You'll have to post what you've got.
Don't use these events. Do Touch then in a sub event check Is flipped then add Else to the sub-event and do the opposite action. This is a common mistake - event 1 sets it to flipped, then event 2 checks if it is flipped (which it is since you just flipped it), and un-flips it!
Never actually bothered with that one, however:
Two ways to call a function.
Load from JSON string. It's ugly, but extensible.
RandomArray2 is very helpful.
plugin-randomarray_t63557?start=10 (look at last post - points to
Does this help at all?
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Sounds like you've cloned the object, not copied it.
Make event 19 a sub-event of 18.
Press F12 to see what the console messages are.
That should work, from what I can see. You don't technically need the Elses in this case as you check for unique values for the same object's frame. The frame can only be one of those values at a time.
Make a subevent to event 4: if animationframe=0 -> Play...
Add a blank subevent to event 4 to do the "Set frame to 1" after the first subevent.
Get rid of trigger once.
Just add the extra check for if the frame=0, play the sound, else don't.
You start out as AND and then right-click on the event itself to get the menu and switch to "Make 'Or' block". Right-click the event again and "Add Else". The sub-Ors need to be subevents.