigger image.

    Sweet that's pretty good. I plan to get this for mobile once you release it. So how were you able to keep the particles from overlapping?

  • Cutscene test for KlangM(obile). Runs at 60 FPS on my Galaxy s2.

    Looks real good. You'll have to tell how you got the optimization well enough to produce that kind of fps on an older device like that.

  • You should totally move on from C2. Move on as quickly as possible to C3 when it comes out.