Ashley's Forum Posts

  • Hey all,

    Now behaviors are effectively done, just wondering what's needed next most badly.

    I know the answer is actually "picture editor and animations for sprite". However, Davo has said he is going to make a comeback and do that for C2! He did the 0.x one, so I'm sure he'll do a great job.

    If he's getting on with that, then I can be getting on with something else. I'm not sure what is next most missed though, after picture editor and animations. So: another poll to find out!

    Note: I won't consider exporters at this stage, since the HTML5 exporter should be finished first.

    As before, all these are planned for eventual implementation. It's just a question of which to do first. Which do you miss the most?

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  • I don't see a pixel gap on Chrome, but I see it on IE9. I think it's because of floating point positioning and scrolling. It depends on whether the browser can draw images at floating point coordinates or not (Chrome doesn't, IE9 does, it seems).

    It's a bit of a tricky one to get it absolutely pixel perfect, but I'll look in to it for a future build. For practical games it shouldn't be much of an issue anyway - the standard practice is to use an invisible square for movement and collisions, with an animated sprite positioned on top.

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  • Why can't you build it? You should always provide the error messages you get.

    Also, are you using VS2008 Express? The express edition doesn't have all the necessary headers.

  • Download Construct 2 public preview 35

    Link to release 34

    Lots new in this build! Firstly, an early version of the Platform behavior! It's not as advanced as the old Classic one, but it should be fun to play with. Try an online demo here (.capx file here). Don't forget to add the Solid behavior to objects you want it to land on.

    Secondly, the expressions panel has a little tweak where it remains semitransparent if you don't use it. That should stop it being distracting if you don't need it immediately. So at first it looks something like this:

    <img src="">

    If you mouse over it or use it, it becomes fully opaque again. I think it's a nice visual reminder that you want to direct your attention to the parameters, but let me know if you find it distracting.

    Thirdly, behavior expressions are done! These appear in the expressions panel in a similar way to behavior actions and conditions in the event wizard, like this:

    <img src="">

    Behavior expressions have a new syntax: Object.Behavior.Expression. For example, Player.8Direction.Speed. Behaviors also appear in autocomplete for expressions:

    <img src="">

    ...and you can autocomplete a full behavior expression as well:

    <img src="">

    Finally, a nice little cosmetic change is behavior actions and conditions now show the behavior icon by the behavior name, a bit like this:

    <img src="">

    Let me know if you have any more suggestions or ideas! I think the new syntax is much better than Classic (Player[8Direction].Speed), especially since it autocompletes fully.


    • [Feature] Behavior expressions. The syntax to use is Object.Behavior.Expression, e.g. Player.8Direction.Speed. This is an improvement over the Classic syntax (Player[8Direction].Speed) - it's a bit more readable just with dots separating. The object panel by the parameters dialog now also lists behavior expressions next to object expressions (similar to the event wizard for behavior actions and conditions). Behaviors also autocomplete like object expressions. Behavior expressions also work with instance indexing, so you can use e.g. Player(3).8Direction.Speed to get the 4th instance of Player's 8 direction movement speed.
    • [Add] Platform movement behavior. This is very simple compared to the Classic platform movement, but is a start. It only lands on Solids right now.
    • [Add] Object panel: the panel window now starts off semitransparent. This should draw the user's attention to the parameters dialog where their input is needed. It fades in if you move the mouse over it, and fades out if you move back, but once you use it (i.e. click on something) it doesn't fade out again.
    • [Add] 8 direction: now cannot pass through solids
    • [Add] Event sheet view: behavior actions and conditions now show the behavior icon next to the name
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