The whole website's attachment mechanism is down at the moment. You'll have to wait, I'm afraid.
You can use "Is overlapping at offset" to check for an overlap below the player.
Audio.Stop all
That's not the way C2 works. You need to restructure your code to do what you want. C2 always processes code top to bottom. Changing layouts always restart the event sheet.
Use LiteTween:
The forum is refusing to let me attach for some reason. I tried a quick experiment, and it was working fine. Maybe post an example of what is failing.
Speed=int(((Clicks+1)/2) + 1)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
That's not true. In the Sprite editor, the fourth icon from the left at the top of the window is "Set export image format". You can choose export options there. Anything that doesn't use transparency can benefit from using JPG.
You can, you just have to format it correctly.
That is correct, but that's not what you have. You have Z = X | Y
You are ORing the data, not comparing if the data is A or the data is B. The pattern is:
System:Compare two values
First value: Z=A | Z=B
Comparison: Equal to
Second value: 1
You can use 'Blend Mode'. To the demo, I've created a new layer, set it to 'Force own texture' = Yes, and moved 'content' and 'window' to that layer. For 'content' set the Blend mode to 'Source in' - it will disappear. Make a new Sprite ('windowClip') that is just a square that is slightly smaller than 'window' and center it in 'window'. Now right-click 'windowClip' and 'Z Order' -> 'Send to bottom of layer. 'content' will now be visible where it overlaps 'windowClip'.
That would choose 3 OR 6 seconds. If you want round numbers, choose(3,4,5,6), otherwise random(3,6).