BerthusY's Forum Posts

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  • Just to let you know that I got it working just fine, now! Thanks for your help with troubleshooting! it was only not working due to my incorrect setup, as you said.


  • Hi I'm trying to let the user select a picture with Filechooser in IOS8 safari.

    The selecting / taking of picture part is working great.

    But when i try to show the selected picture in a sprite with :

    Load image from URL : FileChooser.FileURLAt(0)

    It shows nothing What am i doing wrong ? How can i do what i'm trying ?


  • Ahhh thank you! I will try this now.

    You need to have a PHP hosting to do the upload part.

    And to download the screenshot you can do :

    Browser Object -> Invoke Download -> canvassnapshot

  • I seem to be having a little trouble with the share image to facebook function.

    This is my setup, is this as expected?

    In Firefox, upon clicking share, a new tab opens in the browser, the tab title saying "Connecting..." and the helper text at the bottom of the screen saying "Waiting for Facebook...". After about 30 seconds, it times out and leaves a blank screen.

    In Chrome, upon clicking share, a new window opens that tries to connect to facebook, but ends up failing. Screengrab below:

    On Internet Explorer, I was able to proceed to Facebook and post something, however no image was displayed:

    Clicking on the link takes me to the following URL which is stuck on an endless load loop:

    Firefox Version 32.0.1.

    Chrome Version 35.0.1916.153

    Internet Explorer Version 11.0.9600.17278

    Let me know if you need any further information! Tried to be as thorough as I could.

    Thank you.

    Edit: Update: I also tried this using R0J0hound's Paster plugin as an alternative to the CanvasSnapshot method, and incurred the same result on all three browsers. Thought this was a relevant point to add. for the CanvasSnapshot method. for the Paster method.

    You are doing it a little bit wrong.

    This is what you need to do :

    OnCanvasSnapshot -> Upload CanvasSnapshot.

    On Upload finished -> Share via facebook -> Share.LastData

    This should work, checkout the V3 .capx example for upload.

  • It's not possible. The user presumably knows where their browser downloads files to, though. Most browsers also offer to open the file directly or its folder location once downloaded.

    Thanks for you reply

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  • I'm using browser object to download the screenshot of my game. How can i get the path of the downloaded file ?

    Ashley is this possible ? Is there a workaround to get the path ?


  • Got it! Thanks!

    You liked the new uploader function ?

  • Oh my... I seem to have lost the download link. I'm an idiot.

    I can provide proof of payment via PM, is there any way you could send it to me again?

    Check your mail.

  • I can help testing android via crosswalk.

  • Please let know more about Buildin SnapShotCanvas

    It can probably solve the problem.

    Made this .capx it's very easy to use. With the base64 string you can create .png on the device.

  • Sprite capture works in crosswalk

    screen(Canvas) capture do not work

    Probably I need other scirra member's help about crosswalk's canvas

    Buildin SnapShotCanvas gives base64 string maybe your plugin can use this to get the canvas picture and save it to the device ?

    Or a plugin that saves base64 strings to the device as image would be also ok.

  • black screen only on crosswalk for android (no black screen on phonegap)

    more testing and debugging is required

    Yes I'm using crosswalk for android. I think you are the only one who could fix this problem. Waiting for an update. Thanks for the hard work.