"They came... they took our planet... it's time to take it back!"
Wait does not block. You would have to include each subsequent test also as a sub test. You mean 'case:switch' with a fall-though? Otherwise 'case' is just a simpler elseif.
Sorry, I don't understand the question.
The problem is with angle(), not LiteTween. Try: (angle(arrow.X,arrow.Y,mouse.X,mouse.Y)+360)%360
Do "Save as a single file". This gives a filename.capx file. You can then put that on a file sharing service (dropbox), and post the link here.
You have to copy the code from the sample CAPX and copy in your JSON data to get the width data. Otherwise all letters are spaced the same.
No, give me a minute to update the sample.
LocalStorage.Set("Year", Year)
I gave you an example already.
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No, you are retrieving the value that was saved, but you need to save the value for next time.
Right now you are asking if the value exists, it doesn't, so you setting your Global to a default.
Where are you saving the data?
You can do this with Paster.
I just made this yesterday, and the plugin was updated in December. I don't see how this is outdated.