The Paster plugin can help with this.
You need to reset noiseYPos in event 2, otherwise it just keeps getting bigger.
A better mechanisms to use the loopindex.
noiseXPos = gridSize * loopindex("foo")
noiseYPos = gridSize * loopindex("bar")
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Tried updating the 3 year old code, but it was too painful. Here's a fresh start. Three bees at a time will collect nectar. When the flower is empty, the bee tries to find another free flower. If it can't, it flies home. If the bee is full, it flies home. Bees will spawn until all flower are empty.
I'll get something as soon as I can.
Using your example, store the 3 to a local variable, replace it with the 6, then store the 3 at the old 6 location.
if Sprite.AnimationFrame % 0 = 0 -> do even code
else -> do odd code
The second event needs "Else" added.
sprite animation frame % 0 will equal 0 if even, 1 if odd.
Yes, pause and use the Timer behaviour to resume.
Put the behaviour on the Family, and then with all objects in the family, they get that behaviour.
Use Else.
if level <= 1 ...
Else if level <= 2 ...
Else if ...
Go to the bottom of the page. The links are there, under Download.
floor(Random(0,6)) * 2