BlackClan Studio's Forum Posts

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  • Oh okay, thanks for the help and advice.

  • Defiantly will try and last question. So I have a huge level(s). How do u take a pic or a zoomed out pic of the whole entire level? I did not use tile map for my game.

  • Thanks, so how would I be able to show just the area of the map the player is in? Like it would be a big size map and if I take a zoomed out pic of it, it's just going to show a small portion of it in the circle map I have for my game in the gif I posted. Like if my player is passing a big square area in the map, I want it to show the big square area and it's surroundings the player is in at.

  • Hello all, Im planning on making an actual visual mini map for the levels on my game so it would help the player navigate better while playing. I would like to know some good approachable way for this because I have many different levels in my game. I would like to know how to actually show a portion of the map during gameplay and make this work for my game.

    The black lines in the gif on the map are not in the actual game, this is just the gif doing that.


  • New gameplay of my game! Im working on making my enemies more intelligent and tactical on going their own route and trying to trap/corner the player. Also trying to get them to not just follow after each other to make them more unpredictable. Also, there are other themes besides the one playing, I just havent assigned them for the level they are going to be on. Im also thinking bout a new cover art for this game. I like my game cover, but I never gotten any comments or feed back of the cover of the game, or any of them. So I would like to hear some. But anyways, keep on the look out for more of the content.

    Here goes some more gameplay!

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  • Oh my gosh, Thank you! It works! I had to set the canvas size of the desired layout I wanted to change. Only that one was changed and the rest stayed the same as I wanted them to. Thanks.

  • So, I was wondering if there was a way to change the viewpoint size for only ONE layout without it changing all the other layouts? Everytime I do change one for only one layout, it changes all of them and I just only want one to be changed. Is it possible to just change one and only one layout viewpoint size without it changing the other ones on the other layouts?

  • I would like to say congrats on making your first game! You did a wonderful job making this and the demos do help indeed learning on the way. Very nicely made game. Im glad that it wasn't really an asteroid clone, you made it unique in your own way and I think this will do well for the jam. Once more, nice work. Playing it was fun, but all the asteroids in the way made it a bit confusing of what I was looking at (alot of stuff on the screen all at once) but playing it more, I got use to it.

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  • Hello everyone, back again to give you some news and update about my game. Well, the first thing I would like to say is just wow. Lol. I had no clue it would take this much effort to make an actual playable arcade game lol. I've been working on this project since September of 2019 and I had ALOT of huge ideas and features I wanted to have in for the game that I have to reconsider keeping in. Some of these features, which was kept as a surprise for the game was a boss battle at the very end. I plan to had the player fought the "father" of the hive in the final level. But could not actually think of a good way for the player to fight it since the player moves fast through mazes and the boss is pretty big size. So, that idea is going to be put on the shelf and just keep it out so it won't ruin the game. Another feature I had plan was custom control. Which allows the player to change the keys to the desired inputs they want as the controls. Spending this much time on this game, I would just rather make the keys have international inputs to save me some time on finishing up the game. I wanted to keep the customize inputs in to make the game feel more legit as an arcade game than a web browser game, but it will just have to do. This is my first huge major game that im planning on selling and releasing. So, with that said, I hope to make it the best it can be.

    Here's what the final boss looked like for my game. It's now a scratched idea.

  • Oh okay. I understand now.

  • Rose drippe

    Very nice and thats alot that you listed lol. But I understand. If you read the very first post of this topic, I mentioned that I will be making an arcade fighting game using construct 3 that are inspired by old arcade fighting games like Karate Champ, Samurai Shodown, Karateka, and yeah, along the line of Kof and SF graphics. So hurray lol. At least the thought of it is there until I finish my other projects lol.

    Thanks for the mention! I will be glad to check it out. I'll let you know what I think of it too when I try it. Im not an anime fighting game lover, but I will give it a chance.