Are you purposely not passing in the name, or are you missing the point that you aren't specifying the function name at all. It's not clear. You should be calling this:
The issue is you didn't exist until two days ago, now you want people to install an executable on their systems. Nobody should do this!
Does the same pattern follow for 5 to 10? There's no reason that "compare two numbers" shouldn't work in that case.
Can both NRs be something other than 1,2,3,4?
It's in C2:
Intel changed it a while back, but they just started enforcing it. Try the check box first. I just exported the C2 default platformer, and it worked well, and even simulates in XDK (I can't get my own projects to simulate, for some reason).
We have a suite of apps that slowly progress in the learning curve. Put simply, we need keys B to G for the C and G chords.
Thanks for the feedback.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
All of the code needs to be in www, then the project lives one level up. You can try selecting the "Use new Intel XDK project format", or do it manually. I already had a project, so had to follow instructions on how to update it to the new format. ... www-folder
We've re-named our music app, and want to learn how well it performs on our web server, and would appreciate if anyone reading this can load this free music app: ... -keyboard/ . It's not a large app.
If it doesn't load fast, or if the sounds don't play, please let us know.
Thank you for helping us out with this. Much appreciated,
blackhornet & vancouver
I think we are saying the same thing. ... _BHT2.capx
Why not just create the object and call the function to set all the other values. Two lines of code, per button.
You can't use "On created" as that is called during the Create action - you don't set the name until the next action, so there is no way to get the data until after you've set it.
You can use a function with Pick with UID. ... m_BHT.capx
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