Ashley's Forum Posts

  • Interesting ideas, just to add my comments...

    1. A Web-style creation system with simple-to-program randomization ... randomly display characters, or numbers ... all much simpler than it is now

    I don't understand your point about randomness. The random() expression gives you a random number. You can use that to jump to random layouts, display random numbers, make random events happen, etc. What are you asking for to be different here?

    [quote:23llzzmp]2. Sports-friendly creation algorithms ... engines built to accommodate shooters and platformers

    Nothing about Construct is specifically tailored to specific games - it's probably the built in behaviors that gave you this impression. If you like, you could develop (or hire someone to develop) sport-friendly behaviors via the C++ behavior SDK. Construct itself is aimed at creating any kind of 2D game, so features are necessarily generalised so they can be applied to as many kinds of game as possible.

    [quote:23llzzmp]3. A Template system

    You can select File - new template/example since we planned a system just like this, but there aren't many that ship with Construct. I'm open to community submissions for the templates dialog.

  • Because we haven't written full support for translations yet and there's no UI to change language - as soon as someone fixes that in the source code, translations will be more useful.

  • Another of my just-curious polls. I was wondering how many of you use the python scripts in the event sheet editor at all. I get the feeling not many people use it, but it'd be useful to know if more/fewer than I expect are using it at the moment.

    Python was always meant to be an addition to events, not a replacement, so that highly algorithmic or logical parts can be scripted. I'm not sure how successful the current Python implementation is at doing that right now, or if anyone bothers to use it at all! It's definitely an interesting idea that could be taken further, so this poll is just to see where things are right now. Feel free to add your comments below.

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  • OK folks, link is updated. If you downloaded before seeing this post, hit the link again and reinstall (you can install over the previous installation and it should drop in the new physics files). That should fix the physics startup issue.

  • Physics didn't build properly so won't work atm, will upload a fixed build asap.

  • I don't think this is elitism or newbie hating, it's just the answer to "Can I make X?" is almost always simply "yes".

    As for the FAQ: in this forum is the sticky Are you new? READ FIRST! which links to the FAQ which has answers for questions like Can Construct create (insert genre here) games? and Will Construct be able to export to Mac/Linux/XBOX? which might be useful for the OP.

  • Download Construct 0.99.72 (unstable)

    This is an

    unstable build. You can help Construct's development by downloading it, trying it out, testing and reporting bugs. If you have projects you want to work on without possible bugs getting in the way, stick to stable builds.

    Link to previous build (0.99.7) changelog

    Some more general bug fixes before the new year. Hope y'all had a good christmas if that's your thing! This build fixes some problems introduced in 0.99.7 plus a batch of general other bug fixes. Davo's also added some bracket matching and syntax colouring to the parameters dialog

    Full changelog


    • [FIX] Timer: crash when saving/loading
    • [FIX] Platform Movement: Detecting a wall to the left/right of you no longer picks up 'slopes'
    • [FIX] Physics: custom collision masks with a hotspot not in the centre would not work as expected
    • [CHANGE] Physics: Simulation Steps - Control how accurate this physics is.


    • [FIX] Canvas: runtime did not scale canvas texture if it was scaled in the layout editor.
    • [FIX] Canvas: drawing lines didn't work correctly (co-ordinates got messed up)
    • [FIX] Canvas : Pasting objects into it when its at an angle now works
    • [FIX] Tiled Background: Non-power-of-2 images are inset by a pixel, but the tiles no longer 'overlap', the area is cropped back (semitransparent tiled backgrounds now render seamlessly)
    • [FIX] Text: Retrieving text width/height now works
    • [FIX] Edit box: 'Focus off' stopped some mouse & keyboard conditions working
    • [FIX] Array: Set index to ? x 0 x 0 followed by setting a value could crash
    • [FIX] Box: setting width/height reset hotspot position to centre

    Picture Editor

    • [ADD] Hotspot and image points finally have an input thingy to type co-ordinates into!
    • [FIX] Holding alt will now position image points in all the frames


    • [FIX] Collisions : A weird glitch involving the near bottom of the collision reported by davioware has been fixed.
    • [FIX] Memory leak with effects
    • [FIX] Crash when family spawning an object in that family.
    • [FIX] Families reported object counts incorrectly.


    • [ADD] Bracket matching and syntax colouring in parameters dialog
    • [FIX] Exporting an event with a trigger as a subevent, and within that trigger event having any other conditions resulted in duplicates. Now fixed
    • [FIX] You could rotate an object that wasn't rotatable (causing the bounding box to rotate)
    • [FIX] Python crash fixed.


    • [ADD] Added new 'set' pixel shader (0.0).

    Programmer's Version: Basically shaders like 'magnify' render a distortion of the background on top of the background. This means if you combine a magnify and an opacity tint, you can get half of the distortion and half of the background which is useful. However, if the background isn't opaque (an object rendering on a layer of its own texture, or say a distortion rendering onto a canvas) you get 'doubling up' of pixels in the background and the pixels in the foreground. So 'set' ignores all the pixels in the background.

    Human Version: If you're pasting an object with 'magnify' onto the canvas to mix the pixels up, put 'set' on it to stop the pixels getting solider!

  • Construct is not fully translatable, so I would wait until better translation support is implemented.

  • Still opens OK here... (remember to describe exactly what you're doing as well - I just clicked the link and Construct launched the file, I didn't try the method you used at first)

    Try deleting the .persist file with the same name/location as the .cap. Or, load the .cap, and the project bar might have loaded it with all layouts closed (so it has in fact loaded correctly but only populated the project bar, double clicking a layout will open it)

  • It keeps on showing an error that says that "/" is not recognized. Any help would be much appreciated.

    What expression are you typing in? This is the standard kind of path you'd use:

    AppPath & "sounds\file.wav"

    If you're using / on its own in an expression, that wouldn't mean anything, it has to be in quotes to be recognised as text (and not eg. as a divide symbol).

  • Thanks for the .cap - I had a look and it's actually a bug. Items.Count should report 3 since there are 3 objects in the Items family! That's fixed in the next build.

  • Try a tutorial on to cover the basics. You're asking questions which tutorials will teach you the answers to.

  • Looks like everything's working 100% fine here. Please always remember to describe what you expect to happen, and what you see happening.

  • When I said "Usually if you are suggesting a plugin or behavior, it helps to give a comprehensive description and possibly an example list of the actions, conditions and expressions it might feature", I didn't mean paste in the actions, conditions and expressions of an existing behavior. That's not thinking through how it's going to work at all! Rather than focus on the similarities to another behavior, focus on the differences, what's new about it, what it will do, how it will do it, why it's easier, why it's better than existing ways, how it integrates with existing features, the ways in which it will control objects, etc. etc. etc. There's a lot to think about.

    Behaviors aren't made by waving a hand and saying "it'll probably do something like that". Behaviors like the RTS movement are extremely carefully thought out and the algorithms and functionality are very carefully designed. That's necessary because programming is necessarily specific (you're instructing the computer precisely what to do). Feature requests which aren't well thought out are vague (so programmers don't see the benefit of going to all the effort) and also may result in something you didn't want, because you never said exactly what it was you wanted!

  • Are you saying you want to count how many families an object has in the events? Why do you need to do that? I can't imagine any reason.