See the documentation on the 'Request permission' action. You can't request it automatically, it has to be in a user input event, i.e. "On touch end". The Infinite Jumping example demonstrates how to use it.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I'd suggest reporting any such issues to PhoneGap Build themselves. It's a third-party service so we can't make any fixes for them.
See the Instant Games documentation on testing, publishing and sharing an Instant Game.
Construct's own preview runs on so you cannot use it for Instant Games testing. You'll need to export it and host it on a local web server as the documentation describes.
It should work, and as far as we know it's working for everyone else. It's hard to help without more information, like a sample project.
It's hard to tell what data you're really outputting, but note that Construct arrays and dictionaries can only store number and string types. If you're putting a JS object as a value that is not supported, and will probably end up showing as the string [object Object] (which is what you get when a JS object is converted to a string).
This looks the same as this thread so closing this one.
Disabled behaviors are not ticked, so they have no impact on performance. However this has nothing to do with render cells, which is a drawing optimisation that does not involve behaviors in any way.
Please see the bug report guidelines for when posting bug reports.
Please follow the bug report guidelines otherwise we cannot help. If you only need help developing your project and are not trying to report a defect in Construct, please post to one of the other forums.
Please follow the bug report guidelines otherwise we cannot help. Note there were no changes to the way Local Storage works between r272 and r275.
FYI once SVG rasterization is complete, SVG Picture draws exactly like a Sprite. The performance difference probably only comes from SVG Picture calculating if it needs to rasterize the SVG larger if the object is being displayed bigger (which it won't if everything stays the same size, but it still has to check).
You could put the parameters in an Array object instead.
Why not just try it out? You can drag and drop an SVG file in to the editor in the latest release.
It's currently designed for basic support only, so it does not cover animations. Other things like whether or not the file is inline seems to be irrelevant given the way Construct works.
No, I didn't mean that, I meant that as in they should have negligible overhead. It shouldn't matter at all, but as I mentioned, anything involving performance ought to be verified with measurements.
You can test this yourself. See Answer your own performance questions with measurements
In general families should have little overhead, but as ever, the most important rule when dealing with performance is to optimise things based on actual measurements, not speculation.