bigcatrik's Forum Posts

  • The sounds and background music in GameSalad online games seem "normal" compared to Flash games (you'd swear their games are Flash if you didn't right-click and see the regular browser menu).

    Anybody know how they're doing their sounds?

  • Mine is Robotron:2084.

  • Yes, that looks like it. The "364461.60" looked odd so I looked at the download page, which is still at r46.

    I'm still not getting that message. Will there eventually be a "Check for Updates" menu item?

  • I could swear that my C2 r46 told me there was an update when I opened it yesterday, but I clicked away and the message has not come back. ???

  • Resizing in the image editor after a sprite image has been saved once doesn't change the "Size" of the sprite, i.e.

    1) add sprite,

    2) load image in image editor,

    3) exit and save image, sprite "Size" is set to image's size,

    4) go back in image editor and crop transparent edges or scale image,

    4) save and exit, sprite "Size" doesn't update and sprite is stretched back to original size.

    [Personally I'm here because the HTML5 focus is so ahead of the curve compared to other non-programmer game-making software. Everyone else is flirting with it, but seems to have too much invested in flash or whatever to make such a drastic change.]

  • As for tutorials, a few releases ago I got pretty far through the ghost shooter tutorial using C2. It covers the basic features of C1 (which I had never touched) and since C2's basic features are similar and largely in place it was somewhat illuminating. YMMV. It made me figure out a few things that were different or as yet unimplemented but possible in a different way.

  • I prefer zip file download, atleast for now while its not yet released.

    I also really prefer the zip. If it can be installed and run anywhere (i.e., doesn't make any changes to the registry or deposit files in unusual places) then what does an installer do anyway?

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  • Grid snap. Especially with the new platform behavior.

  • When I insert a platform onto a layout it either places it at integer values or x.5 (i.e., Position: 304, 180.5). Could that have something to do with it?