Colludium - thanks for the project and repro steps - I could reproduce what you showed in the video, which meant I could finally make some progress on this.
It looks related to the fact the Properties Bar is cycling through the objects really fast. When the Animations Editor is closed, it refreshes the Project Bar, which involves deleting all the items and recreating them. However as it deletes items it keeps changing the selection to a different item, which in turn updates the Properties Bar, redraws the layout etc. which is slow and probably thrashes CPU & memory. I'm not sure when this started happening - perhaps it was an update to the third-party UI library we use that changed how selections work while deleting items, or maybe it was always there and people only just noticed this specific case.
Anyway I adjusted the code to make sure it doesn't try to handle selection changes while deleting items, and it doesn't do the cycling through objects any more, is much faster, avoids hanging, and probably avoids spiking the CPU and memory, which may well fix the problem where it crashes in some cases. I guess we will have to wait until the next beta release to verify this though, since it's possible there are different cases involved here. I'll try to get that out in the next couple of weeks (but in an unrelated matter, at the moment we're having to wait for an unexpectedly lengthy certificate renewal before we can issue another C2 update).
For the record this demonstrates the importance of having a project that reliably reproduces the problem, and is why our bug report guidelines require that. Without any way to reproduce the problem we have no way to investigate it, and the problem can hang around for months. As soon as someone can provide a project that reliably reproduces the problem, we can usually deal with it right away.