Asmodean's Forum Posts

  • On the C3 Start-Page on the left, there are examples. Click on 'Intermediate Examples' and scroll to Effects: old tv.

    If possible I would do it without effects and try to use animations instead.

    Especially on mobil you can get performance problems with effects.

  • I understand it like that: if the player has 50 point the bar is in the middle at 500 pixels from the 1000 pixels maximum, if the player has 150 it's again in the middle.

    Try to set the width of the bar with modulo: ((Score-1)%100)*10

    Every time the player is over 100 Points (Score) the bar should be set back to 0 and 1 point are 10 pixels on the bar.

  • I don't know if I understand your question correct, but there is the expression 'rgb'.

    rgb(r, g, b):

    Generate a single number containing a color in RGB format. This is useful for conditions or actions taking a color parameter.

    This number can easily stored in a variable.

  • nod.X=other.X | nod.Y=other.Y

    I assume this is expression in a IF condition. it means:

    if (nod.X=other.X or nod.Y=other.Y) It is true if one of the conditions is true.

    If you want to look if a instances of the nod object have the same x or y position. You have to use a family for that. Because if you have more than one instance of nod you would compare nod with itself. You need a family to compare against something. So you put the nod also in a family.

  • Have you tried 'On Collision'? This should work with Tilemap. Something like:

    On Collision Tilemap -> Audio| Play "bounce" ....

  • A made a few changes, please have a look at the link above.

  • I changed to -20 and every 0.5 Seconds without problem. What Browser do you test it?

    Try to disable the the destroy event (Line 8), now the objects will add up but maybe it helps to figure out if that's the problem.

    Edit: I changed a litte bit, please have a look if it's know work better.

    Up and Down-ArrowKeys for the Player.

  • I have only a problem on the start, because of the way I destroy the sprites. I get one block but after that it's back to normal. What did you change?

  • A rough example:

    I don't know if it's really what you want.

  • It depends on what you want to achieve. I don't really understand from the screenshots what you want to do.

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  • You have an infinite recursion, therefore you get a stack overflow.

    When you create your 'obstacle1green' then you also create an 'obstacle1purple' and that again created an obstacle1green and so on.

    The same with the other obstacles.

  • Can you down a line in the same comment bar without having to create a new bar?

    Alt 013 on then numpad should work. (hold alt then 0,1,3 on the activated numpad).

    Be careful. anything that is highlighted will be erased.

  • I made a litte example, hope that helps.

  • Isn't it this.inst.x and this.inst.y like in C2?

  • I don't know if something like that was posted already or if it's really helpful for you. but have a look: