AVIX's Forum Posts

  • <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">

    <font size="5"> <font color="ORANGE">SPACE HAMSTER | Our Game Entry! =D </font></font>

    We have uploaded our game in the last minute yesterday.

    It's done with construct and exported with the last beta :D

    We are very excited with the results.

    Please take a look and tell us what you think!


    Until the next level!

    Nico Castez


  • Closing as not a bug: your event says "On loading finished AND all preloads complete". 'On loading finished' only ever fires once, and if all sounds have not preloaded already by that specific time, the event will never run.

    You probably just want to replace "On loading finished" with a compare two values: loadingprogress = 1

    You are very right! I completed overlooked that "on loading finished" is in fact a trigger.

    Just for the sake of completeness: "All preloads complete" remains FALSE even if there aren't any preloads going on?

    EDIT (addendum)

    I had to also add a "Trigger once ..." because it was firing a second time.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run preview with provided capx.

    Observed result:

        Doesn't change layouts

    Expected result:

        Change layout on "preloads complete"

    Browsers affected:

        Chrome: yes

        Firefox: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

        WinXP SP3

    Construct 2 version:

        r114 (also tested in r116)

    I've spent several hours with this and perhaps I'm missing something, but I've read through the forum and manual and didn't find anything.

    The capx consists in two layouts: one splash and the other mimicking a game. One sound is preloaded on start of splash for it to be played on user input in second layout. Also music is streamed in start of splashscreen.

    -If I disable just "All preloads complete" condition it works as it should. But how do I know when it was preloaded?

    -The strange thing is if I disable only the preload the game also gets stuck in the splashscreen as waiting for the music to download (this is just mere speculation).

  • Could you find that info? Searching for something similar I found this post.

  • I'm not sure I should file this as a bug but since there's no features requests forum...

    When you delete an object type <objectname> from a project you receive the warning:

    Deleting this object type will remove all actions, conditions and expressions relating to it, as well as all of its instances. Are you sure you want to delete the object type "<objectname>"? Yes/No

    However, when you delete a sound or music file you receive no warning at all. All of the conditions and expressions related to it are deleted.

    Please consider displaying the same type of warning for sound and music files.

    Thank you very much and keep up the good work. We are very happy with C2.

  • Category: Misc

    Question: create a simple animation without sprite animation

    Link to the answer: http://www.scirra.com/forum/simple-animation_topic50123_post315769.html#315769

  • Hello.

    R0J0hound, on canvas resize the contents get deleted. Is that the intended behaviour?

  • Thanks for your well explained comments!

    We know we must keep working untill everything falls into place.

    But at least your words makes us feel we're in the right way!! Thank you all!

    Our next step is to adjust the Mechanics and dynamics that still need adjusted, and we'll really love having your feedback in the process so we'll be posting the new versions of the game!

    And English version will come soon don't worry!

    thanks again and greetings from little Koga!

    Nicol?s Castez


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  • Hello C2 community!

    We've updated our first serious game project in Arcade.

    We still working in mechanics and dynamics, but we want to know what you think about the art of our game.

    Here's the link!


    Thanks in advance!

    Ask if you have any question or advice or critics!

  • Thanks! Great example <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello! We are very excited to start using Construct, really love it from de first second we tried!

    I'm here introducing the INTiVA team.

    My name is Nicol�s Castez, we are from Argentina (yes, Maradona and Messi) jeje. I'm graphic designer, animator and a little of everything.

    My sister Luc�a Castez is a fantastic and young illustrator who's very excited in Koga's project (i'll explain later).

    Sebasti�n Garc�a is the brand new programmer of our team who's going to work seriously with construct 2!

    Finally Natalia Varela is a Multimedia designer, teacher and my asociate who's not yet love for videogames but she's always supporting every crazy decission i make. =D Thank you Nati!

    I really want to thank everybody for this chance to introduce ourselves.

    We'll be in touch!

    PS:visit our Koga test at scirra.com/arcade/action/1805/koga-avalancha

    Updates comming very soon!